Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1579: Sacrifice Roar

The remaining four players in 301 could only do their best to deal with the rest of Happy, and there was nothing subtle about their play style. However, Bai Shu's performance in the team game was much brighter than his performance in the Thunder game. Whether it is protection, coordination, or even a frontal charge, he is just right.


It can be said that he took the responsibility of the Cavaliers to the extreme, and now he is the absolute core of the operation of the 301 team, there is no doubt about this. As Yang Cong said, he will leave 301 at the tactical core. Now he is an important part of 301 tactics, but Bai Shu is the real core of 301 now.


It's a pity that although Bai Shu's performance is very good, but only he is in the 301, after all, it is only a health care that has lost the sword's edge. It can indeed be used for dealing and fighting. What a winning method.


On the contrary, the scene on Happy's side was completely different. Ye Xiu's Lord Grim and Tang Yin's Getaway once again embodied what is called tacit understanding. When the two cooperated with each other, they flew up and down in the battle group of 301. The offensive of the two men restrained 3014 people abruptly. It gave Yifan a lot of space to read articles freely.


And since Yifan met, his singing has not stopped, and he has set up ghost formations one after another.


Although it is said that the ghost formation is dead, people are alive. If a rookie sees such a situation, he may think that the formation ghost formation is very good for the opponent. As long as they stay away from me, won't the other side take me out of the way?


Although there is nothing wrong with this idea alone, Yifan, as a professional-level ghost, has a very strong view of the situation. Every ghost set has its own special purpose. A very thorough network has already been compiled. Those who want to break free and penetrate it are by no means able to contact their own dangers by simply relying on a simple "I stay away from it". Especially in teamfights.


After all, ghost formations are dead, and people are alive. Among them, these living people also include those who set up ghost formations!


You must know that in a team battle, if you want to retreat, you must retreat together. Naturally, it is impossible to be like in a duel, where one person wants to go away so chicly, and the team in the middle of the ghost formation is to use this. Point, using the placement of the ghost array, you don't need to trap all the opponents, just leave a part or even one person. After all, it is impossible for the opponent to directly discard the trapped player like this.


If they dared to go, everyone in Happy would dare to go up and fight and take them away. This directly leads to attrition is even more beautiful.


Now the trouble is a bit big!


Watching the ghost formations falling around them one by one. The current situation of the 301 team is also very dangerous. Now they need Yang Cong's rescue very much, but the current Yang Cong of their team can't get away.


what to do?


Just when everyone in 301 was distressed, an "attention" popped up in their team channel. And the person who sent the message was Bai Shu.


Notice? What else should we pay attention to now?


Now is not the time to ask questions in the 301 Everyone's Team. All of them turned their eyes and looked at Bai Shu's current position.


The spirit of the elite!


I saw Bai Shu. The knight's skill was activated directly, and then the shield and the knight's sword crossed, and with this roar, they separated.

Sacrifice Roar!


Bai Shu had been waiting for an opportunity from the very beginning, an opportunity to directly control the four of Happy with his skills. And just now was the time he had been waiting for, but when the time came, he did not hesitate to directly awaken the chivalrous spirit and upgrade the knight skills. Then the sacrificial roar opened, and this blow directly attracted the four of Happy.


He had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, but he couldn't help it. He found that from the very beginning of the match, everyone in Happy had paid great attention to his use of his hatred-attracting skills. The occasional opportunity is also a trap for Happy.


As expected of Ye Xiu!


The current Bai Shu has some admiration for this guy who has completely abused their captain, who has been resting for almost a month, but still has such a strong command ability when he appears in one place.


But Bai Shu also believed that he would have a chance. After all, man is not a machine. As long as he has enough time, he can wait for the opportunity he needs. So he sinks his heart and waits slowly, watching their progress carefully, always ready to seize that opportunity.


And now it turns out that he did wait.


After Sacrifice Roar, the unit that is attracted must attack him. However, roaring and provocation are still somewhat different. The hatred effect of provocation is calculated by time, but roaring must be an attack on him to end. That is to say, within the range of Roar's skill, as long as it is an enemy unit, it must launch an attack on him. This blow has not been played, and the provocation has been unable to be lifted.


This is nothing to long-range occupations, after all, if they want to break the roaring state, they only need to hit the opponent with a single blow. But for the melee profession, it will be very so, after all, if there is a distance between them and the knight, UU read www.uukanshu. com they must complete the close-up to launch an attack. If you use the skill without getting close, the system will not judge it. After all, the system is not so easy to fool.


On the contrary, the system will increase the attack distance of the skills used by melee characters, which is very threatening to knights. This will determine whether the attack has any effect or not.


Needless to say, Ye Xiu and Tang Yin both had long-range attack methods. After Tidal used a sacrificial roar on them, they each gave him a blow and made contact with him. Except the offensive stopped a little, it had no effect, but just like that, the other three 301 players who were originally suppressed by them still seized the opportunity to try to break out of their suppression and do something they had long wanted to do. Dare thing.


And their target is Happy's Qiao Yifan. After all, Ghost Swordsman is a swordsman who uses the power of ghosts and gods, although in terms of attack distance, he is much stronger than Swordsman and Berserk Swordsman. But not to the point where you can raise your hand to attack the tide effectively while standing still.


Helpless, Qiao Yifan could only operate One Inch Ash to move faster. But he was the main target of Xibai's attack, so why would it be so easy to let him hit, and he immediately started to move to maintain the distance between the two, interrupting Yifan's control of the serial ghost formation


In this regard, the effect of roaring is quite perverted. As long as the opponent can't make anything effective, or let the system accept the attack. Then he can only be walked by the other party like this, and there is no time limit.


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