Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1731: same and different

Because Li Yuan didn't have the audience's perspective of God, when his elf was killed, except for a news accident, he could only predict Zhang Jiale's possible position from the route of directing the elf. But because there is no perspective, even the location of the death of the elves cannot be accurately judged. Not to mention the current trend of Zhang Jiale.

He couldn't operate the elves that were not within his field of vision for a while, so Li Yuan simply adjusted the elves in front of him exclusively.

And Zhang Jiale started a powerful attack on Li Yuan's elf team. Although Zhang Jiale's opening moves are very clumsy, don't forget that he is Zhang Jiale, the ceiling of the Glory ammunition expert. After entering Happy, even in the twilight of his career, there are still guys with positive growth in strength.

To be honest, for great gods like Zhang Jiale and the others, it is impossible for them not to be obscene or strange, just because the style of play is not commonly used. The reason why Zhang Jiale would use the wretched flow to start is very simple. It was to save effort. After all, he had the same problem as Ye Xiu, which was his physical strength due to his age.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Jiale performed more vigorously when the opportunity presented itself. After killing several elves one after another, Zhang Jiale finally met the first big elves.


A series of huge ice cubes fell directly from the sky. It was the skill of the water elf. After Zhang Jiale entered his hatred range, it was a falling ice attack.

"The Guard is Here"

In the face of such a system attack, Zhang Jiale evaded with a sliding shovel, and at the same time, the silver weapon automatic pistol in his hand searched for the disc and fired one after another.

But at this moment, the water system imported a very fast lateral movement, avoiding Zhang Jiale's shooting. Seeing that the other party was able to perform this delicate evasion later, Zhang Jiale knew that this must have been done under Li Yuan's operation. But now the other party didn't appear in his field of vision, it can only mean one thing, that is, this water elf is the point of return of the vision of both sides.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the scene changed directly to the close combat. Everyone was curious about the next decision of the two sides, whether to continue to go up, or temporarily retreat?

Li Yibo and Pan Sen were still creating suspense for everyone, but before they finished speaking, Zhang Jiale had already launched an attack.

I saw that relying on a special grenade appeared in Zhang Jiale's hand. When this grenade appeared, many people had already recognized this skill. Gravity grenade!

Gravity Grenade: It can create a gravitational vortex around it, continuously attracting enemy units within the range, and enemy units that enter the gravitational vortex will suffer non-attribute magic damage.

The advantage of the grenade is that Griphook's voice is extremely low, and it is impossible for Li Yuan to hear the distance between the two parties. The sound didn't reach Li Yuan until the grenade landed and exploded, and Li Yuan realized that Zhang Jiale had launched an offensive again, and he had to operate the water elf to withdraw immediately, but the gravitational field directly attracted the water elf. And Li Yuan and the other summoners' control of the summoned beasts are not as good as those of the characters, after all, they are said to be attracted to the core of the grenade.

lol la la...

Under the constant pulling of the gravitational vortex, the water elf made various strange sounds one after another, and was finally lifted off by the explosion of the grenade.

You must know that although the gravitational grenade is the ultimate move of the ammunition expert, it can only generate one after a skill is used. But the grenade had no blow-off effect. But now the water-type elf was directly thrown away. Obviously, Li Yuan used the explosion to test the water-type elf to open the distance between Zhang Jiale and Zhang Jiale.

But how could Zhang Jiale let this water elf run away? I saw Zhang Jiale start shoveling again, turn around and jump with the spear in one go. When catching up with the water elf, he turned around again in the air, and the automatic pistol in his hand was once again facing the water elf! There is a concentration of abilities in the muzzle.



A fire of **** flames directly hit the water elf still in mid-air. Everyone clearly saw that the bullet of **** flames rushed directly into the body of the water elf, and then the light of the bullet gradually became stronger, and finally It's the biggest explosion! Directly blew the water-type elf into pieces. Even the ice armor of the outer shell was smashed to pieces. Completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

After this series of displacements, Li Yuan's character eight-note also appeared in Zhang Jiale's line of sight, and now Li Yuan has gathered a lot of helpers. If nothing else, he was supplemented by Zhang Jiale's elf and Li Yuan before, and he was gathered and brought over before matching. Now the big elves around Li Yuan have also been summoned~www.readwn.com~ There are also many elves.

And Li Yuan saw Zhang Jiale's figure here, and the elves around him were complete. Needless to say, next time, all of his elves are already lined up.

The most important thing to know about how to play the elf flow is the number. Relying on a large number of elves to fight directly and cooperatively. Of course, the elf flow also has drawbacks, that is, the combat power of a single elf is relatively low, not to mention other things, even the level of the elf king is not even as good as the death knight of the four beasts in terms of combat power.

Zhang Jiale just killed him all the way, which means that Li Yuan's initial encirclement plan was not completed after all. Now that the distance between the two sides is close, if you want to surround the other side, you have to be more careful.

As a result, after Zhang Jiale saw the opponent's situation, he did not continue to kill, but ended the recoil of the flames of **** just shot, and made up a few more shots. Once again, he disappeared into the mist, and when he disappeared, Zhang Jiale also posted a smile on the public channel.

But Li Yuan was so easy to escape. Directly greet the experience in batches to chase the past.

Here Li Yuanchai is aggressive, but the audience with God's perspective can see it very clearly. Zhang Jiale's escape is completely false escape. As soon as he left Li Yuan's perspective, he started to wander around. Zhang Jiale, who was still aggressive one second ago, became wretched again the next second.

However, it was discovered by one of Li Yuan's elfs in a short while, but he was shot to death without Zhang Jiale's flying gun.

After finishing this one, Zhang Jiale continued to walk.

And what Zhang Jiale is doing now, all the audience at first glance is very similar to Mo Fan in the previous game. But in fact the two approaches are quite different. Because Mo Fan was able to get rid of the pursuit, but Zhang Jiale went to actively fight with the elves, and continued to be wretched after killing them.

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