Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1680: Coming soon!

Xu Jingxi was shocked. Although he said that his mana was running out now, it was not enough that he couldn't even release a Holy Shield technique. There was only one reason for that, he was silenced. But who is this silence coming from?

With the sacred fire burning all over his body, Xu Jingxi didn't know where it was. He was silently receiving Xingxin's treatment, and his little hands were cold.

You must know that in terms of the situation to be faced, the situation on An Wenyi's side will only be much more severe than on his side, but even under such circumstances. Does the other party still have time to assist everyone in Happy's output?

Holy fire this time, what next? Wouldn't it be necessary to make up for the Light of the Holy Commandments?

Of course, everyone in Blue Rain would not let An Wenyi provide assistance to Tang Yin and the others so easily. It was a big mistake to leak a sacred fire here. No matter what skill An Wenyi uses next time, they will interrupt it.

And just from this sacred fire, you can see Happy's determination to do this. This time, they don't seem to be playing tricks. They seem to be doing their best to exchange their Blue Rain's healing.

Now they have all launched an attack on An Wenyi, no matter whether this decision is right or wrong, whether there is any omission in it, they can only fight to the end!

And Yu Wenzhou saw that Happy's attitude was so resolute, and he didn't change his target because of their attack, which strengthened his mind even more.

Explosion, all players on both sides start to explode.

At present, the two teams are very tacit in the treatment, and neither chooses to dodge to avoid the opponent's attack.

Xingxin's cold hands are indeed much lower than the opponent in terms of defense, but An Wenyi is a master at seizing opportunities! Several of the priest's healing skills that can be used without singing, when he was besieged, he was very precise on himself. Relying on the healing advantages of its own large amount of healing and high crit probability, it can restore a large portion of its own life at one time every time. At this moment, An Wenyi really has a feeling of rejuvenation.

As for Blue Rain's soul messenger, he relies on his own extremely high defense and a slightly higher maximum health than Little Hand Cold. Although An Wenyi swayed him at first, his rhythm was completely disrupted by the divine fire. But even so, intuitively, he should have a better chance of survival than An Wenyi.

But this is not the case.

Although it is true that Soul Messenger's HP is higher than that of Little Hand Cold, this is because of the occupation and cannot be avoided, but the problem is that the current Soul Messenger is not a 100% monitoring state, but 68%.

And these are the results that Zhang Jiale has been chasing for this period of time.

In the chaos of team battles, generally no character has the ability to keep their health at 100%, and for the team's treatment, they have to do a lot to bring their teammates' health to 100%. But just stay above the safety line. But wasn't Xu Jingxi in an embarrassing situation where he couldn't give enough treatment because of insufficient mana?

This led to Xu Jingxi's chances in the past in terms of treatment being that he was able to save as much as he could, so Blue Rain's entire team considered himself to be a little underwhelmed, not to mention his support from the rear. I don't want to waste treatment on myself.

As a result, now he has fallen to the point where he needs to rely on his health to sustain the damage. Facing all this, Xu Jingxi will regret it. If only he could throw a few healing skills on himself before that.

And will the battle between the two sides be decided because of this handover?

No one can really say an absolute on this point. Little Cold Hand is weak in defense and Blue Rain is strong in attack, but he can take a bite out of himself. On the Soul Messenger side, there are few lives, but Xingxin's side has less after all. One attacker has one less output. But the direct output cooperation between Tang Yin and Ye Xiu was still very terrifying.

Especially at this time Lord Grim still put a knife array and an ice array on the ground, matched with Tang Yin's grenade, so that the soul messenger could not perform any operations during the whole process, not to mention looking for opportunities like An Wenyi. You can also breastfeed yourself.

Then Tang Yin added another shot of the gunner's armor-piercing cannon to the soul messenger to lower the soul messenger's defense.

The cooperation between Tang Yin and Ye Xiu made Xu Jingxi very depressed. Seeing the cold hand on the other side, who was also being pressed and beaten, he could still breastfeed himself every few seconds, but he couldn't even move. Even if he hits his hand at times and releases the frozen or dizzy state to give himself a sip of milk, Ye Xiu will throw the dispelling powder on his face and directly remove the healing skill.

"The current situation on both sides... is relatively evenly matched." When both sides had beaten each other's treatment to a certain extent, Li Yibo felt as if he had discovered something, and said in a very cautious tone.

"Well, speaking of which, I think Happy's side will be more complete and more prepared in their attack. On the other hand, Blue Rain's attack rhythm is not as good as theirs," Pan Sen also said. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"After all, they still have some doubts about what Happy did in their hearts. If there weren't these doubts, An Wenyi's divine fire attack wouldn't have hit him so easily," Li Yibo said.

"In other words, they still care about Xing's intentions, right now, right now," Panson said.

"That's right, even though they have become more determined as the competition progresses, it was a bit of a delay after all," Li Yibo said.

"Who on both sides will be the first to complete the kill?" Pan Sen asked the question that everyone cared about the most.

"It's not until the last moment, no one really knows." Li Yibo said, this time it's not that he didn't dare to make any predictions, but in his opinion, this professional-level racing and resistance , it can't be just such a simple output competition. He felt that when the final was about to end, both sides would divide people to block the other's attack.

This kind of exchange is just to talk about, if you can defeat one of the other party without losing your own personnel, who will exchange?

This is also because of this, so in Li Yibo's view, the two sides will definitely do the last maintenance to leave their own information until the last moment. Li Yibo is very firm in this view.

"It's coming soon!" Li Yibo said excitedly when he saw the cold hands and the soul messenger's health entering the last 10% blood-red state at the same time.

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