Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1575: Yang Cong's experience

Although the results of 301 in recent years have not been particularly outstanding, they have been in and out of the playoffs. But after all, there is a lot of experience in entering the playoffs, and Yang Cong is an old player who has made his debut since the third season and already has such a season of experience. He is well aware of the suffocating feeling that every game in this postseason will decide where to stay.

So for the experience of the playoffs, he can say that he is not lacking at all, and it is precisely because of this that at the juncture of how dangerous the team is, he can still think and analyze the problems they may face so calmly.

He is very clear about his purpose this time. His main purpose this time is not to seize the commanding heights, but to investigate where the situation is. After all, Happy's Lord Grim may still be faster than him. If the other party wants to seize the hand Absolutely in front of him. When it's time to start a head-to-head confrontation with the other party, it is obvious that he is at a disadvantage.

After all, the individual competition has already shown the direct strength gap between him and Ye Xiu. Now that he is out of touch with the big army, he can easily be suppressed by the opponent. And the play rhythm in the playoffs, the most important thing is to put yourself in an invincible position. So now Yang Cong doesn't have any intention of going head-to-head with Ye Xiu.

He simply wanted to take a look, to see how Happy's tactics this time arranged a fight against Farrow. Of course, if the other party is negligent, he will not hesitate if there is any opportunity for him to take action. Even taking away the opponent's treatment with a single death blow like the last time is not possible.

And if there is no chance, then he will wait. Before the big troop round, they had been waiting for an opportunity to make a sure shot.

Soon Tongmu Lou appeared in Yang Cong's line of sight. He didn't step forward immediately, but moved while observing the situation, and then he manipulated the scenery and circled to approach.

When he directly fought against Ye Xiu, the speed at which the opponent burst out should have already reached the Tongmu Building position by now.

But there doesn't seem to be any figure on the roof of Tongmu Building, so the question arises, where did Lord Grim, who should have already arrived, run off? downstairs? Inside the building? Or is it hiding somewhere near here? Attack yourself at any time here?

While Yang Cong was calculating the opponent's movement speed, he believed that the opponent should judge his speed more clearly, after all, the two of them have been dealing with each other for so many years. His role is naturally clear to the other party. After all, even Lord Grim, who has appeared for a season, already has a rough statistic, not to mention the scenery he has used for so many years to kill.

Although it is said that as the core main force of 301, the coverage rate of silver weapons in landscape killing is also very high. After all, the achievements of so many years, not to mention the killing of his scenery, now the main character attributes of each major team have been eliminated. Everyone made a judgment. With Ye Xiu, Zhang Jiale, Wei Chen and other veterans in charge, how could Xingxin not know.

All he had to go around in such a circle was to confirm Lord Grim's current position. After picking him up, he had already gone around, but Ye Xiu was still nowhere to be seen.

There are indeed a few good ambush locations near Baitong Tower, but Yang has paid attention to those locations, but he still doesn't see any Ye Xiu. Since there wasn't any outside, if Ye Xiu had really arrived, he would have already entered the Baitong Building.

The interior of Baitong Building is a circular staircase that leads directly to the top of the tower. There are no windows in the whole building, and some are only modeled and cannot be opened. And if Ye Xiu was here, he wouldn't be able to observe their movements outside, let alone launch an attack. Here he can only wait and see,

Thinking of this, Yang Cong did not continue the pace of entering by himself. After walking around the Baitong Building, he already had a ground test in his heart. Moreover, he also found a very good ambush position beside Baitong Building, and he thought about where to start moving, preparing to ambush directly first.

Although it is the current situation, there is no way to be sure whether Lord Grim has reached him or not. But one thing he can be sure of is that the other two gunmen are definitely not in it.

And since they haven't arrived yet, the place where Scenic Killer is hiding now is a perfect ambush position. Just enough to ambush and kill any of the two people who are about to reach the commanding heights upstairs. And if he can successfully intercept the people among them and break Happy's plan to occupy the commanding heights, then no matter who the place is, in close combat, he is confident that he has the advantage.

But if the target was Zhang Jiale, the chance of success would be even greater, and he could even hold him back and force Happy's people to come to support him, thus restraining them as a whole and completely breaking their original tactics.

Yang Cong's series of plans can be said to be interlinked. The quality of a veteran who has rich experience in playoff battles is fully reflected.

In this way, Yang Cong's landscape murder was ambushed at the place he chose. And this position is definitely very good for him personally, not only has a very good aggressiveness towards the location of Happy's refresh location, but also can guard against possible attacks on the other side of the Baitong Building. Thinking that he is looking from the other two ends here, it is a dead end.

And just as Yang Cong hid his figure, he heard a few gunshots in his ear.


Yang Congzhan knew that this must be Zhang Jiale using the flying gun to move, UU reading www.uukanshu. After all, if it was Tang Yin, he would definitely use the faster-moving hand cannon.

And now that the sound was getting closer, Yang Cong also began to calculate in his heart, ready to attack at the best moment.




Now Yang Cong already has a picture of Zhang Jiale gliding with a flying spear in Yang Cong's mind.



There was another gunshot, and the picture in Yang Cong's mind became clearer and clearer. These were all judged by his years of experience, and just relying on feeling was enough to outline the picture.

Realizing that now was the best opportunity, Yang Cong stood up without hesitation, and the figure of Zhang Jiale just happened to appear in his view.

Arc Flash!

The scenery kills directly kills.

A cold light flashed across the void in an instant!

Yang Cong's Landscape Killer is the current Glory's No. 1 assassin. Of course, the arc flash he uses is not comparable to Ye Xiu's Lord Grim, but Landscape Killer's weapons are dual swords. His boringness is not the faster attack speed. A dagger, but a double sword whose attack power and attack range are above the dagger.

And in Glory, the same skill. But different weapons have different effects and ranges. The words of the dagger are naturally a cold light flashing through the void. But when the double swords in the landscape killer used arc flash, the two swords crossed, flashing a cross-shaped cold light, and then wanted to sway to the left and right.

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