Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1569: Chase and Pit

Facing the opponent's attack once again, Tang Yin's hand-cannon mentality was already a shot, and a flying cannon flew horizontally to avoid Bai Shu's second slash.

Then the jetpack of the ammunition expert, the mechanical rotor of the master, and the various heavy firearms of the gunner were used one after another.

Tang Yin flew up and down in the low altitude like this.

Tang Yin used his gunner skills to move in the sky one after another. Although his first shot was cool, he was unable to ask Bai Shu in the end. No way, Bai Shu's operation is really nothing to say, all kinds of attacks are accurate and fast, it seems that the team's Tang Yin sniper rifle is terrifying, so he even directly uses Bai Shu to move in the air, chasing and guarding against Tang Yin's attack. .

The continuous operations of the two made the audience at the scene a little dizzy. The characters of the two were just running around in a small patch of sky and ground. Tang Yin relied on various gunner-type stagnation skills to control the ground and the ground. All kinds of flash exhibitions move.

Bai Shu, relying on the single skill of the crusade trial, kept chasing Tang Yin, and the rhythm of the technique was also very smooth. Even if the opponent is Tang Yin, he can always control others from behind, and bite him to the death behind Tang Yin's back, one can imagine his terrifying skills.

The continuous change of direction between the two sides only happened in a short period of time. Sometimes a skill like Tang Yin's was not finished, another skill had already started.

At the end, the howitzer landed on a grass that couldn't even hide much, and then a sliding shovel flashed out of it. By this time, the first laser cannon used by the same silver has not finished cooling.

After all, although Tang Yin's skills were switched one after another, Bai Shu was just one skill, and he wanted to make each individual skill move as efficiently as a skill. The speed of operation should naturally be increased to a level of thought.

Even Bai Shu was surprised that relying on a single skill, he was able to avoid his ultimate pursuit. Isn't this a bit ridiculous. You must know that his crusade approval can be used as a multi-stage displacement skill, but it still can't catch up with Tang Yin. Is this guy really a rookie who just debuted?

Having seen the way Tang Yin's five-flowered handle was moved just now, the audience is now looking forward to Tang Yin's future movement. After all, it wouldn't be surprising if Ye Xiu had so many ways to move. But Tang Yin is just a sharpshooter in the final analysis, and the skills he uses are also within the scope of the gunslinger system. But that's it, since the opponent's attack couldn't hit him at once, it surprised them a bit.

Now Tang Yin has used these multiple skills one after another, but he still failed to ask the opponent to pursue him. Knowing that Tang Yin used five skills in succession and avoided five attacks, but the level 75 Crusader Judgment attack can reach It is as high as nine, and now the opponent has only hit five attacks, which means that there are still four attacks that have not been completed.

How will Tang Yin avoid the opponent's skills this time? Jump up to pick up the gun directly, or use skills to retreat again? And just when everyone was looking forward to how Tang Yin would move next, someone suddenly discovered that, at some point, the flash mines in Tang Yin's skill tree suddenly entered a cooldown.

Be aware that going into cooldown, the stable means this skill is used, but when? Isn't Tang Yin running in the sky the whole time? Why did you use the skill all of a sudden? When was it used again?

I didn't dare to go to the court and the form didn't give the audience time to recollect this issue. After all, the two sides are now fighting the rhythm here. At this time, Bai Shu's sixth attack has also swiped and fell from the air, chasing Tang Yin. follow the route. But just when he passed through the haystack that fell before Tang Yin.


A burst of white light exploded, this was a flash mine used by Tang Yin! It was only when everyone realized that Tang Yin's flash mines were placed here. After all, Tang Yin used the action of squatting on the ground to place flash mines on the ground, but no one noticed because of the existence of haystacks.

The limitation of flash mines on players is above his stun effect. Although Tang Yin's flash mine level is very low, the corresponding stun can be easily escaped, but a little pause is enough for Tang Yin. ! Seeing Tang Yin, who had just finished sliding the shovel here, turned around immediately, and at the same time had a sniper rifle in his hand.

It's the Barrett sniper rifle!


With a loud gunshot, the huge sniper bullet of Barrett's sniper rifle flew directly towards Bai Shu, and in an instant, it crossed the direct distance between Tang Yin and Bai Shu, and before his dizziness ended, he completed a headshot again. This time, it was the stun effect of the sharpshooter's 70th-level skill. It's not that easy for Bai Shu to get rid of.

But at this moment, Bai Shu's body suddenly flashed a white light, it was the priest's skill purification. And that's exactly what he does with the weapon. Relying on purification, Bai Shu directly lifted the stun effect. The knight sword in his hand was thrown directly at Tang Yin and smashed directly at Tang Yin.

Soul Royal!

If you can throw your own weapons, it is naturally the low-level skill of the exorcist, the soul, and the exorcist and the knight are both priests, and these low-level skills are interoperable.

This attack of Yuhun can be said to be very sudden, causing all Happy fans at the scene to exclaim, but Tang Yin did not panic at all, and directly kicked the knight sword thrown by the opponent back with a roundabout kick. He also followed directly, throwing out two grenades one after another in his hand.

Separate Freeze Grenade and Gravity Grenade.

Gravity Grenade will create a neutral position in a certain area, attract local units to the center of the grenade and deal continuous damage.

Seeing these two grenades Bai Shu was like evacuating, but before he dodged, the gravity grenade exploded in advance, pulling back Bai Shu who was about to escape, and then the freezing grenade exploded. After all, Bai Shu could not escape the fate of being frozen.

Then Tang Yin took the opportunity to step forward, and when Bai Shu burst out of the ice, Tang Yin was already in front of him. Tang Yin kicked Bai Shu directly and forcibly overturned him to the ground. It is the grabbing skill of the gunslinger. Stepping on Bai Shu under his feet is a few shots, followed by a floating shovel. He kicked it into the air again, and Tang Yin, who got up, kicked Bai Shu who was still in the air in front of him with a single blow!

While dizzy, I wanted Bai Shu to kick into a pit.

This pit is about the height of two characters, and the characters can easily jump out. The entrance of the cave is not big, but it is not small.

Just as Bai Shu continued to break free from the dizziness with hand speed, and was about to leave here, a figure fell directly from the sky and blocked a small part of the exit...

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