Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1626: The power of the Sword Saint is so terrifying!

"Uh...how do you say it. Ye Xiu won't have any strength left?" Pan Sen said in surprise. "After all, Ye Xiu has more than one Myriad Manifestations Umbrella, and it's never a secret. What skills you use on the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella will affect Ye Xiu's style of play in that match. I think Blue Rain is fighting Ye Xiu. When Xiu was a leader, he wanted to find out what skills Ye Xiu had in his hands. But even if Huang Shaotian came on stage, Ye Xiu only revealed two skills in the end. The rest of Ye Xiu used them all. Hidden, and its purpose is estimated to be for the future team competition."

"One is like this." Li Yibo nodded and said, that's what he meant, "Ye Xiu has already scored a very good result in this Thunder Race, so naturally there is no need to reveal information to fight for that one or two points. After all, compared to the team competition. The point difference in the ring match is really too difficult to open up. And Blue Rain, who couldn't get more treatment from Ye Xiu Qianji Umbrella, is also very depressed right now with the round dance stick."

"It seems that Huang Shaotian is very cautious in the face of Tang Yin and Huang Shaotian's performance this round. Even when moving, he clearly pays attention to all the places that can be ambushed nearby. Hey, what is Huang Shaotian doing? At this distance, there is an area here. There is no possibility of ambush at all, but why Huang Shaotian has been observing this area for a while. Instructor Li, what do you think of this?" Pan Sen asked when he noticed Huang Shaotian's abnormality.

"Huang Shaotian shouldn't be raising points. After all, if it's not particularly clear, the big screen mainly shows the main perspective of both sides, and his current Huang Shaotian should be using his main perspective to use the map that Happy has chosen to have more information. Show it to your teammates." Li Yibo said.

"Oh, so that's the case, Blue Rain is a team that makes people feel at ease!" Pan Sen couldn't help sighing after hearing Li Yibo's explanation.

"Yeah!" Li Yibo also said, after all, Blue Rain may be the most special existence among all the giants, a team called "Beauty with Regrets".

"Hey, I said Xiaoyin, don't you just plan to hide and chat with me like this, it's boring to hide, what are you doing with such patience? Are you thinking of some unreasonable plan again?" Huang Shaotian continued in public. said the channel. Although Tang Yin's trash talk skills were also very strong, there was still a long way to go from someone like Huang Shaotian who directly changed the rules of the alliance. After saying that, Tang Yin had nothing to say, but his body still kept talking.

Both of them are accustomed to this, after all, this is also the norm in their daily PK.

"Speaking of which, I've already passed the middle area, why haven't you come out yet? It's been a long time. Is the referee here? Hurry up and give him a yellow card." Huang Shaotian continued to rubbish.

And the referee is also very powerful, he just threw a yellow card, but the target was Huang Shaotian...

"Uh..." Huang Shaotian saw this scene, but he couldn't refute it for a while, after all, he was very clear about the reason.

After all, it's the playoffs now, not the All-Stars that they could play with. Even if the referee and the team Huang Shaotian were simply spouting trash talk and trying to detect him unintentionally, such words that directly guided the referee to make a judgment and punishment were absolutely zero tolerance in the league. As long as you dare to say it, the referee dares to give a yellow card directly.

Huang Shaotian was also quite helpless about this. After all, Tang Yin was a person with no formality. To fight with Tang Yin together, Huang Shaotian was really called a free ego. Usually, playing against Huang Shaotian with Tang Yin is called a free self, and it is precisely because he is used to freeing himself that he has forgotten where he is now. He really deserved a yellow card.

"Xiao Yin, but I've already received a yellow card for you. If you don't plan to come out like this, is it too unreasonable?" Of course, Huang Shaotian, who realized the problem, couldn't talk about the referee and directly pointed the finger at him. Aiming at Tang Yin again, his hand speed exploded for a while. One message after another is sent non-stop.

If the original Tang Yin could still interject every two or three sentences, now he would not even have the chance to interject. The dialogue windows of the two sides were filled with information about Huang Shaotian, and they didn't even need to be swiped. The most terrifying thing is that since none of these words are repeated, do you dare to believe them?

Don't talk about the audience, even the referee's eyes hurt a little when he sees it now. To be honest, as far as the current supervision of the players in the Glory competition is concerned, the things that the referee needs to supervise are really very limited. The number of yellow cards sent by the referee after a season is also very limited. Most of the yellow cards were also due to inappropriate use of trash talk. As a big output of trash talk, watching Huang Shaotian's game is definitely a kind of torture to the referee.

After all, if attention and opponents don't want to watch, he can completely ignore them. When they referees can't.

The messages sent by both sides during the game will be saved in the background. At the end of each round, the league officials will review each dialogue displayed by both sides. If the key found any inappropriate remarks in the words, and if the referee on the day found it, then this was the referee's fault, and the punishment was not small.

Originally, there was still very little trash talk with Ye Xiu in the last match, which made the referee very happy and fortunate. In the end, after Huang Shaotian met this newcomer~www.readwn.com~, it was like opening the chatterbox, all kinds of trash talk didn't stop from the beginning of the game, as if he was going to take Ye Xiu's unspoken trash talk once again. Sex says it all the same.

Originally, when the referee thought this was Huang Shaotian's limit, he never imagined that his yellow card would directly add a buff to Huang Shaotian's trash talk. Now the referee thinks that his eyes can be ignored.

The current referee is completely pulled by a string. This is the hope that he can quickly find a few more foul words in Huang Shaotian's trash talk, so that Huang Shaotian can be sent off the field directly and the torture of direct eyes can be ended.

But who is Huang Shaotian? After years of baptism in the professional league, his trash talk has reached a peak of excellence. Even the referee's eyes are bloodshot, and he can't find a single misalignment.

This is what is so scary about Huang Shaotian, no matter how fast his hands are or how many messages he sends, he can accurately avoid all the words and characters that need to be avoided.

After all, if Huang Shaotian would really be sent off by his own trash talk, how could he be so annoying to the major teams? After all, if Huang Shaotian could send him away himself, this would be a dream result for the major teams.

As for Huang Shaotian, who is now completely erupting, everyone can only observe three minutes of silence for his opponent Tang Yin and the referee...

The power of the Sword Saint is so terrifying!

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