Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1825: exchange

Last season's Fang Rui was considered a bonus player whose opponents didn't get used to it because of his career change. It is precisely because of this that it is more clear to adapt to him, but it is time for a career change, and the response style of play should also change accordingly, but a person's experience, consciousness, judgment, habits, etc., these will not be easily changed.

The leader of their Tyranny team, Han Wenqing, had been entangled with Ye Xiu for ten years.

His partner Lin Jingyan also played against Ye Xiu in the second season of the league.

It wasn't just them. Except for the rookies who debuted during Ye Xiu's retirement, that player had never played against Ye Xiu, and among the three who fought the most, two were in their Tyranny team. The last one was Zhang Jiale, who, like Lin Jingyan, was a player who debuted in the second season, but now he was in Happy, so he was not included in the calculation.

But even if Han Wenqing and Lin Jingyan, who had played against Ye Xiu the most, were on the same team, it would still be very difficult for them to directly supplement the Sanren's style of play.

However, although it is very difficult to say that the Naobu Sanren's play style is very difficult, but to capture Ye Xiu's current style of play, the two of them still have an advantage over most players.

After all, time is fair to most things. When he takes something away from you, it usually leaves something behind.

Do you want to take me away just like this?

Although Fang Rui didn't have as many battles with Ye Xiu as his partner and captain, he did a lot of research on Ye Xiu. After all, many rookies of his generation were abused by Ye Xiu along the way. ?

Before the match, Han Wenqing had partnered with Fang Rui's teachings, and Fang Rui certainly wouldn't just give up.

Even though Fang Rui's manipulations couldn't make him take out Ye Xiu's control directly when he was sent flying by Ye Xiu, Fang Rui never gave up his fight against Ye Xiu. Even if he looked for the sky, he fired several instant-fired energy bombs in succession. Or a combo of close combat skills that tries to interrupt Ye. The scene was very lively for a while.

Even the commentators on the scene were a little surprised. They didn't expect that a character in mid-air who was hit by Ye Xiu's scatter attack combo would be able to fight back so powerfully. Such a scene was something that no audience had ever imagined before. In particular, many qigong masters attack the light attribute attack, and when they hit the character, they will have an electric shock effect, which means that some of the qigong master's skills can trigger two abnormal states of stun and electric shock.

In the face of these two additional abnormal state skills, Ye Xiu had to deal with them. But there are still a lot of things that he didn't have to deal with in the rain.

All kinds of attacks that engulfed this thought fell from the sky.

He played Ye Xiu's movement to the white light and shadow, but in such light and shadow, Ye Xiu's attack was still tenacious.

Even with Fang Rui's powerful counterattack, he still couldn't push Ye Xiu back half a step. Instead, Ye Xiu was more determined to stabilize his own advantage and attacked a few times. In such a situation, the audience is stunned.

Not only because of the current match between Fang Rui and Ye Xiu, but more importantly, Han Wenqing, who had never known why he gave in before, had chosen to give in in the head-to-head battle with Ye Xiu. But Ye Xiu still had no intention of retreating in the face of such favorable persecution, just like Han Wenqing in the past, he moved forward bravely.

It's an exchange!

The professional players who were watching the match, like Yu Wenzhou, Huang Shaotian, Tang Hao, Yang Cong, and the others, had already seen Ye Xiu's purpose.

In addition to dodging or parrying unexpected attacks from Yixi that would affect his offensive, Ye Xiu always did it for the purpose of inflicting more damage on the opponent.

And this is the comparative exchange flow play, which directly exchanges health with each other. One of the most common and standard arena play.

That is to say, Ye Xiu is no longer demanding the winning rate of this game, but is thinking about how to blow up this game and cause more damage to his opponent. Paving the way for future teammates,

"Is this guy pairing up to save trouble?" Huang Shaotian said when he saw Ye Xiu's performance.

"Maybe..." Yu Wenzhou replied, in his opinion, trying to save trouble was just a word, and what was more important was Ye Xiu's physical strength. To say that Ye Xiu was saving his troubles, it would be better to say that he was saving his stamina. After all, it wasn't the regular season, and every match was a lot of physical work for Ye Xiu.

And now he is no longer Ye Xiu, who needs to support a team geographically in the original book. There is still one person in their team. With him, don't squeeze your precious physical strength to fight for your subtle advantages, but can use it Arrange more reasonably, and the call fee is where the call fee should be most.

Ye Xiu and Fang Rui's careful thinking in the battle is naturally unpredictable. The audience is mainly concerned about the highlights. First, when will Fang Rui reach such an unfavorable situation, and the second is that the other part expects Ye Xiu to make a direct move. Take Fang Rui away. UU reading www. uukanshu. com but only the pros know that this match will end in an exchange between the two sides.

In the end, Lord Grim collapsed completely, and Fang Rui's character only had fifty-five percent of his health remaining.

Win or lose?

Please, it's an arena match now, the individual's victory or defeat cannot be determined after all.

Ye Xiu really lost this game, but he took away 45% of his health, and this allowed Happy to temporarily maintain the leading position.

Although Fa Meng Haoran had won, his expectation of using the terrain to reduce the consumption of health points was still in vain compared to the initial desire to use up Ye Xiu's physical strength. This result was quite different from his initial expectations.

Originally, at the end of each game, commentator Pan Sen and guest Li Yibo would make a brief summary of some of the pertinent or exciting aspects of the game. But now the two of them are talking about irrelevant topics. Never talked about the subject.

There is no way to do this. Although this game is very exciting and cool, the game is also very intuitive, and that's all I can say. But the problem is that the two of them always have a feeling that they haven't explained it clearly, but they don't know where they haven't explained it clearly, which causes the two of them to be a little confused now.

Ye Xiu left the battle seat and was greeted with applause from the audience. Everyone can accept it now, especially everyone who watched Ye Xiu's last replay was full of enthusiasm. Although it is impossible to take the opponent away in one wave, it is already very powerful to directly take away nearly 40% of the blood volume.

After all, Tyranny was also a generation of tyrants, and he was also the champion last season. Facing their desire for Ye Xiu to be one to two, their expectations were indeed a bit high.

Who is Happy's next contestant?

Soon a name and player information appeared on the big screen - Mo Fan!

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