Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1672: desperate harvest

Right now, in the three-on-three teamfight, although the situation on both sides is three people, all three of Happy are attackers, and their spell output is definitely higher than their Blue Rain. Three-on-two, even if they heal their Blue Rain losses will also be huge. On their side, because there are only two attackers, although they play more unrestrainedly and freely, the explosive output is after all a gap of one person, which will only make the game a tug of war.

Although it is said that the longer the tug-of-war fights, the more obvious the advantage will be in theory for the side with the treatment, but you must know that everyone in Blue Rain relies on the treatment to maintain their health. This is equivalent to exchanging life for their treatment in disguise. Mana and healing abilities.

And if Xingxin's treatment enters the arena successfully at this time, then the two sides will continue this protracted battle...

At that time, Blue Rain will be very unfavorable to them.

And one of the most important reasons is that the mana does not last. After all, in terms of the amount of blood that needs to be treated, they must have more on their side. Not to mention that Happy is the most violent priest in the entire alliance, their priest is definitely not an opponent in terms of the amount of recovery. When the time comes, the first one without blue must be their guardian messenger.

This means they have to fight quickly before their heals run out of mana. But there would be another problem. Blue Rain itself was not a team that was good at quick attack. Their core style of play has always been defensive counter-attack. The point is to be a late mover.

While on the defensive, the importance of treatment was revealed, and Happy's real purpose was to treat them. They even used this method of exchanging blood for mana from the very beginning, trying to consume their guardian messengers into a half-crime, making Blue Rain unable to play the rhythm they were good at.

This is Happy's plan, for treatment.

This is the most common way of thinking in the game of Glory, from the online game circle to the professional circle, from ordinary players in the arena to professional battles.

This tactic isn't much of a surprise, but it always works.

Can't beat it!

Just when Yu Wenzhou's side realized the real tactical core of Happy's side, Huang Shaotian's side felt the pressure, that is, he found that they couldn't attack the opponent.

In the case of three-on-three, they have treatment here. If the whole game was a pure three-on-three match, their advantage would have been more obvious this time around, but the problem this time was not a three-on-three online game PK. It's a five-vs-five team game in the professional league. As far as the big picture is concerned, now their advantage is far from enough.

Now they need speed, high burst, and high output, and they need to deal as much damage as possible in the shortest time. It is best to make the opponent attrition.

As of now, Happy's fifth person still hasn't arrived, which means that the other party is definitely not forbearing, but really isn't there. This was also one of Huang Shaotian's previous assumptions: Qiao Yifan's ghost formation was an inch of ash, in exchange for Happy's treatment.

And now it's Blue Rain's five-on-four, and their side still has a big advantage in healing. But with such an advantage, they couldn't effectively suppress the bloodline of the opponent. There is no way if their healer is a priest with an attack gain, they may have an advantage, but their healer is a guardian messenger, which is a profession that assists teammates' defense and helps teammates take damage.

Right now, Huang Shaotian and Zheng Xuan still haven't been able to take their own and Tang Yin's and Ye Xiu's health by a larger margin, and the two of them will look at Lu Hanwen from time to time, hoping that Lu Hanwen or Yu Wenzhou came to support quickly, but there was no one there.

However, neither of the two urged them on the channel, including Xu Jingxi, who was being treated by the side, and did not say a word.

Because there is no need to say more about this kind of thing. From the very beginning, Huang Shaotian shouted a counterattack in the team member channel and brought Zheng Xuan and Xu Jingxi to attack him. They knew that Yu Wenzhou had received the news and the decision they had made. , and now there is only one reason why they still did not come, that is, the conditions or the situation do not allow.

Huang Shaotian and the others were at the bottom of the terrain, and they couldn't see the situation on Yu Wenzhou's side. How could they know how hard their old captain Wei Chen was trying to hold back Yu Wenzhou and Lu Hanwen. Even if Yu Wenzhou was watching, he still couldn't get over.

Although Huang Shaotian is said to be a pure opportunist, his ability in the game is very good.

Therefore, although the current Huang Shaotian is not worth the situation over there, he is very clear that now Yu Wenzhou and Lu Hanwen are not coming, and they want to rely on the attacks of him and Zheng Xuan alone, and the pressure created by Zhang Jiale's playing style will help Tang. Yin and Ye Xiu were still too young. Although it can't be said that the two of them are able to deal with their attacks regardless of their lives, they are also well-organized.

Even though they had a little advantage in HP right now, it was too limited. They exchanged more for this HP advantage. After all, Happy had three attackers.

Boom boom boom!

How terrifying the artillery fire was in the battle between the two ammunition experts, because both of them were from Tang Yin, who insisted that explosion is art, the guy's guidance~www.readwn.com~ caused the explosions throughout the battlefield to never stop. With Tang Yin, a half ammunition expert, the art of the entire arena is not good. And Huang Shaotian and Zheng Xuan launched a strong attack on Tang Yin and the others during such bombardment.

This is the difference between the two sides in the battle right now, because Blue Rain has the treatment, so the fight is very savage.

After all, the lives of the two characters are very safe up to now. In contrast, Blue Rain's Xu Jingxi Soul Whisperer is a little busy. He is obviously just two people, but the chants in his mouth have not stopped, one after another of pure white holy light. , appearing on them in this way. Continue to protect their health.

It was also because of the delicate situation in the current game that Huang Shaotian paid a little attention to the treatment on their side during the battle.

One after another, the healing rays of light continued to shine on them, even looking a little dazzling. Usually when the two sides are in the final team battle, the treatment of changing rooms will be so busy as it is now. Probably now that it is a three-on-three battle, is their treatment already so busy? To know that the current Soul Whisperer only needs to treat the two of them, but it is too abnormal for this situation to continue.

As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there must be a monster, and this may be the way Happy is playing.

But what puzzled him was that since Tang Yin, the arrogant guy, never tried to interrupt their healing spells, why?

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