Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1760: between 1 shot

"But it's hard for Huang Shaotian to keep it up," Li Yibo said. "After all, it's too difficult to fly straight to the sky and kill a gunner who can adjust his body shape in the air with a flying gun, not to mention the fastest moving gunner, and this gunner is all gunners. the ceiling in it."

"Well, let's continue with the next performance of the two sides!" Pan Sen has no thoughts of commenting now, there is no way, the team battle between the two sides is really exciting and intense. Especially in the previous blood exchange attacks from both sides, no one had the upper hand all the way.

Not to mention the various high-end maneuvers performed by the two sisters during the period, and now Huang Shaotian is using the ceiling-level maneuvering skills such as shadow-shading steps. At the same time, can Huang Shaotian use this skill well on Su Mucheng? This is the question that everyone is most concerned about, and can he rely on this skill to eliminate the disadvantage between the two sides?

For a time, everyone focused their attention on Bing Yu in Huang Shaotian's hands, and Bing Yu also cut out sword lights one after another under everyone's attention. Various sword lights shone around Su Mucheng's body. The combo attacking Su Mucheng kept flipping up and down in mid-air.

But in the face of Huang Shaotian's attacks, Su Mucheng didn't seem to react.

You must know that as a gunslinger profession, even if you just shoot in one direction at this time, the control of the opponent's shadow step is a special impact and damage. But Su Mucheng didn't seem to know and generally didn't do anything. In this way, her Dancing Rain was attacked by Huang Shaotian in all kinds of combos, and in Su Mucheng's perspective, everyone only saw her turn her perspective, and nothing else was done.

Could it be that Su Mucheng was looking for an opportunity to fight back?

But now that they have been controlled by the Shadow Steps, even if they find a chance, they should flee first, right? Is Su Mucheng still struggling to fight back? Is Su Mucheng overconfident? ?

Under everyone's attention, Su Mucheng's health continued to drop.

one part;

3.1 percent;

3.09 percent;

Four percent...

In this way, Huang Shaotian's attacks hit Su Mucheng one after another. The damage of these attacks is high and low, even if they are only small skills used to maintain the air, they are now dealing damage to him. And these damages continued to stack up with the passage of time, and Su Mucheng's health decreased more and more obviously.

Sixty percent...

fifty percent...

The gap between the direct health value of the two sides is constantly being eliminated. But even so, Su Mucheng still didn't seem to have any intention of resisting.

Seeing this scene, even the fans of Happy couldn't sit still. After all, none of them could figure out what Su Mucheng was thinking.

But they didn't know, but Huang Shaotian, who was the opponent, was very clear.

Because everyone, even the on-site commentators, only noticed that Su Mucheng hadn't opened fire during this time. But no one noticed that even though Su Mucheng didn't fire, every time his muzzle turned from the turning position, it happened to be Huang Shaotian's most restrictive, disgusting, and troublesome position at that time.

And Huang Shaotian can see it very clearly, because he needs to prevent Su Mucheng from relying on the flying spear to escape, so even if those positions make it very uncomfortable for him to operate, even if it is very troublesome to calculate these in his mind, he must be in advance. It can prevent him from shifting direction, and if Su Mucheng's field of vision is blind, he can attack.

Because only in this way, can he maintain control of Su Mucheng over Su Mucheng. Everyone who is a professional gunner and a magician is the most difficult to control the floating. But Huang Shaotian was obviously prepared for all of this.

But there are preparations, although Su Mucheng's series of swings did not fire once, but Huang Shaotian, who was tormented, felt physically and mentally exhausted.

Su Mucheng, who was hit in a row, of course also knew very well that Huang Shaotian could deploy and prepare in advance according to his muzzle direction and movement trajectory. Therefore, Su Mucheng did not rush to fire, but the constantly changing direction of the muzzle forced Huang Shaotian to make constant adjustments. This kind of high-intensity and high-density quick thinking and analysis, normal people could not imagine Huang Shaotian's situation during this time. The spirit is concentrated to a certain degree to barely maintain this situation.

You must know that the shadow-shading step itself is a very complicated operation, and now Su Mucheng is using this method to directly increase Huang Shaotian's pressure and trouble several times.

After all, among the professional players who knew Shading Step the most, Su Mucheng would definitely be in the top spot. You must know that although Tang Yin used the shadow step to abuse him several times in order to create a two-person world with Ye Xiu, when Ye Xiu taught the cracking method, Su Mucheng also studied it very seriously.

Not to mention that there are still two superb guys in the team who use Shading Steps. Under the influence of their ears and eyes, if needed, she will also cover Shadow Steps!

At this time, Huang Shaotian finally realized the problem. He had already begun to lose his strength, and he couldn't even keep up with Su Mucheng's rhythm. He was very impressed by the opportunity and found that this battle was the most important to him. Dangerous opportunity.

This is indeed a good opportunity, but it is not for her...

And can Su Mucheng seize this opportunity?

This shows how tired Huang Shaotian is now, and he has already begun to care about whether his opponent can seize this opportunity. But what can be done? The word chance was just too wonderful for him.

Did not miss it!

I saw Su Mucheng's erratic muzzle suddenly stabilized~www.readwn.com~ and then a cannonball suddenly shot out!


This blow was too sudden for all the viewers. Although he was still wondering why Su Mucheng kept moving, but now that Su Mucheng moved, they felt something was wrong.

Because Su Mucheng's cannonball caused too much trouble, right?

This seemingly simple cannon shot directly broke Huang Shaotian's shading step, but it was not over yet. Su Mucheng relied on this cannon to turn his body very smartly, and there was no more embarrassment to move forward. It was already on Huang Shaotian's face!

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, Huang Shaotian was overwhelmed by the sloping firepower in an instant.

At this moment, everyone realized how much they underestimated Su Mucheng. What was it that disrupted the Shadow Step? This is clearly the beginning of the counterattack. In just one shot, the situation on both sides changed dramatically.

How did it become like this?

At this moment, the Blue Rain fans who were still venting their passion to their heart's content, under Su Mucheng's attack, it was as if the group had been strangled by the throat, and they couldn't make a sound!

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