Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1600: 01 get together

Seeing that because of her own problems, made Mucheng's emotions like this, Tang Rou felt a burst of regret. She had forgotten that Mucheng debuted in the fourth season, but she only won a runner-up in her first playoff game.


Don't look at the ranking of runner-up, which seems to be a good result after the championship, but in fact, the runner-up is a very painful thing. After all, the person in this position was only one step away from the final championship. And in the end, this feeling of all efforts falling short is not something that anyone can bear.


Annoyed and self-blame, there is nothing better than the runner-up ranking, which brings more negative emotions.


"Pick up, Mucheng," Tang Rou said.


"It's alright, it's been a long time ago," Mucheng said.


Has it really passed? ...Tang Rou thought with some worry that when she first met Mucheng, Tang Yin had introduced him to him, and since the fourth season's worth finals and the championship, Excellent Era began to go downhill. In the following seasons, Excellent Era hadn't even made it to the finals. And these were all after Mucheng joined Excellent Era.


Although Tang Yin made it very clear at the time, these were all problems of Excellent Era. Because of the alienation and exclusion of Ye Xiu from the senior management, many players also began to secretly team up. And Mucheng had done a good job. After all, she and Ye Xiu were the only ones who won all of Excellent Era's awards.


But looking at the current situation, those Best Partner awards couldn't reduce Mucheng's self-blame, even now she was still doubting whether she had helped Ye Xiu.


"This time we will definitely win!" Tang Rou said.


"Well, then again, are you nervous, Xiao Tang?" Mu Cheng smiled at Tang Rou.


"Originally I thought I wouldn't, but based on the objective facts now, I found that I was actually nervous to death." Tang Rou said.


Before she died, Tang Rou really didn't know what nervousness was. After all, taking down most of the things that made others nervous would only make Tang Rou more excited and motivated. But this time it was completely different. There was excitement and energy, but the nervousness didn't diminish. Even Tang Rou found that there was a fear deep inside him. Even if she didn't want to admit it, it was a fact.


"Is that so..." Mucheng didn't show any unexpected expressions, and continued to laugh, "But this might be a good thing for you, in fact, I used to think that you were too nervous, even though you said things that were too nervous. It's never a good thing, but if you're not nervous at all, that's not good either."


"Maybe, even Xiaoyin, I found him a little nervous." Tang Rou said, after all, she was her bedside. Even if she hadn't heard Officer Xiong and the others' profile of Tang Yin's character, Tang Rou could vaguely feel the tension of which side of Tang Yin was hiding.


"Speaking of which, Ye Xiu won't be nervous?" Tang Rou asked.


"Of course he's nervous, otherwise why do you think Tang Yin and Ye Xiu have had more battles this week? It's not just Tang Yin and Ye Xiu here." Having lived with Ye Xiu so much, of course, he could see that Ye Xiu was also hiding something. the tension. However, like Tang Rou, she didn't have any contestants to expose them, and just stayed by their side like this...


"Really? I can't tell at all." Tang Rou was a little surprised.


"In Ye Xiu's words, nervousness can be converted into motivation. So we have to enjoy this hard-won nervousness. Nervousness shouldn't be a hindrance to our professional players, it's just nutrition," Mucheng said.

"Er...Has Ye Xiu told Xiao Yin this sentence?" Tang Rou said with a strange expression on her face.


"No? I haven't seen it before, what's wrong?" Mucheng asked curiously.


"Because when I just entered the playoffs, Tang Yin used similar words to comfort me..." Tang Rou was depressed. It would be fine if Ye Xiu told Tang Yin, but if Ye Xiu didn't say...


Thinking of the other result, Tang Rou and Mucheng's expressions are not good, as expected, I still have to separate these two guys...


"Eh? You two are here too! Are you here for supper too?" Just as the two girls were frantically complaining about their boyfriends, a voice sounded. The two turned their heads and saw Tang Yin and Ye Xiu walking over with a large group of people.


"Night supper?" The two women obviously didn't react. They were brought here by Fat Da, and then they sat down and rested when they saw that there were seats here. They really didn't pay attention to the supper. Turning his head to lean on, he found that there was a roadside stall not far from them, and Pang Da had been looking in that direction. However, because the dog leash was pulled and did not start, there was already a piece of water under its mouth...


"Uh...it can be." Seeing everyone here, they just happened to be tired from walking Fat Da, so they decided to join everyone's Ye Xiu activities.


This time, except for Mo Fan in the training room, all of Xingxin's main members were almost assembled. Just one Zhang Jiale has not seen.


"By the way, did you know that Zhang Jiale went there?" Tang Yin asked casually.


"He? He went back to sleep a long time ago." Tang Rou said.


"Huh?" Everyone in Happy obviously didn't react.


"He's going to sleep in his room before the live broadcast of the match starts." Mucheng also said ~www.readwn.com~ After all, they had met Zhang Jiale when he went back to sleep.


"Going to bed after eight o'clock, this guy is living an old age, right?" Everyone in Happy looked bewildered.


At eight o'clock, Tang Yin, Ye Xiu and most of them were watching the game, and Mo Fan was training in the training room by himself. Wei Chen and Baozi were chatting about life in Maluya. Mucheng and Tang Rou were walking Fat Da, and since Zhang Jiale was already sleeping?


"Starting to sleep at eight, how long does this guy want to sleep?" Wei Chen said in surprise.


"Is this also a way to relieve stress?" Happy's rookies looked at Ye Xiu.


"Uh... Maybe I was afraid of insomnia, so I started to cultivate sleepiness early... After all, Zhang Jiale's situation is special." Ye Xiu said, but think about it, after being the second child of Wannian for so many years, now there is another impact on the president. The hope of the championship will indeed be more complicated, and it is normal to worry about not being able to sleep. It is normal to cultivate sleepiness earlier.


Thinking of this, everyone is no longer tangled. A group of people happily ate a late-night snack together, and then went back to sleep. After all, there is a game tomorrow, so it is better to rest early. So far, the last night before the game has come to an end.


The next day, Tang Yin went out and took the elevator. I just met Ye Xiu who came down. I'm going to have breakfast together and run errands along the way. After all, their daughter-in-law is still waiting for them to go back to feed. When I went downstairs, I saw Zhang Jiale reading a newspaper in the public rest area on the second floor.


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