Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1669: so cooperative...

The windward formation that Wei Chen manipulated in the distance had already reached its final stage, and the magic energy in the hand of the staff of death began to condense and condense. The dark purple light spread rumors on Wei Chen's body, allowing Yu Wenzhou to clearly see the face of the character who was arrayed against the wind.

And this face he knew, he could even say it for so long, but it was still clear in his memory. Because the face of the current character in Windward Formation was the very young one at the time, their first-generation captain of Blue Rain—Wei Chen.

Compared to Windward Formation, Wei Chen, who is now in his thirties, has a lot of marks left on his face compared to Windward Formation now.

Wei Chen just looked at it like this, without any unnecessary movements, as if he had given up struggling completely, and had no intention of moving.

And Wei Chen, who saw this scene, was also stunned, but his door of death had already been summoned. Several thin lines in the door have already been killed in the direction of Soksall. And even in the face of such a situation, Sok'Saar still did not do anything.

Yes, not at all.

Several black lines successfully completed the restraint and binding of Soxar, and dragged him directly to the gate of death in the next moment, but still did not make any resistance to Yu Wenzhou in western Zhejiang.

Then there was an explosion, and Yu Wenzhou took all the damage from the Gate of Death.

"Shit!!" Wei Chen, who saw this scene, shouted out during the game without holding back.

This is Yu Wenzhou's absolute calmness. After making an accurate judgment on everything with his emotions, he is very clear that it is impossible to avoid the door of death by relying on himself alone, so he simply does not do any struggle. , so simply and neatly took the big move, and directly replaced Wei Chen's offensive with 15% of his health.

That's right, Wei Chen's attack was over now.

Even Wei Chen didn't think that he thought he knew enough about Yu Wenzhou's style of play, but he didn't think that the guy whose intention was to be prudent and engraved these two words in the depths of his tactics and style of play would actually He will also use this tactic of abandoning the car to protect the coach, but this time Yu Wenzhou is abandoning the health value and protecting the chance to be a strong first mover.

This time, the problem came to Wei Chen. He didn't expect that the opponent would choose to attack like this, causing his original strategy to be completely invalidated. While Wei Chen was still planning his next move, Death's Gate had been successfully released and the buns were released. The period was ridiculously fast. As a result, it was Wei Chen's turn to deal with it in a hurry.


Although Wei Chen had no plans, Wei Chen's attack did not stop. Use this instant skill almost subconsciously. Try to maintain the direct advantage and offensive as far as possible. It's just that the door of death exploded too fast this time, making him always feel uneasy.

Cut surgery?

When Yu Wenzhou saw Wei Chen's waving his staff, he had already recognized this skill, and he easily avoided it as if he was ready to jump. He was very aware of the surprise in Wei Chen's heart now, after all, this was what he did.

The current Yu Wenzhou has already seen that Wei Chen is still very familiar with and understands him and the current Soksar, and under such circumstances, any actions and decisions based on his original style of play and tactics may already be the opponent's next move. is in the plan, so some unconventional situations will be used at this time. Make choices that you would never have made before.

And Yu Wenzhou really did what he thought. And this wave of very abnormal actions successfully disrupted Wei Chen's original plan.

It can be said that this wave of thinking and the fighting style between the two, even some masters who are familiar with them may not be able to see it.

There was no way, only Yu Wenzhou knew how well Wei Chen knew about himself and Sauksaar. He had already suffered more from the door of death just now, and that blow really forced him to a situation where he could not retreat.

Even if he did something that Wei Chen didn't expect now, it couldn't hide the fact that he couldn't avoid the gate of death before. This blow to Soksa directly lost 15% of his health. It is not an exaggeration to say that this blow of the death gate pushed him to a desperate situation, but he used his own method to immediately start from Climbed out of this desperate situation.

Now that he has successfully disrupted Wei Chen's style of play, what will Wei Chen do next?

Through the computer screen, Yu Wenzhou looked at this opponent who knew him and Soksall completely, even though he had many years of professional experience, and now he has won the title of the first Glory Warlock, but at this moment Yu Wenzhou Still feeling the pressure.

Burning arrows?

Yu Wenzhou thought of the arrows burning dark spells appearing beside him.

This is the same as the previous cursed arrow, it is only a low-level skill of the warlock. Although this skill also needs to be chanted, it is not a problem in front of the characters whose configurations are already the ceiling of the game. Although he needed to sing, the formation in the wind was still completed in an instant, and he saw Wei Chen wave the hand of death in his hand again, and the arrow burning with the flame of a dark black spell was already flying towards him.

But there is still a lot of distance between the two sides.

At such a distance, it was not difficult for Yu Wenzhou to avoid this blow. After all, warlocks and elemental mages are not sharpshooters~www.readwn.com~ The speed of their attacks is not a single star. Coupled with the current distance, it is really not a threat to a professional player.

But after shooting the flaming arrow, Wei Chen turned his head directly, not caring at all whether the blow could be named or not. The one who walked away would be neat and tidy, and the hand of death in his hand was already pointing at Lu Hanwen on the other side.

At this time, Lu Hanwen had already rushed out of the Six-Star Light Prison, and of course the first thing he did when he came out was to point his sword at Wei Chen.

In the end, who knew that Wei Chen's attack had already turned to him before he could kill him.

The hand of death flashed in his hand.

Lu Hanwen immediately rolled and dodged, but Wei Chen's attack came directly in the direction of his roll.

And now this wave of his operations is like throwing himself into the net. But even so, Lu Hanwen still had the reaction and manipulation to deal with it, and saw Lu Hanwen, who was rolling, suddenly slide towards another discovery. The blow that was directly avoided.

Wei Chen was also very helpless about such a result. After all, it was even more difficult for him to deal with Lu Hanwen than Yu Wenzhou. If Yu Wenzhou had dealt with the Gate of Death a little more, the Gate of Death would not disappear so quickly, and he would still be able to restrain the current Lu Hanwen along the way. It's a pity that Yu Wenzhou was too cooperative this time...

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