Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1807: Zhang Xinjie's most hated person

"Xingxin seems to have been broken up here, but in fact it has a plan. If Su Mucheng wants to deal with it as before, it will directly affect Happy's plan at this time, and it is difficult to form such a situation." Zhang Xinjie said.

As for the situation after that, everyone in Tyranny, who had studied so many days of competition, knew very well that Happy's play this time was out of order. He dragged Blue Rain, who thought they had successfully disrupted Happy's deployment, directly into the quagmire, preventing them from breaking free. And this style of play could be successful, of course, it couldn't do without what Xingxin thought it was doing now, but Su Mucheng's role here was extraordinarily meaningful.

"Although Blue Rain has raised its vigilance against Su Mucheng, it's still far from enough." Zhang Xinjie cut out a video while making this video, and Su Mucheng used the gunners one after another while making this video. Some of the long ones are interspersed in the battlefield, forming a strong interference with the implementation of Blue Rain's plan.

On Blue Rain's side, there was nothing that could be done about Su Mucheng, who had been keeping a distance from them, so that Su Mucheng had a good output space.

This sentence was a rare criticism of Zhang Xinjie's performance on Lan Yu and the others, which had never been seen in previous explanations. However, Zhang Xinjie didn't feel any pride just because he discovered Blue Rain. After all, he was able to discover this because of his repeated observation over the past few days.

There's no way that Su Mucheng's changes are too fragmented, and it's really too observable. If he didn't eat this video thoroughly enough, he might not be able to find it. Zhang Xinjie was thankful for this. He was fortunate that there was such a match for information before they and Happy met, so he gave him the research materials and ended up with these pieces of information for them.

"Looks like we have to look at her a little tighter," Fang Rui said.

"It's best to completely cover his sight." Zhang Xinjie said, this sentence shows the importance he attaches to Su Mucheng.

Everyone is an old player, and there are many things that don’t need to be said too much. Since Fang Rui has already taken the initiative to answer the call, it also shows that he is very clear. Right now, he is the most suitable person to cut the connection between Su Mucheng and his teammates. , has long-range ability, and at the same time has strong melee ability, the qigong mask can limit the qigong master of the opponent's attack in a large range.

One of the tactics for fighting against Happy was decided in this way, but the outsiders probably never thought of it. Among the team that Tyranny had put forward on the first day to take precautions against Xingxin, it was not Ye Xiu who had changed the most, and Tang Yin, who was the most dazzling now, but Mucheng, who was now somewhat inconspicuous in Xingxin. .

Of course, this wasn't the first conclusion that Tyranny had researched during this period of time. The game video was still playing, and soon the algorithm was all messed up. With this result, Happy's steamed buns once became the main target of Blue Rain's attack. After several conversions, it was Steamed Bun Invasion and Xiaoyaoyou who had joined forces to directly kidnap Blue Rain's treatment.

And now Tyranny's main thinking has begun to shift, and now they are thinking: Why did Happy suddenly choose Baozi to play in the team competition.

After all, the game has been played so far, and any choice cannot be meaningless. The choice of the players directly reflects the team's intention to record and use the style of play.

If nothing else, the choice of steamed buns is something that Zhang Xinjie, who is in the late stage of obsessive-compulsive disorder, dislikes the most. That's why, compared to Yu Wenzhou, he cares more about why Happy is playing in such an important game. In the middle of the game, letting Baozi be so random may give them the option of a backstab.

Is it just because Tang Yin is there to make amends? For this thing that even Yu Wenzhou could find out during the competition, Tyranny of course also immediately noticed the problem. But this only proves that Happy is a team that has the ability to digest the unstable factors like steamed buns to a certain extent. But this has returned to the original point, so I can't figure out why Happy will play buns?

What does this steamed bun have to do with the result of this match? It's impossible for Happy to send him up to distract Tang Yin's attention, right?

Up to now, the video in the projection has reached the stage where Tang Yin and Baozi kidnapped Blue Rain's healing Soul Whisperer, and the projection images at this time were once again divided into highlights.

A set of attack collections that belong to Baozi's various soul abusers.

In the end, Zhang Xinjie concluded that the reason why Happy chose Baozi to play is to target Xu Jingxi's soul-talker, and the reason is in Baozi's profession. One of several rich professions, which gives Tang Yin and the others more interrupting methods when facing a guardian who is known for his defensive power. He released all the skills of shaking back and forth, and this was the result of the cooperation between Tang Yin and Baozi.

"Fairy Wood"

The picture of this collection is fixed on the picture of Baozi lying on the Soul Whisperer, and facing him is a set of Overlord Lianquan.

"Do you feel very praised?" Zhang Xinjie pointed to the screen and said, "But if Steamed Bun Invasion hadn't followed up at this time, and if the Soul Whisperer came out with a guardian virtue or an angel's prestige, their kidnapping situation would have been broken."

"This player named Bao Rongxing has shown...very positive feelings about this kind of thing..."


To be honest, Zhang Xinjie has been in the professional circle for so many years, and he has never done anything based on his feelings. He has always been known for his strictness, and he has never said any ambiguous words, but now facing this bun, he really did not. What to grasp.

Su Mucheng, Bao Rongxing...

After so many days of research and analysis, today is almost the time for the final conclusion. Zhang Xinjie first summarized some of the two players' battle against Blue Rain.

Of course, the information that Tyranny and the others analyzed from this match would not be as simple as the two of them. Under Zhang Xinjie's arrangement, the changes of every Happy player were displayed.

How to do?

This kind of thing is the same as Fang Rui's tacit understanding before, and everyone in Tyranny understands it. But because Zhang Xinjie was always strict, even though everyone had been fighting side by side for so many years, he was no longer familiar with Tyranny's attack on Han Wenqing, so he still made the final confirmation. After confirming that everyone's cognition was completely unified, everything about Tyranny went on like this in a tense and orderly manner.

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