Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1600: 06 Tentative

"This is the ultimate move that Happy is preparing for their playoffs?" Pan Sen said in an unbelievable tone in the commentary room.


"Am I still very curious, how did they come up with this level 80 equipment?" Li Yibo also said.


When the result here was still lamenting the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in Lord Grim's hand, the game was still going on. After all, the referee had already gone to the staff to confirm that it was not a system error, so there was no reason to stop the game. At this time, Song Xiao in the arena also saw the equipment level of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in Ye Xiu's hand.


"How is it? Are you afraid?" Ye Xiu asked.


"No matter how afraid you are, you have to bite the bullet!" Song Xiao replied.


It's not a loss to be a big-hearted player who is famous in the league. After all, the name of Mr. Key is not blown out, even if the opponent is facing Ye Xiu, who has won 37 consecutive victories this season, and now he suddenly has to face Level 80 weapons. Although Song Xiao was also surprised, he quickly calmed down his own emotions.


Biting your head? These words mean that this game is still an ordinary duel in his opinion, and his goal is still only one, that is to win.


"Come on!" Ye Xiu didn't say anything, the characters from both sides rushed out and killed each other directly.


As a map selection for a ring match, of course, you can't only consider Ye Xiu's convenience and other needs, and only the clean and simple maps of the players. After all, thinking about these maps, Tang Yin and Tang Rou may be able to play very smoothly, but like For players like Wei Chen and Mo Fan, it was very difficult to fight.


Therefore, the choice of the map of the arena is of course to take care of any one of the players, so the maps of the arena are generally richer.


But even though the map that Happy chose this time was a bit complicated, neither Ye Xiu nor Song Xiao wanted to use the map, and the two rushed directly to the middle of the arena.


The characters on both sides could see each other very quickly. Everyone was very curious about what kind of style Ye Xiu's Thousand Manifestations Umbrella would look like when he reached level 80. As a result, when the two sides were about to confront each other, Ye Xiu suddenly became A turn off.


In the regular season, he persisted for thirty-seven rounds. Ye Xiu, who was directly facing the front, decisively chose a tactical position in the first duel in the playoffs. Ah...this...


"Ye Xiu is trying to avoid a head-to-head confrontation with the opponent." Pan Sen's voice was a little surprised.


"Well, this is a very sensible decision." Li Yibo continued, and then began to explain: "After all, the ring competition is different from the individual competition. In the ring competition, you not only have to defeat the opponent, but also reduce your own damage as much as possible. So Under certain conditions, it is also necessary to use the terrain for some tactical play. This is why there are strong offensive players who are not suitable for playing in the ring.”


"After all, in the arena, the players can be said to fight in the way of attacking one thousand and losing eight hundred. After all, only the last drop of blood and no damage can only get one point, but these two situations are in the arena. Two completely useless results." Li Yibo paused in the middle to let everyone digest him.


"But there are also many teams in the league that still put some aggressive players in the arena. It seems that everyone is not deliberately avoiding these problems." Panson said.


"Well, after all, the concept of strong attack is only a player style, but it is not a set pattern after all. Even strong attack players can play flexible and smarter in the ring match, just like Ye Xiu. He is in His performance in the regular season was not that of a typical strong offensive player, but when he entered the ring, he immediately became more flexible." Li Yibo said.

"However, there are also players. Even in the ring match, their style of play is still to attack to the end." Pan Lin said.


"Well, there are no absolutes in the world. Every situation is different, the opponent is different, and of course the situation and attitude to deal with are also different." Li Yibo said.


But the two of them didn't continue talking here. They also thought that Ye Xiu had already controlled Lord Grim and completed the left turn and detour. They began to think that Song Xiao's character Taoluo Shaming was approaching from the right. However, Song Xiao saw Ye Xiu when he was turning a corner, so he had been prepared for him for a long time.


Although Ye Xiu made a tactical move, he didn't want Wei Chen to hide and not show up. Seeing that Ye Xiu came directly to the gaps in the bunker, he stretched his head out, the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella had turned into gun mode, and it was just boom boom, three anti-tank shells blasted out.


Originally, Song Xiao had been paying attention to this side, and he saw Ye Xiu's spearhead, and Ye Xiu's three anti-tank guns weren't even a sneak attack, but...




Song Xiaotao Luo Shaming was concentrated by one of Ye Xiu's anti-tank guns, and the powerful energy contained in the huge explosion directly knocked him back several steps. But Taoluo Shaming quickly stabilized his figure, and the operation was very calm.


"Song Xiao was hit on purpose!" Li Yibo immediately saw Song Xiao's intention.




"Song Xiao wants to use Ye Xiu's attack to speculate that after the Thousand Manipulation Umbrella is upgraded to level 80, its attack power will increase," Li Yibo said. After all, he suddenly upgraded his weapon~www.readwn.com~ They used to The existing data is naturally useless, and now completely new data must be collected. And Song Xiao took the initiative to take this blow, and he was prepared in his heart, not only for himself, but also for Blue Rain's teammates to test Ye Xiu's current intelligence. And in the next battle with Ye Xiu, he had to build up this information thoroughly.


"How can I say that Happy's change of equipment is really powerful. It directly makes the data collected by the major teams in the regular season useless. All calculations have to start from scratch." Pan Sen said.


"Not only that, you must know that the Thousand Manipulation Umbrella has more than one form, and each form has different attributes, which is even more troublesome to master." Pan Sen said.


"Xingxin's hand is really powerful." Pan Sen said.


"But Xingxin and the others only used these weapons. Wouldn't there be any problems when using them in conjunction with the teamfights?" Pan Sen asked again, after all, Xingxin's move was somewhat similar to the Zhu Xian they encountered during the challenge. All of them suddenly change equipment in key games.


"Ordinary people may experience problems when they change, but now it's Ye Xiu." Li Yibo said, although he didn't like Ye Xiu, he really couldn't criticize Ye Xiu's strength.


"In that case, did Happy's Tang Yin also upgrade his equipment?" Pan Sen asked.


"It's not clear yet, but I believe we'll find out soon." Li Yibo said.


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