Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1635: Sharpshooter's melee limit!

Huang Shaotian used this status skill for the first time. He didn't have the slightest doubt or shake because he didn't get any benefit from using this skill before. He still trusted his own judgment and used it directly at this critical moment.


For a time, Huang Shaotian's sword energy was washed away, and Tang Yin's bullets were directly blocked by the sword energy. The blocking effect of Jianding the world is limited.

Without the threat of Tang Yin's bullet, Huang Shaotian's hand was once again surging with ice and rain sword energy, facing the oncoming quantum bomb, which was a single blow to the Dragon Slash!

The sword light swept across, and the huge quantum bomb directly slashed in half by Huang Shaotian's sword, and Huang Shaotian's sword body placed in the sky fell directly against Tang Yinjian, who was still in the shovel. It is the silver light falling blade!

The next moment, Huang Shaotian turned into a stream of light and smashed down at Tang Yin, but Tang Yin's current attacks were all summoned by the sword energy formed by Wuhen Sword Intent but outside.

Now it is too late to use the anti-tank gun to break the sword qi. Facing Huang Shaotian who had come to him, Tang Yin could only jump back to avoid it. At the same time as he jumped up, Huang Shaotian's silver light falling blade had also landed, and the shock effect of the silver light falling blade was also raised to the highest level due to the height.

Fortunately, Tang Yin used the back jump a moment ago, but now landing will definitely be affected by shock waves. Seeing Tang Yin's phantom **** turned into a hand cannon, just as he was about to fire a flying cannon to the ground, Huang Shaotian, who had landed, turned around and stabbed Tang Yin in midair.

Huang Shaotian's blow was very sudden, but his move was very accurate. Even if he just landed, he didn't need to confirm it. He turned around and stabbed it directly at Tang Yin's throat.


The next moment, a long cannon and Huang Shaotian's freezing rain parried, it was an anti-tank cannon. In such an emergency situation, Tang Yin directly swung out the anti-tank gun with one blow, and relied on the gunner's attack to barely parry Huang Shaotian's attack.

However, one of the initial skills and the other are high-level skills. Even if he parried, Tang Yin was still hurt, and was directly blown backwards by the powerful force of the headwind stab. As an opportunist, Huang Shaotian would probably miss this opportunity, and his figure also rushed out. Facing Tang Yin, who flew out backwards, he shot down Feng Zhan.

Once again, Huang Shaotian's sword, which leaped high, filled the air and slashed towards Tang Yin.

Facing the falling Huang Shaotian. Tang Yin aimed at him several times, but these attacks on Huang Shaotian were only incidental, the real purpose was to land the spear. Tang Yin, who landed on the ground, got up and kicked with a roundabout, and before Huang Shaotian's sharp sword fell, he used the derivative skill of roundabout kick to attack in the air!

The azure blue Dou Qi covered Tang Yin's feet and greeted Huang Shaotian who fell from the sky.


The sword pressure and the fighting spirit collided, and this blow parried each other. The two were kicked away by the energy of the skill. And Tang Yin, who was flying upside down, took out his Gatling gun directly, and faced Huang Shaotian on the opposite side with a wave of air pressure guns! And Huang Shaotian immediately started to explode his hand speed, waving the ice rain in his hand, and abruptly stopped Tang Yin's Gatling gun.

The two fought one after another, and the dominant words were exchanged one after another. Every moment, if a loophole appeared, it could lead to trouble, but neither of the two made a mistake in such an extremely high-frequency battle.

"Oh my god! This is the matchup in the playoffs." Panson said excitedly, and the two sides fought so fast that they didn't even give him a chance to explain.

Huang Shaotian was the first to land, and the moment he landed was a slash in the wind!

Facing Huang Shaotian who was rushing towards him, Tang Yin directly started mobile shooting. As they retreated, the rain of bullets roared towards Huang Shaotian.

This time, Huang Shaotian did not dodge again in the face of Tang Yin's bombardment. Although it is said that his current blood volume is not much, this is the best time to get close to Tang Yin, otherwise he will be suppressed by such a long distance, and his more than 20% blood volume is simply not enough for Tang Yin.

Of course, Huang Shaotian wouldn't just be beaten like this, he saw Huang Shaotian use the sword shadow step again. Several sounds flickered one after another, and the frequency of this change was faster than the last time, and the confusing effect was naturally stronger.

Tang Yin's attack was naturally fast, and the target was too terrifying, but in the face of Huang Shaotian's illusion of several figures walking side by side, he had to increase the coverage of the attack.

With Tang Yin's hand speed, he could naturally hit Huang Shaotian, but it was not enough to stop him from advancing.

The current Huang Shaotian counted everything very accurately, relying on Yingfeng to get close while using his sword shadow steps to distract Tang Yin's attack. Operating two skills at one time will undoubtedly show the strength of the Juggernaut.


Huang Shaotian waved out the ice rain in Huang Shaotian's hand, and Huang Shaotian already had a plan for the next attack.

This time, Tang Yin did not fight back with a heavy firearm, but a mechanical iron fist in the face!

Most of Tang Yin's phantom gods are indeed ammunition expert skills, but don't forget that you can also play skills on the dragon set.

In the face of the melee attacks, Tang Yin did not hesitate at all, and he fully displayed his unique spear fighting technique that integrated the four major gunmen.

The outside world saw that Tang Yin's hand speed began to soar rapidly, and in just two or three skills, the time had already reached 650, and went straight to 700.

It couldn't be compared that this time his opponent was Huang Shaotian. In the case of close combat, Huang Shaotian's strength as a swordsman was unquestionable. If Tang Yin and Huang Shaotian fought in melee a week ago, they would still be at the bottom, but not now~www.readwn.com~ding ding ding ding ding...

At this moment, the two spears of the phantom gods were not only two spears, but also two sharp blades. Tang Yin attacked and relied on the character's skills and movements to force the two spears into a melee double sword.

Of course, such an attack pair cannot completely replace the attack of a melee character, and it is even difficult to compare with a normal attack. But this is enough for Tang Yin. At the end of the day, spear art is not a simple close-up style. The shooting that he possesses at the core relies on the stiffness effect of even the basic attack of the gunner system, combined with the precise attack to form a melee-like style of play.

The melee skills of sharpshooters and other occupations were only slightly less able to deal with some extreme close combat situations in Tang Yin's operation, and the moves were consistent. But because the gunner's melee skills are limited after all. Even Tang Yin couldn't fight against a melee ceiling like Huang Shaotian. After all, after the speed of his hand picked up, his melee skills would also have a blank window. But now the ninja sword on the gun can make up for it very well, plus the weapon change form does not require cooling at all and it is instant. Tang Yin is like a sharpshooter like this, but Huang Shaotian is not weak in front of him!

You must know that this time Tang Yin's opponent is not an ordinary professional player, but the ceiling of the melee player Huang Shaotian!

At this moment, Tang Yin used his own strength and phantom gods to once again refresh the melee limit of sharpshooters in everyone's hearts!

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