Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1698: With his way, return his body

Chapter 1734 With the way of the other, return the body (for subscription, for recommendation)

The two people in the commentary room were still discussing Tang Yin and Yu Wenzhou's operations, but the fans at the scene were already worried about their captain once again.

Because while Tang Yin used the shadow clone to avoid the Six-Star Light Prison, Soksall had already launched an attack on Tang Yin's clone who was still in the Six-Star Light Prison. And these skills no longer fall from the sky like the Rain of Chaos and the Six-Star Light Prison before, which means that Yu Wenzhou's attacks are all aimed at attacking.

Tang Yin was able to judge Yu Wenzhou's current position based on these attacks. After all, when he used the Shadow Clone Technique to avoid the Six-Star Light Prison, Tang Yin was observing the movement around him.

Sure enough, I saw a ghost figure flying towards the clone in the Six-Star Light Prison, and in an instant, it entered the Six-Star Light Prison and directly hit the Xingyao You clone with its head.

And this kind of scene directly chilled the hearts of the Blue Rain fans at the scene.

After all, their captain is still fooled!

Sure enough, just when Yu Wenzhou's skill was so strong, Tang Yin started to move, and instead of attacking in a hurry, he began to approach cautiously.

Captain, hurry up! At this moment, the home audience were all shouting in their hearts, but this time, it was as if Yu Wenzhou heard their worries. Really started moving.

"It seems that Yu Wenzhou also knows that his attack is destined to reveal his position." Li Yibo sighed when he saw Yu Wenzhou who had already started to manipulate Soxar to move. In this match, both Tang Yin and Yu Wenzhou played very obscurely, and all attacks had corresponding traps.

"But even if Yu Wenzhou keeps roaming and attacking like this, it's only a matter of time before he gets locked by Tang Yin. With Tang Yin's movement speed now, it should be quick to pull him into the field of vision." Pan Lin said.

"Don't worry, Yu Wenzhou won't keep roaming around and attacking." Li Yibo said very spontaneously to Pan Sen's words.

"Why? Could it be that Yu Wenzhou has already discovered the current situation?" Pan Lin asked in confusion.

"That's right, he will find out soon." Li Yibo continued with an inscrutable expression: "Don't forget what skill Yu Wenzhou used just now."

"Haunted by ghosts?" When Pan Sen wanted to say something, he saw that the ghost that Yu Wenzhou had just released had already started to fly back.

"This..." Pan Sen couldn't understand the ghosts flying back, after all, wouldn't this be equivalent to giving Tang Yinlu an extra guide? It's not easier to reveal one's own position.

"Because of this skill, Yu Wenzhou quickly found out that what he was trapped in was just a clone of Tang Yin." Li Yibo laughed.

Pan Sen was obviously taken aback when he heard his partner's words, but he quickly realized it.

Haunted by ghosts, the effect of this skill is to possess the target to cause damage within a certain period of time. After the skill ends, the ghosts will fly back and return 33% of the damage caused by this attack to health to the caster. .

But the problem is that Tang Yin's shadow clone is a fragile duck. The ghost that Soksar used just touched the clone, Tang Yin's clone dissipated, and the ghost flew back naturally. Regardless of the skill time of flying back, or the data of life recovery generated at the end, these can make Yu Wenzhou very easy to judge that the ghost of his attack is not Tang Yin's entity. If you push back, you can know that Tang Yin has learned the skill of shadow avatar.

It might even be possible that Yu Wenzhou used this skill for the purpose of both attacking and testing!

After thinking about this, Pan Sen was still a little dazed for a while. There was no way. The minds of the two sides in this game were too much, too deep.

At this time, the ghost haunted has completed the attack on Tang Yin, and he still wants to go back like a guiding light. Of course, Tang Yin had already realized this, and immediately adjusted his movement direction.

The ghost's flying speed is very fast, and there is no sense of the ghost's erratic slowness at all. And Tang Yin is now possessed by Spider-Man, ending the tree and chasing after him with a ninja knife. After all, the flying gun will have a sound, and it will also reveal the figure. The voice Tang Yin chose this almost silent way of moving. Swinging like Tarzan among the trees.

He soon followed the ghost figure, pulling Yu Wenzhou's figure into his field of vision.

"Wow! Tang Yin is swinging too fast, right? This time it's Yu Wenzhou's turn to be in danger." Pan Sen said, after all, the last time Tang Yin's suppression in the group could be used, Tang Yin's play was right Yu Wenzhou was very repressed.

But at this moment, an explosion was heard. In the next moment, in this original jungle terrain, a sandstorm suddenly rolled up! He directly rolled up Tang Yin who had just landed.

Everyone who saw this scene was surprised. After all, Xiaoyaoyou now has two negative states of blood loss and blindness.

"Sandstorm Trap!" Pan Lin muttered blankly, because these features are the characteristics of the thief's skill Sandstorm Trap.

This is a high-level trap skill of thieves, and it will definitely cause blindness when hit. No need to guess, this must be Yu Wenzhou's skill in the curse of his weapon.

However, everyone in Blue Rain was very happy about this. After all, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were always able to play some unconventional skill combinations because of their weapons. And this time finally let them experience the feeling for themselves.

There is nothing to make about Tang Yin. After all, even if you know the opponent's occupation, you can't guess what skills the opponent has on the weapon. At the same time, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was too forward-looking at that time, and it was easier to focus on one thing and lose another. The game couldn't be played.

Fortunately, Yu Wenzhou's sandstorm trap is only level 1, with limited damage and only three seconds of blindness.

During these three seconds, Yu Wenzhou had no other attacks except for a wave of cursed arrows at Tang Yin, and he left without any nostalgia.

"Huh? Strange? Why didn't Yu Wenzhou take this opportunity to continue to control Tang Yin?" Pan Sen said with some regret when he saw Yu Wenzhou just let go of this opportunity.

But Yu Wenzhou's cursed arrow quickly gave him the answer.

That's right, the current Tang Yin is indeed blind again, but this is only because he has no sight, and does not affect his other operations. I saw Tang Yin's sliding shovel, directly avoiding this wave of cursed arrows, and once again narrowing the distance between the two sides.

Li Yibo looked at Pan Sen, he could tell from his reaction that he already had the answer.

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(End of this chapter)

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