Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1581: The sky will always be his domain!

Only then did he realize why Ye Xiu dared to make them sing and purify in Wuwu.


If Ye Xiu is an unimaginable weapon, the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella is an unimaginable weapon, then Tang Yin is an unimaginable player, and his versatility is unimaginable. And they made a huge dislocation, that is, they didn't let people stare at each other without saying anything, and they pointed their backs at Tang Yin.


At this moment, the advantage of the long-range profession was revealed. He didn't need to get close as he was nervous. On the contrary, as long as he changed his angle a little, he could include all the scattered people in 301 into his attack range. And Ye Xiu was taking advantage of the brief time of a little over a second that the three of them were frozen.


There is no way to tell the bottom line that his freezing grenade is only level 1. The chance of triggering the freezing effect is strong, but the level of freezing is very low. With the speed of a professional player, you can quickly escape. Not only was it too late when he took it out. Because Tang Yin had already started to move quickly, and Bai Shu, who had a fight with Tang Yin in Gong Gong, was very clear about Tang Yin's starting hand. Exactly the extra gun. This is Tang Yin's starting skill to use four guns to hit the limit output.


Sure enough, the next Tang Yin directly threw the two spears in the middle forward, and a double eagle turned his hand, and the other two revolvers appeared in this hand, and it was a violent storm!


The double eagle's whirling and scattered attack, combined with the hurricane and torrential rain that Tang Yin started to use, immediately covered the small space they were in with bullet rain. And if it's a simple attack, it doesn't matter, you must know that Tang Ye fired ice bombs before.


Here they have just released the freezing effect, and the freezing effect will be added to them the next moment, so they can only stay where they are and take this wave of damage from Tang Yin.


It seems that Tang Yin is not an ammunition expert after all, the number of ice bombs is very limited, and the freezing effect of ice bombs is even under the freezing effect of ice grenades. Freeze really can't do anything with them.


And just after they lifted the freeze, they had just stopped Tang Yin when someone was here, because they had absolutely no qualifications to restrain Tang Yin. The reason was even simpler. Their main lineup in 301 was assassins, knights, and swordsmen. , Judo, plus a Healing Professional Guardian Messenger, these professions form a complete melee professional lineup, and this is another weakness of the real them: no long-range! .


The all-melee professional lineup itself has quite a few particularly extreme lineups. On the contrary, the all-melee team is still a relatively recognized lineup in the professional league. Compared with the all-long-range lineup of Wuji, it is so empty. Except for the fact that they are a little weak when it comes to long-range firepower, as long as they succeed in close quarters, their numerical advantage can be highlighted, and this is also an effect that all melee teams mainly pursue.


Of course, such an extreme lineup naturally also has its drawbacks, that is, it is more troublesome when cooperating with teammates, when encountering the opponent's long-range firepower suppression, and when trying to interrupt the opponent's skills. As it is now, they can't do anything about Tang Yin, who can completely cover their firepower from a distance. Because the sharpshooter's attack has a certain stiffness effect, it is difficult for them to move, let alone interrupt Tang Yin's offensive.


As for Tang Yin's output, the delay was enough. Ye Xiu and An Wenyi's skills fell one after another. Ye Xiu was naturally in contact with Yifan's hatred, while An Wenyi was a sacred fire. under the body.


Here, Yifan started to continue the formation as soon as the hatred was lifted. Ye Xiu had already gone up to Bai Shu's side, and the war sickle that changed from the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in his hand slashed towards the opponent. In the face of Ye Xiu's attack Bai Shu, he also wanted to use his skills to teach him, but with the burning of the An Wenyi sacred fire, his skills could not be released at all.

Bai Shu was helpless.


Facing Ye Xiu, he has no good way to do it now. Although he is still under the effect of chivalry, but now he has the sacred fire in his body, but he can't even release his skills. for what?


To be fair, if it was only his own words, Bai Shu wouldn't be afraid to counsel Ye Xiu. The big deal is to hold the shield against the quilt. Although his shield's defense power is not as high as that of the Wall of Sighs, it is still somewhat unlikely that Ye Xiu will give him any effective damage.


But now it's not a heads-up, he can't just raise a shield to defend here by himself. Now is the team competition, he still has his task, which is to restrict Qiao Yifan, and now they need to continue this theme.


At this moment, Bai Shu's body also flashed a purified white light. This is his skill on the shield. Use this skill to touch the sacred fire of the body.


Then a just heroic jump straight up!


He saw Bai Shu jumping up in the rain of Tang Yin's bullets, jumping directly from Ye Xiu's headline, and chasing after Qiao Yifan. But you must know that Tang Yin is still staring at them now. Seeing Bai Shu jumping up directly, Tang Yin immediately stopped the attack in his hand, and swung around and took out a sniper rifle.




A gunshot rang out, and Bai Shu, who had jumped up handsomely, was dazed and fell to the ground. Directly smashing a giant pit of humanity on the map, the knight who can't make a sound of plate armor is one word: heavy.


At the beginning, even Han Wenqing fell into a pit~www.readwn.com~ not to mention Bai Shu, a knight with plate armor and a huge knight shield.


Such an embarrassed appearance directly caused a burst of laughter in the audience.


At the same time, he is also very proud. This is their deputy team, and the sky will always be his domain!


And Ye Xiu, who had already killed Bai Shu, certainly wouldn't let go of this opportunity created by Tang Yin. It was as if he had expected Tang Yin to get a headshot. , the war sickle in his hand has become a war spear. Round dance stick!




Against the tide in the pit is a one-shot attack from above.


The first time he touched the stunned Bai Shu when he landed, he was going to go crazy. You must know that he had already made a defensive state at the first contact with the stun, but he was still one step behind Ye Xiu. More importantly, he did not expect that the other party would Attack from heaven. How high is the strength of this glory textbook?




Then Ye Xiu threw the war spear again, and once again threw Bai Shu back into the hole he smashed. Being smashed by the best knight in the entire class twice, there was not only one more hole on the ground, but even the other two people who had supported 301 in the past attacked the ground and shook.


But they thought that the support in the past was not so smooth. After all, except for the sniper rifle, Tang also attacked them all.


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