Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1588: Tang Yin moved by his butterfly effect

After the final result of the alliance was issued, everyone suddenly realized that this was the fourth time!


This is the fourth time Ye Xiu has won this award, and this is undoubtedly a record of glory once again.


The record of being the most valuable player three times before this belonged to Ye Xiu himself, but no one would have imagined that after so many years, this guy would win this award again. Once again, the odds of winning the number of best professional players have been refreshed.


Four times the most valuable player, don't think it's as simple as four times. You must know that the entire alliance has only been held for ten times, and Ye Xiu alone is about half of that. Seriously terrified.


Ye Xiu was followed by Zhou Zekai, the number one player in Glory. He was rated as the best player in the eighth and ninth seasons in a row.


Then there are Wang Jiexi in Season 7, Huang Shaotian in Season 6, Zhang Jiale in Season 5, and Han Wenqing in Season 4, who have just won the best player Tang Yin with him. After all, that one is only the official statement of Glory, and the awards issued are still the most valuable players.


This is the return of the real king! The most valuable player is the affirmation of Ye Xiu's strength and value.


Seeing that Ye Xiu once again won the most important award in the regular season. Ideas like this have set off the web.


During the preparations for the playoffs, because of the promulgation of major awards in the regular season, while making waves, the attention of the playoffs has once again been raised to the peak. Along with Happy's fame, after all, most of the various awards in the regular season were won by the rookie team of Happy.


And this is also where the major media are depressed. After all, Happy is now in a state of total closure preparations, and they can't interview them at all.


But now the topic of Happy is too hot, because of the results of various awards. There are all kinds of debates online now. Among them, Tang Rou's best sixth prize was the most controversial. The competition with Tang Rou is the Blue Rain team Song Xiao, but it's not rude, the Blue Rain team Song Xiao's performance this season is also very bright. But in the end, it was given to Tang Rou.


And the teams that successfully won the prizes will receive notifications from the league in person, both in paper letters and electronic letters. As for Tang Rou, Tang Yin, and Ye Xiu winning the award, Chen Guo was the happiest among Happy.


But even if they had won the most awards from Happy, Chen Guo still wouldn't give up. Directly incarnate as an unreasonable picker.


For example, Chen Guo was very dissatisfied with the progress award that was not awarded to them in the end. He completely ignored that this season was the season when Qiao Yifan started playing games, but unilaterally believed that Yifan had improved a lot from when he was in Tiny Herb. They have all progressed from a drinking fountain player to a genius like Gao Yingjie who defeated Xiang Gao. Since the league officials did not award the Progress Award to Be Yifan. Simply unreasonable.


There is also the best combination, even if Tang Yin is her younger brother, but the best combination he thinks is only Ye Xiu and Mucheng. Ye Xiu and Tang Yin. That's all heresy, and they're going to be caught and burned by the big fff group. And Tao Xuan insisted that Ye Xiu and Mu Cheng were both players from his Excellent Era, and supported Chen Guo's point of view. The two seemed to have found a common topic and jointly attacked Tang Yin all afternoon.


Tang Yin: "..."


Tang Yin, adhering to the principle that the opponent has a large number of people, he will suffer a loss from two fights, he will resolutely counsel a wave, first keep a small notebook, and then let them both return slowly.


"These awards should all belong to us!" Finally, Chen Guo made a final comment on the results released by the alliance.

As for Chen Guo's complaints, except for Tang Yin's accident, they were all just laughing at it.


This kind of award starts naturally. Everyone in Happy who brought you to this moment is very clear that it is not yet time for them to be happy. After all, they still have a lot of things to do to prepare for the playoffs.


Among them, the most priority is to adapt to the equipment, to adapt to the new equipment of Tang Yin and Ye Xiu!


That's right, after a season of hard work, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's weapons, the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and Illusory God, have finally been upgraded to level 80!


The equipment needs to be reduced by 5 levels, and the attributes like this card bug have finally been successfully created, and it is still distributed on all the forms of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and the Phantom God.


This makes the overall attributes of the two of them's weapons improved by a notch compared to the current mainstream level 75, and even the additional attributes have been improved to varying degrees.


The one that has changed the most is the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella. After this upgrade, the form it can change has increased again.


The original form of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella is the nine forms of shield, spear, rifle, sword, war sickle, staff, ninja, oriental stick, and knight sword after being formed at level 50. Of course, it also has the back of the mechanic. function of the mechanical package.


And after this upgrade, the mentality that had been formed before continued, and in the process of upgrading from level 75 to level 80, Guan Rongfei successfully added three additional forms and an additional function to the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella.


And when Tang Yin saw this extra function, tears would flow out of Tang Yin's eyes. The butterfly effect was so small that he began to give up on himself, and finally had an impact on the world again.


Because the current Xingxin's supply of various materials is quite sufficient, and the team's guild department is also very strong. Let Guan Rongfei have more research capital.


After his research and development, the current Thousand Manifestations Umbrella is based on the dismantling method in the form of Dongfang Stick, and there is an additional form of double swords that can be transformed into the dark night. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com


The rib that originally supported the canopy can also be disassembled, turning it into a fighting claw weapon that is attached to the back of the hand. That is Street Fighter's proficient weapon type.


The last one is to fold the umbrella. Then take advantage of the fan-shaped juxtaposition to unfold a semicircle in the umbrella pole. It looks like an oddly shaped priesthood axe. But this is just his appearance, in fact he is a great sword of the sword type.


At the same time, the sword form has also been changed, and it has become a lightsaber form. That is to say, when the umbrella handle is pulled out, the original place of the blade disappears and becomes the key now. The last extra feature is the individual thruster on the belt of the ammunition specialist, similar to the mechanic's mechanic bag. The Thousand Manifestations Umbrella single soldier propeller. Also on the umbrella handle, but just the other end of the umbrella handle.


So far, Ye Xiu's advice has changed from nine mental states and one auxiliary function to twelve forms and two auxiliary functions. It can be seen that Guan Rongfei's talent in equipment research is definitely a genius who can be compared to Brother Umbrella. Even if it was a genius work like the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, he would not simply continue to develop it just like Ye Xiu did.


Moreover, he could see that the developer's thinking is not limited to level 50. Why the developers, did not continue to open. But there are some reasons for sure, that is, the developers do not know what materials are after level 50, and the game has added those new attributes. And Guan Rongfei, boldly innovated, and finally raised the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella to a higher level.


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