Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1762: lineup

The players on both sides came down from the various battle seats. Of course, the winner was the one who reacted first, the Happy fans who were located to the west of the auditorium. After all, this was definitely a wonderful game, and the result of the victory made Happy even more. fans rejoice, after all, is there anything more wonderful in this world? Happy's fans have every reason to be immersed in this happiness.

And Blue Rain's fans also reacted after hearing the cheers from Happy's fans. Now their team has fallen behind, it can be said that this is the critical moment of this game, and as fans of the team, how can they Continue to be so listless? How can the current negative emotions spread so recklessly in their appearances?

You must know that they are the absolute supporters of the Blue Rain team, and they gathered here today to look forward to a victory that belongs to their Blue Rain.

Although they can't provide any effective help to the players in the game, off the court, this is their home court, and here they should always do their best to make the team play well with everyone, right?

"Come on, Blue Rain!" I don't know who made the first move, and soon all kinds of voices cheering for Blue Rain spread throughout the audience. At this moment, all the Blue Rain fans joined in. That's right, it's not the time for melancholy. The current situation is indeed very serious for them, but it is this that makes them even more motivated.

"It's just lost a man's head score now, and the form is not that bad."

This is the unanimous thought of the current Blue Rain fans. Of course, what they hope most now is that all the members of their Blue Rain team can calm down. Although it is said that fans cannot influence the emotions of professional players, they hope that they can try their best to create an atmosphere so as to infect all players.

But now they focused all their attention on Huang Shaotian who was walking back to the player's seat.

"Su Mucheng is definitely on the hook today. He fought so fiercely!" Huang Shaotian, who returned to the team, was still complaining about Su Mucheng's unexpected toughness.

This directly led to a burst of laughter from his teammates.

"She played really well today, everyone should pay attention to her in the team competition." Yu Wenzhou also said this, asking everyone to pay attention to Su Mucheng and also help Huang Shaotian.

Soon everyone in Team Blue Rain was in the rhythm of talking about the final team match. As for the situation of this ring match, no one mentioned a word.

Baimeng Book

"We've only just lost one person's head points, and the form is not that bad." This kind of words that fans directly used to build confidence once again, in the current Blue Rain, no one has even mentioned a word.

Everyone in Blue Rain just didn't waste a minute and a second, making the final strategic plan before the team match started.

Even though they have practiced many times before the deployment, Yu Wenzhou will still make some fine-tuning of tactics according to the current state of the opponents on the field before going on the court. Just like today's Su Mucheng this time, she is in a particularly good state today, so she must take some precautions against Su Mucheng in the next team battle.

Everyone in the Blue Rain Team Tournament had already adjusted their state in just a few words from Yu Wenzhou, and entered the rhythm of the final team tournament.

In contrast, the players on Happy's side didn't have the mature mentality of Blue Rain and the others. But there is no way to do this, after all, it is almost a rookie that is their flaw. Of course, when Ye Xiu and Tang Yin explained the tactical details that they should pay attention to next, they wouldn't say anything to disappoint after the victory.

"Everyone keeps the momentum like this." Tang Yin said.

"We directly defeated them in the team competition!" Ye Xiu concluded.

To be fair, in the face of a giant team like Blue Rain, even the Samsara team that is in the limelight right now, would be too embarrassed to use the word rout, but Ye Xiu dared to use it like that, and everyone at Happy still likes this. Really take the words as a matter of time.

"Give me the boss!" Baozi said with great confidence, even excitedly.

"Then it depends on your performance, Baozi." Ye Xiu said. Although the steamed buns are not in tune, of course, at this time, they can't say anything depressing.

"It's a must!" Baozi said with his chest on his chest, and after speaking, he looked in the direction of Blue Rain with a very invincible look, with the expression of a conqueror, so don't be too arrogant.

"Come on, Baozi!" The rest of the team, who did not play, also joined in and said.

When both teams were discussing their tactics, the rest time between the ring match and the team match also passed quickly, and it felt like it was over in a blink of an eye. Soon the players from both sides began to enter the arena at the behest of the referee. At this time, all the spectators began to look around, because everyone was very curious about what kind of lineup the two sides would line up in this team match.

Blue Rain's lineup is: Yu Wenzhou, Huang Shaotian, Lu Hanwen, Zheng Xuan, Xu Jingxi, Song Xiao.

A lineup that is exactly the same as the previous one.

On the contrary, Happy made some adjustments~www.readwn.com~ For example, Wei Chen, who had a deep relationship with Blue Rain, didn't play in this match. He and Yifan were replaced by two newcomers, Tang Rou and Baozi. So Happy's home lineup this time was Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng, Tang Yin, Baozi, An Wenyi, and Tang Rou.

Among them, Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng, and Tang Yin's three all-star lineups are not surprising. After all, in terms of the current appearance rate of Happy's players, the three of them are the most stable, and the last treatment is An Wenyi. , he is absolutely indispensable in the team game. As a result, the lineup that Happy will be changing in the team competition is mainly two positions. Of course, Su Mucheng and Zhang Jiale sometimes replace each other, but Zhang Jiale has already appeared in the ring match, so it's not surprising that he didn't appear in the ring match.

The players from both sides came to the stage, and the players directly covered each other's hands. The two sides stood opposite each other, and soon began a friendly handshake session.

"Aren't you afraid yet?" Ye Xiu laughed when shaking hands with Yu Wenzhou.

"What do you have to be afraid of?" Huang Shaotian, who had not arrived yet, had already retorted. He still looked very energetic. It seemed that the loss in the last game had no effect on him.

"Why are you all fighting?" Tang Yin asked Huang Shaotian helplessly while holding Yu Wenzhou's hand.

"Humph! I'll tell you Xiaoyin, and you'll know how good we are right away." Huang Shaotian began to feel indignant when he saw Tang Yin.

"Huh? Don't you know how powerful it was just now?" Huang Shaotian had already held Tang Yin's hand, but Mu Cheng, who was beside Tang Yin, answered, looking at Huang Shaotian with a harmless smile. After all, in the match just now, she is fully qualified to say this.

"Mucheng, you are really becoming less and less cute..." Huang Shaotian complained depressedly...

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