Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1600: 13 Brave Lu Hanwen

Chapter 1646 One thousand six hundred chapters thirteen brave Lu Hanwen (please subscribe, please recommend)

Ignoring Li Yibo who couldn't say anything, Pan Sen continued: "Now Lu Hanwen's situation can be said to be very passive."

"I didn't expect that since Ye Xiu was able to anticipate Lu Hanwen's actions, is this a strategy he had already thought of before the match, or was it a temporary tactical change because of what he discovered?" Li Yibo also realized that what he just said was a little useless. . But now that the battle between the two sides had begun, they didn't have time to replay it to see why Ye Xiu discovered Lu Hanwen.

"This match won't be taken away directly by Ye Xiu again, will it?" Ye Xiu's casual fight has just begun, and Pan Sen's side has already begun to worry. The scattered people said that Lu Hanwen had already entered the All-Stars twice in a row just after his debut. In terms of cards, he was much more high-end than Song Xiao in the previous game. But the All-Star is just popularity after all, it doesn't mean that the player's strength is really the twenty-four strongest among all Glory players.

The idea is that in a game as big as the playoffs, this young man who has only debuted for two seasons cannot compare with Song Xiao, a well-known key gentleman in many aspects.

Even if it was Song Xiao, when it was time for a head-to-head confrontation, he was still suppressed by Ye Xiu's scattershot, and now Lu Hanwen was attacked directly at the beginning. In such a situation, it is very difficult to reverse its own decline.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, the two sides had just started to fight, Lu Hanwen's health began to drop rapidly, and Ye Xiu's combo dropped 15%, and the damage bonus of his back attack was very impressive, after all. Here is the 20% damage bonus.

If it is an Assassin, there is a bonus of the exclusive skill "Assassination Art", and his back damage can be as high as 40%. It is a pity that these exclusive skills and awakening skills cannot be used on weapons. , so Ye Xiu couldn't use it either.

"Right now, I can only hope that Lu Hanwen can calm down and look for opportunities to break through after stabilizing his form." Pan Lin continued.

see you soon!

This was Lu Hanwen's personal feeling after experiencing Ye Xiu's attack. From Ye Xiu's first blow to the dragon's teeth, until now, after a long time, his side has directly consumed 15% of his health.

You must know that the scattered people do not have the attribute bonuses of various proficient weapons and proficient armor. In addition, most of his abilities are only relatively low-level, and his output ability has always been his defect, and everyone also thinks that this is the total disadvantage of the scattered people.

But now what? However, Ye Xiu relied on his back attack and combo, and with these very limited damage skills, he instantly knocked out 15% of his health.

And Lu Hanwen also saw the reason, the output could not be enough, and the speed made up for it. Because he had experienced this kind of play before, and it was not once or twice, and each time he fought alone. This made his experience deeper, and the last time he had such an experience was not Huang Shaotian, the ace of their team, but another core of Happy, Tang Yin!

In the eighth season, their captain invited Tang Yin to be their assistant coach and sparring partner.

He also felt the same way when facing Tang Yin at the time. Because of Tang Yin's special way of adding points to his skills, the damage of his own skills was slightly worse than that of skills of the same profession, but these differences were made up by his extreme speed. It was so fast that no one had time to react.

But now he encountered it again, and Ye Xiu's current combo was not at all under Tang Yin's battle with him back then. It is also a weapon of change, and it is also the speed that makes it difficult for him to fight back.

But it's not impossible to fight back. When he hadn't debuted, he would have fought back against Tang Yin's attack, and even more so now! So Lu Hanwen is still there, even if he is suppressed, even if Ye Xiu's experience is far higher than his, even if Ye Xiu keeps adjusting his position.

Although Lu Hanwen has been working hard, how could Ye Xiu's attack be avoided with a little effort? Ye Xiu was still behind him in the successive confrontations.

Although this play is not a shadow step, many of the principles are the same.

However, this also has an advantage. The situation that Senior Song Xiao encountered in the previous game will not happen to him.

That's right, Lu Hanwen, a positive and enthusiastic young man, may still think about the good side of things even at this time. Even that so-called good side has no value. But it was still enough to make him feel happy.

And after the gratification is to find a way to break the current situation.

Lu Hanwen's performance could not be described as being in a hurry, let alone how calm and calm he was. He only has the courage in his heart to try everything, the courage to continue to come back even if he fails!

Bang bang bang!

During this period of time, Lu Hanwen's attacks have not stopped, but in the eyes of some high-level players, his current attack is somewhat unqualified, and the attack is like he is now a little flustered and has no rules and random attacks~www .readwn.com~ Lu Hanwen didn't want to just hack it, it would be very difficult to defeat Ye Xiu in no hurry. "Li Yibo said when he saw Lu Hanwen's style of play.

come on!

Now most of the audience are cheering for Lu Hanwen, especially Blue Rain's supporters.

However, although Lu Hanwen's current style of play seems a bit sloppy, it is not possible to say that he has no rules. At least Lu Hanwen hasn't used a method twice so far. That is to say, this set of attacks that seem to have no rules actually has Lu Hanwen's own ideas. He has been trying, because he couldn't think of a clear way to defeat the opponent, so he simply used all the methods he could think of.

It's like a gamble, if one doesn't work, then change to another, and if the other doesn't work, change...

bang bang bang...

Lu Hanwen, who still seemed to have no rules, was still wielding his giant sword to attack.

"Good boy!" Huang Shaotian, who had seen Lu Hanwen's thinking and purpose, exclaimed.

Yu Wenzhou also smiled and said nothing.

Not only them, but some people with top vision have now seen that, although some of the methods used by Lu Hanwen are really insane, even up to now, none of them can help him open up the situation. But he was still unaffected, and continued to try, one method after another, again and again. Although none of these methods helped Lu Hanwen open up the situation, they still had a greater or lesser impact on Ye Xiu.

And these somewhat inconspicuous influences have accumulated and become bigger in Lu Hanwen's attack after attack!

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(End of this chapter)


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