Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1740: Tang Rou's first battle

What if you retired? What about getting older? But when he was fighting on this stage, he was still the Glory's first ammunition expert - Zhang Jiale!

Now the situation between the two sides is somewhat evenly matched, and each other has recruited various battle rhythms. They have also entered the best state of the game, attacking each other directly, feeling that they have displayed everything about themselves.

The two sides directly attack you and I go back and forth, here you give me a sword, and then I return your bullets. Skills confrontation again and again, some parry each other, and some exchange output. The result of this is that the blood volume of both sides is rapidly declining, and neither one has any upper part in the health value.

When Lu Hanwen was still attacking, he might have been slowed down or frozen by Zhang Jiale's freezing grenade. When Zhang Jiale bombed Lu Hanwen, he was often defeated by the opponent's extremely powerful sword skills.

In such an evenly-matched battle, Zhang Jiale's 70% HP at the beginning is now the biggest disadvantage he faces, and it's the kind of disadvantage that you can't erase.

With this advantage, Lu Hanwen won the game with only 20% of his health remaining, and took back a head for Blue Rain. The current score is still three to three.

It's just that although the score was tied, there were two remaining characters in Blue Rain, and one of them had only 20% of their health remaining, while the two remaining characters on Happy's side were full and were just about to appear.

When Zhang Jiale came out of the competition bench, Tang Rou couldn't wait to get up from the players' bench on Happy's side.

After all, she was an absolute belligerent in Happy, and Tang Rou didn't get the chance to start in the last match, which was definitely a pity for her.

Don't look at Tang Rou's absence in the team competition, but in fact, Tang Yin and the others placed him in fifth place in the ring competition as the last guard. As a result, the last ring match went very smoothly. Tang Rou, who was fifth, was no longer needed. The match ended when the fourth pick was placed, and it was still a **** scum.

God knows Tang Rou's hard-working mood. In the contestants' seat, she looked forward to the match all night long, but in the end, she became a live audience all night, asking Tang Rou's psychological shadow at that time...

Of course, from a normal point of view, as a defensive general arranged by the team, if it can be avoided, it is a good thing for the team to pair up, and it is also what everyone hopes.

As for our gentle and bold Tang Roujiang, of course, she also hoped that Happy would be well. She was so depressed because she just hoped that she would have a chance to play the game.

In this round, Tang Rou was placed in the first position of the competition, which was also the position of the main core player. Of course, what made Tang Rou even happier was that this time he was finally able to play.

"Xiao Yin, do you think that Xiao Tang and Lan Yu's Zheng Xuan are two extremes?" Ye Xiu looked at Tang Rou who ran to the competition room, and said to Tang Yin beside him with some emotion.

Tang Yin was stunned when he heard that, but thinking about it, it seemed like that.

After all, what Zheng Xuan is most famous for is, of course, that he was not motivated by anything all day, and from time to time he would talk about "high pressure", and it even became his catchphrase. But you're looking at Tang Rou, she's at the other extreme, she's the most motivated when it comes to competitions, and the more pressure she gets, the newer she becomes, the more difficult it becomes, the more excited she becomes.

"I'm looking forward to what you said. What kind of scene would it be if Xiao Tang and Zheng Xuan met?" Tang Yin was still thinking about the extreme personalities of the two, Chen Guo's voice. Suddenly, it sounded beside Tang Yin.

"This...probably not." Tang Yin said.

"Why? Isn't there another person in Blue Rain?" Chen Guo asked curiously.

"But Huang Shaotian didn't show up either." Ye Xiu reminded Chen Guo.

"Oh! That's right!" Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Chen Guo suddenly patted her head. He had forgotten about Blue Rain, the strongest player, and he still hadn't played yet.

In fact, it couldn't be blamed on Chen Guo for forgetting Huang Shaotian. After all, she was just used to Zheng Xuan's fixed position in single-player events. But this season, Blue Rain suddenly made such a move, and even Yu Wenzhou occupied a position in the arena, and he was still the starter. In this way, Zheng Xuan will naturally have one less game.

As Blue Rain's strongest main force, Huang Shaotian is definitely going to be on the court. There is no doubt about this, so there is no suspense about the last player to play. After all, he is the core ace!

Soon Tang Rou met Zhang Jiale who was on the stage.

"Oh, Xiao Tang is so anxious!" Zhang Jiale teased.

To Zhang Jiale's ridicule, Tang Rou smiled and didn't say much.

"That brat is also a cheerful person, sticking directly to the front and blowing him up!" Zhang Jiale cheered Tang Rou up!

"Okay. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Tang Rou waved and shouted.

"Come on!" Zhang Jiale finally returned to Happy's player seat after sending a wave of blessings to Tang Rou.

Although Blue Rain's Lu Hanwen won this match, it was Happy's players who ended up in the match, so apart from Happy's fans, Blue Rain's fans were all politely applauding. Compared to this, Happy's fans were applauded, but it was very exciting. After all, Zhang Jiale's performance in these two games was really good. Even if Blue Rain won this match, Lu Hanwen was almost consumed by Zhang Jiale.

It was also because of this result that the Blue Rain fans at the scene felt a little down. After all, they have already lost the first arena match, so do they have to lose again in the second match? This might be nothing to the Blue Rain team members, but it was very bad for the morale of the Blue Rain fans.

"The young people today are really better than each other!" Zhang Jiale, who returned to Happy's side, said a little tiredly. After all, fighting against the young man head-to-head like this is still a huge drain on him, but his team competition There is no need to go, so he not only doesn't mind when he is tired of the ring competition, but is happy.

"What? You thought you could easily deal with Lu Hanwen?" Tang Yin laughed.

"Uh... that's what I thought at the beginning. After all, I have been paying attention to the little guy for the past two years." Zhang Jiale said a little embarrassedly.

"Let's make progress quickly!" Ye Xiu also said.

"Indeed, the future is really limitless." Zhang Jiale said seriously, which shows how optimistic he is about this rookie.

However, Chen Guo felt that the more she listened, the more strange she felt. Finally, she couldn't help but say, "Um... So Jia Le, you mean, you have reasons for losing this game?"

"The boss is wise!" Zhang Jiale said, it is good to have a boss who can talk!

- Ask for a ticket, ask for a subscription. (To be continued)

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