Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1734: He really saw it!

The sixth inning of the ring match begins.

"Han Wen, where are we meeting?" Zhang Jiale started typing on the public channel as soon as the game started. It is still the tone of the previous game, which is quite a bit of a villain. Everyone at Happy covered their faces for a while. Even Huang Shaotian sent a message to ask, did they change Zhang Jiale's appearance settings? Such Zhang Jiale is too fresh and refined.

"Just in the middle!" Lu Hanwen replied.

"Okay, young people have to keep their word." Zhang Jiale continued.

As soon as Zhang Jiale said this, all kinds of boos resounded throughout the audience. There were even many Blue Rain fans who directly scolded him. After all, it was this guy who didn't count the last time he spoke, and now he still has the face to say such things. Are you really the Zhang Jiale God we know?

At this moment, not only the fans of Blue Rain were stunned, but even some fans of Happy's attack on Zhang Jiale looked very strange.

And Boss Chen, who was in the player's seat, could no longer lift his head, and looked at Wei Chen, who had an expressionless expression on my face. Although Chen Guo herself likes to win, but singing is still a long way from Wei Chen and the others, who are willing to do anything to win.

Chen Guo wanted Tang Yin to talk about Wei Chen, but when she turned her head and leaned on her, she saw that both Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were flirting with Wei Chen, and it was obvious that the young man did it beautifully.

But after she turned her gaze, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu returned to their previous expressions of grief and indignation, and Chen Guo was completely helpless.

Destroyer, hardworking. I'm tired……

"What kind of stance is the senior admonishing me?" Lu Hanwen directly replied Zhang Jiale's words, and at the same time asked the voice of all the audience.

"Hey, guess what, wait, will I go over?" Zhang Jiale asked.

How did this guy become so shameless in such a short period of time? Everyone cursed in their hearts.

"I don't know if the senior will pass, but I know that I will definitely pass." Lu Hanwen responded righteously.

"Little Lu is great!!"

It's not just the audience, even Zhang Jiale also found a public channel to give a thumbs up. Lu Hanwen's confidence and his character of going forward even in the playoffs are really good. You must know that the current Lu Hanwen is also a second-year professional league student. How rare this feeling is for a rookie, Zhang Jiale, who has also been a captain and led a rookie, knows too well.

As for Blue Rain fans, they shouted about Lu Hanwen's character. After all, this made them feel that Lu Hanwen was several times higher than the other party.

And Lu Hanwen did just like what he said, he just started with the most concise middle path. No bells and whistles at all.

"This kid is honest..." Wei Chen said with some emotion.

"Old Wei, what's your tone of voice, why are you still not used to it?" Chen Guo was still mad at him for bringing harm to their great god.

"There's nothing wrong with that, as long as it's a way to get a trial, I'm used to it." Wei Chen said calmly.

On Zhang Jiale's side, just like the previous game, he started tactical moves that lived up to expectations, and it is estimated that he will release another wave of pigeons from the opponent. But this time, Zhang Jialedao did not take the initiative to avoid it. Although he was detoured, his final goal was still the middle.

After a while...

"Senior, I've already arrived, where are you?" Lu Hanwen carried the giant sword in his hand and stood in the middle of the map with the information.

tomato novel

"Wait, I'm taking a detour. After all, I'm not going in a straight line, so I'll slow down a bit, right now!" Zhang Jiale replied while manipulating Hua Zhushuiliu to move.

"I guess senior shouldn't appear right in front of me," Lu Hanwen said.


"Where is the senior going to come from?" Lu Hanwen continued to ask.

"Would you like to guess again?" Zhang Jiale continued to answer.

"It's either the left or the right, that's the choice!" Lu Hanwen said.

"And the back." Zhang Jiale said.

"Yes!" Lu Hanwen had a reminded expression.

"So you have to be careful!" Zhang Jiale said, but his role had already reached Lu Hanwen's right retreat, since it was a sneak attack. It is important to find a suitable haunting spot. The concealment of this power is not accomplished with the help of the fog. After all, if the fog is used as a cover, the other party can't see him, and at the same time he can't see the other party.

And now Zhang Jiale, like a thief, dexterously rolls among the trees.

After a while, Zhang Jiale chose a position of his own, and Hua Zhushui quietly stuck out half of his head to penetrate it.

But at that moment, he had already seen Lu Hanwen's voice, and the other party was standing there and didn't move, as if he was waiting for him to pass by. Could it be Blue Rain's most commonly used post attack, defensive counter attack? Because of the fog, the direct distance between the two characters can't be too short~www.readwn.com~ Although this is very disadvantageous for a gunner like him, but if you want to attack and counterattack, this space is not enough.

As a result, while Zhang Jiale was still planning how to attack, Lu Hanwen suddenly said on the public channel, "Senior, I found you."

"Oh?" Zhang Jiale, as an experienced veteran, could be bombarded by such simple words.

"That's right, even Senior Tang Yin praised my eyes." Lu Hanwen said.

"Really? Then I'm really in trouble. You have to kill me now, right? I'll start the transfer first." Zhang Jiale continued to chat with Lu Hanwen as he typed, while calculating in his mind how strong it was to be the first. After all, he Ammunition experts don't know how to use guns, and this map is really unfriendly to their ranged class.

But now it's starting to boil outside now.

There is no other reason, and now Lu Hanwen is manipulating Flow Cloud to advance, and from what Lu Hanwen made forward, it can be determined that his target is Zhang Jiale's hiding place!

"Since Lu Hanwen really saw it!" Facing such a result, the audience was very surprised.

"Call out Lu Hanwen's previous perspective." At Pan Sen's request, the director dropped out of Lu Hanwen's main perspective. Seeing that Lu Hanwen's perspective kept turning left and right, the speed was quite fast, and he never stopped.

"The director is slower." The audience couldn't see anything at such a speed, so Pan Sen said quickly.

1/2 speed.

quarter speed.

All the way to one-eighth speed...

But when the speed slowed down to this point, when Lu Hanwen turned his eyes, everyone saw Zhang Jiale's retracted half of his head.

He really saw it!

- Ask for a ticket, ask for a subscription. (To be continued)

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