Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1729: Indecent flirting Zhang Jiale

Speaking of the previous game, in fact, the original situation, no matter how much you struggled, was meaningless. After all, the outcome of the game has been completely determined. But Tang Yin knew very well that that match had extraordinary significance for Mo Fan personally. Although Tang Yin himself had just become a professional player, but seeing Mo Fan's actions one day, Tang Yin somehow felt that Mo Fan was growing into a truly qualified professional e-sports player.

A professional player who begins to realize the existence of his teammates and the existence of his team. Therefore, the somewhat naive actions of the two people on that day did not have any meaning to the final result, but Mo Fan had these meanings, and these will be fully reflected on the field one day. Tang Yin has great confidence in his teammates.

And today is a good start, once again against the Blue Rain team, but this time in the ring Mo Fan already has a team meaning, he is not simply pursuing the survival and victory of his individual role, but will When his chances are slim, use the best way he can think of to strive for the best interests of the team.

Losing his own game, but creating a chance to win the future.

This sentence is a good start for Mo Fan's game just now, and still the future direction of Mo Fan's career.

"Then leave the next game to me!" Zhang Jiale got up and said, and at the same time he gave Mo Fan a fist. As a result, Mo Fan glanced at him and turned his head back. Zhang Jiale was depressed...

"The young people today really have no blood at all." Zhang Jiale shook his head and sighed. After waving to everyone, he walked towards the competition room. The information on the players on Happy's side also appeared on the electronic screen at the scene. Pan Sen and Li Yibo in the commentary room also started talking about Zhang Jiale's possible performance.

"The Guard is Here"

"In the game just now, although Li Yuan won very beautifully, he consumed a lot of energy." Li Yibo said, directly pointing out that Li Yibo's last game was because he summoned a lot of elves in order to keep Mo Fan idle, resulting in a lot of consumption. Mana thing.

"Yes, this is the total advantage of Happy's side, but I don't know how Zhang Jiale will use this." Pan Lin said.

The current players in the ring match are the third players of their respective teams, and the competition will start soon, but the information has already been sent out before the people here arrive.

"It's so boring to guess, let's just say a place and let's face it," Zhang Jiale said.

"Then go straight to the middle!" Li Yuan replied directly.

"Okay." Zhang Jiale's reply was a refreshing one, and his character had already started a detour to the left...

The audience suddenly booed.

At this moment, everyone has a feeling that the great **** has fallen. You are the trump card of Hundred Flowers, Zhang Jiale, the first ammunition expert of Glory! What the **** are you doing with your wretched hands? At this moment, even Zhang Jiale's fans felt a little bit covering their faces. Then they cast their hatred on Team Happy. After all, their God Zhang Jiale became like this after entering Happy...

Everyone in Happy looked at Wei Chen. After all, if Zhang Jiale would become so rude, it would definitely be related to the qualified guy. After all, in the team, these two guys had the best relationship, so they came to fight on the road. , both of them have a room. So if Zhang Jiale's style of play suddenly added a vulgar element, it would definitely be Wei Chen's fault...

"Hey, what kind of eyes are you guys looking at! This old man is also trying to help him. Of course, when you're older, you can't fight against young people." Wei Chen looked at everyone with the eyes that were all your fault, and kept quiet. . The old man is also helping!

But obviously Li Yuan didn't realize Zhang Jiale's sudden change. Still honestly, he went straight to the middle, but Zhang Jiale didn't have any self-awareness that he was playing vulgarity, so he walked in a roundabout way quite calmly.

At the beginning of the game, Li Yuan of course also noticed the fact that this body has less mana, so the rhythm of summoning the elves should be slower. It was so close to the center of the map now that Li Yuan just released an elf to walk in front of him. After that, I added another one on each of my left and right sides.

Finally, in the middle of the map that Li Yuan arrived, it was really a map where the two sides met, but now that Li Yuan arrived, Zhang Jiale was nowhere to be seen.

Where is Zhang Jiale's figure? Everyone was also a little curious, and the director soon announced the answer. Seeing everything on the camera, everyone was speechless.

"Left...upper left corner? Why did God Zhang Jiale keep the character here?" Pan Lin asked a little surprised. After all, Zhang Jiale, who played lewd, was very strange. What was he doing?

You say that Zhang Jiale is detouring, and your detour is going too far! Directly detouring the character to the upper left corner of the map, what can you do at such a long distance?

"Uh... it's true... it's impossible to meet each other at this distance~www.readwn.com~ is it a little unlikely?" Li Yibo also said, although there are many who have never played together with Zhang Jiale, but at most it is a support 's starter. Unlike now, the direct general direction follows the obscene flow. So he really doesn't know what Zhang Jiale is going to do next.

"..." Pan Sen was a little speechless at this moment. When they started playing, they also analyzed each other, how unsuitable this map was for summoning beastmasters.

After all, the scope of vision is limited here, and it will be too late to summon the summoned beast after discovering the opponent. That is to say, the summoner must have the summoned beast present at all times, either for protection or for reconnaissance. To meet these two conditions, it is necessary for the summoner to continuously consume mana to achieve.

But now they feel that Zhang Jiale may be using this simplest way to eliminate violence, and directly pull his role far away from the beginning, so that the two sides are not so easy to meet. If the referee feels that he is negative about the game, he will take the initiative to look for it, but even if he walks to the middle of such a long distance, it will take a lot of time. So isn't this successfully consumed?

The more Li Yibo and Pan Sen thought about it, the more they felt that it was possible. After all, this method was very effective, and the embarrassment of summoners on this map was vividly reflected. Although it is indeed a bit vulgar, it is effective. The boos from the Blue Rain fans at the scene had already resounded throughout the audience.

"Where are you, Team Zhang?" Li Yuan asked.

"Aren't I going to sneak attack on you?" Zhang Jiale replayed shamelessly, ignoring the distance between the two parties.

"You don't want to consume my mana, right?" Li Yun directly broke Zhang Jiale's intentions.

"You said that, think more sunshine at a young age." Zhang Jiale smiled.

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