Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1684: Sugar Tactics

From the very beginning of the game, everyone in Happy had hidden their tactics very well, and even for a period of time, Blueprint could not even confirm the composition of their team at that time.

But Huang Shaotian, who they sent out to investigate the situation, was trapped by the other party, forcing them to come out from the carefully prepared ambush point. This was the first step in Happy's tactics.

Blue Rain couldn't stand this pit. After all, at the time, they still didn't know the opponent's tactics, so Yu Wenzhou didn't rush to launch any counterattacks. .

But at this moment, Happy started to make candy.

Wei Chen's tactic of holding back the two All-Stars with one person's strength, no matter what the circumstances, it is a tactic that is beyond one's own strength, and may even cause a period of unbalanced tactic. But it did give the other end an opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity to create a situation of playing more with less. But Happy didn't do that. Instead, it was a three-on-three battle, and it was three-on-three when they had treatment.

Both sides were at an absolute advantage in the battle. If Blue Rain and the others couldn't grasp such a good opportunity, then they would truly be ashamed of the name Blue Rain.

Therefore, the Blue Rain group did not save Huang Shaotian and left, but launched a counterattack.

However, to their surprise, Wei Chen showed unexpected persistence. Since they successfully held off Yu Wenzhou and Lu Hanwen, Huang Shaotian and the others relied on their healing to launch a strong attack, and in the end their healing mana was consumed too much.

In the end, Wei Chen's Windward Formation did everything he could to fall. From this point of view, Blue Rain had actually successfully seized the opportunity. Then, as long as you take advantage of the number of people, you can successfully win this game.

And they did take advantage of this advantage, but it was Xingxin who relied on their sufficient healing mana to start counterattacking them. Forcibly suppressing them, Blue Rain had to change his tactics again and attack Happy's treatment.

At this time, Happy started to give them a second piece of candy.

That is, given the advantage of relying on the treatment, since Happy voluntarily gave up their treatment.

Directly initiated an exchange play, and directly let the treatment of both sides complete the exchange. Even at the end of the exchange, Happy made them very embarrassed, but the situation was still their Blue Rain advantage. After all, with only one of them left, Happy was at a disadvantage no matter what.

At this moment, Happy's Qiao Yifan just arrived.

The time difference during this period was controlled by Happy to an unbelievable level, but Blue Rain's current relatively low HP line didn't seem to be enough to call it an absolute advantage. But if the previous ring matches were linked together, it would be reasonable for Happy to do all this.

Why Xingxin would take the initiative to give up the therapeutic advantage that it had worked so hard to build up.

Because Happy's advantage is not above the number of people in the team competition or life and mana.

Now Yu Wenzhou had thoroughly understood all of Happy's tactics: Happy never wanted to fight them in a positional battle from the very beginning, especially a five-on-five team battle.


It was the same as Happy's biggest tactic in the regular season: that was to protect their healing.

That's right, it's protection, but this time their protection is to send them directly to treat gg. Because although An Wenyi has made a lot of progress so far, and there is even a piece of equipment aimed at his flaws, it is undeniable that he is still not at a level that can be compared with the treatment of major giants.

Especially in some complicated battle situations, it is even more unfavorable for An Wenyi. And the more unfavorable it is to An Wenyi, the more unfavorable it is to Happy. That's why Tang Yin and the others were able to avoid such a situation.

To put it bluntly, Happy never intended to rely on treatment to decide the outcome, because treatment was never Happy's strength.

There is no treatment.

Now Happy's players are Ye Xiu, Tang Yin, Zhang Jiale, and Qiao Yifan.

On the Blue Rain Arena, Yu Wenzhou, Huang Shaotian, Lu Hanwen, and Zheng Xuan were chosen.

As soon as this lineup was presented, everyone suddenly realized that since the Xing Department lineup was no worse than a giant like Blue Rain.

As for the role.

What people don't know is that Huang Shaotian and Yu Wenzhou know very well that their character skill points are the maximum value that all the players in the entire league long for and cannot reach.

As for the equipment, there is not much to say. Happy, who has now completed the coverage of level 75 all-silver equipment, is definitely the ceiling of the current alliance equipment. There are no surprises that some special attributes have come out. All attributes of Happy's characters are absolutely It is ceiling level.

After all, each character has a few more pieces of level 75 equipment than other teams, and these attributes are quite fake.

Compared to Happy, Blue Rain's side doesn't have any advantages, UU Reading www.uukanshu. The only advantage of com is that they have one more person now. But the question is that Song Xiao of Blue Rain is still on his way, and there is no way to organize it, which means that his advantage cannot be established at all.

quick! quick!

The current broadcast and the big screen shots are transferred to Taoluo Shaming, who is still on the road, every three or five times. It is obvious that this guy has not yet participated in the battle, but everyone knows very well that he is the final winner of this game. Especially for them Blue Rain.

The only thing Blue Rain can do now is to delay the battle as long as possible, preferably until Song Xiao arrives.

But the question is such a simple question that even ordinary viewers know about it, wouldn't everyone in Happy know?

So now Happy is going to tactical with the opponent at all. He doesn't even have the mind to force it. He just goes straight to the front, facing the Blue Rain crowd in all kinds of explosions, filling up his output. Biting them hard and not giving them a chance to delay.

In this close-to-separate battle, there would be Holy Light flashing on Happy's team members every now and then. After all, although there were no healing professions on the field, Ye Xiu's Lord Grim had healing abilities. What's more, the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella is now equipped with an advanced healing skill such as Holy Word Healing. This kind of skill seems to be especially precious, and every time the holy light comes on, everyone in Blue Rain gritted their teeth.

The lives of both parties were rapidly declining, but Happy's could jump every once in a while.

And in this case who will fall first?

This is what the audience is most curious about right now, especially in the distance between Song Xiao's Taoluoshaming and the battlefield, it is inevitable that one will fall before he arrives, but it's a question of who it will be.

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