Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1804: Tongue battle group Confucianism and Wenzhou

Just like what Tang Yin saw now, after stopping Huang Shaotian and Tang Yin, Yu Wenzhou just looked at these reporters like this, the smile on his face never stopped, and his squinting look was very kind...

And the reporters in front of him were still chattering, all of them seemed to care so much about them before they said so much, and many of them knew Yu Wenzhou, and they were indeed more optimistic about Lan Yu, and there were also blue rains in the past. Yu said some words of praise, and also fought for Lan Yu and others.

After all, it was a press conference at Blue Rain's main venue. After all, there were people who liked Blue Rain, but it was because of this that their expectations for Blue Rain increased, and the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.


Yu Wenzhou listened like this, until no one spoke, as if he had already approved all that could be approved, and this time no one came out to speak.

In the face of such a sudden quietness, the audience and reporters also looked at each other in confusion. Only then did they realize that this was a press conference. It should have been a place where players should talk more and listen more.

At this moment, they didn't know how to continue the interview, and at this moment, Yu Wenzhou, the Blue Rain captain finally spoke up.

"I would like to thank you all for your care and love for our Blue Rain." Yu Wenzhou's tone was neither humble nor arrogant.

No one speaks now, because Yu Wenzhou said these words, and for a while they felt that their previous painstaking efforts had finally come to an end, and only they themselves knew whether they were painstakingly taught or painstakingly sarcastic. And now they are still waiting, the starting point can get some information from the players' mouths.

"Everyone, Wie Lan Yu is in a hurry, and it is for the good of Lan Yu. I am very aware of this." Yu Wenzhou continued.

"But..." Just when all the reporters were very comfortable listening, Yu Wenzhou suddenly came to a turning point. "Even if it is for our own good, such nonsense is not acceptable to us."

"Hahahahahaha!" Huang Shaotian laughed wildly.

It should have been the hardest time to lose a year of hard work in this match, but now Huang Shaotian was smiling. Now he is really laughing for the sake of laughing, and after this whisper is resentment and sorrow...

He just wanted to say it. You guys who don't know so much have such information to spread nonsense on them?

The reporters were dumbfounded by Huang Shaotian's laughter. They really didn't expect that Yu Wenzhou had just finished thanking him and said mercilessly that they were talking nonsense.

Faced with such a result, someone immediately stood up and reprimanded in dissatisfaction, and Yu Wenzhou's voice also echoed.

From the first one who stood up and pointed at Excellent Era, Yu Wenzhou directly began to respond one-on-one.

This is the end of the next one, Yu Wenzhou directly incarnates as Yu Ran Ran, attacking fifteen people in a row.

And these fifteen reporters who were originally Kang's statement and wantonly expressed their own thoughts, one was speechless because of the scolding, and these fifteen people were all the reporters who came out to point at them before. Yu Wenzhou called them all. It didn't even look out of order.

One by one, clearly and methodically, all their points were refuted back.

The result is that every reporter who participated in the criticism just now stood up happily and sat back with red faces.

But what can they do? Yu Wenzhou's retort was so reasonable, and even when he scolded them after he finished speaking, he had an expression of sudden realization. Yu Wenzhou is using his strength to make them feel that they really don't understand anything, and they are still talking nonsense in a public place like this.

The complexity of this game is far more high-end than they believed, and the accusations and questions they said seemed so superficial at this moment.

Now they feel like they are a bunch of rookies, shouting to others, "Why don't you just use the Phantom Invisible Sword to hit your opponent with a hundred combo seconds?"

The other party smiled and told him with an expression of caring for the mentally retarded: There is a mechanism in Glory called cooling, so it is impossible to combine skills to make a hundred combos.

This is Yu Wenzhou's greatness, but none of the reporters who were attacked by him became angry. Also because of him, because his narration is too clear. Let their point of view be completely untenable.

After Yu Wenzhou scolded all of them, the scene returned to the quiet scene before.

"Then..." Yu Wenzhou finally looked at a reporter and continued: "Thank you again, we will see you next season."

At this point, Team Blue Rain has withdrawn.

Although it was said that this press conference had been broadcast live, none of the reporters dared to write about it, so in the end, these reporters wrote a very impressive description report based on what Yu Wenzhou just said.

But although these reporters have shut up, the size of Honor's players is here.

In the face of a losing team, it is inevitable that all kinds of accusations and criticisms will appear on the Internet. UU's reading www.uukanshu.com and the reporters who were scolded by Yu Wenzhou, looking at these online eyes, suddenly felt that they were just as pitiful as the previous self.

Because these criticisms and accusations are similar to many of what Tang said before, but a few are different, even they can see that those views are even more untenable. To sum up, no one on the whole network really talks about electronic.

And the reason is very simple, the pressure on them is not enough. And those with skill level know that it is wrong to do nothing in this Blue Rain. There is no need to speak.


At this moment, these reporters instantly understood how Yu Wenzhou felt before.

This really is some nonsense!

But what can they do? The e-sports circle is only a rookie circle after all. Those who are really good are now players from various teams. Those who quit have been digested by other circles. These reporters are just ordinary fans of glory. , and even many of them are only contacted because of engineering, and they are honored to learn.

As far as their so-called professional vision is concerned, they are not on the same level as those professional players, especially in the most high-end playoffs, many of the layouts are beyond their ability to understand.

And their opinions that they think are accurate are seen as a joke at the professional level. What's more important is that they don't know it yet. What's the difference between this and a happy emperor who seems to be wearing new clothes, but is actually running naked?

In his Yu Wenzhou, it was like a little girl, telling them one by one: "You are not wearing clothes now, it is best not to run around, be careful of catching a cold."

It's really cold, and they do catch cold, it's still a serious kind, and this kind of cold is called social death...

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