Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1851: collapsed room

Every punch of Han Wenqing made a burst of sound, and between the bursts of sound, you could clearly hear Han Wenqing's old fist, and Qiao Yifan listened more and more, and his face changed.

If Song Qiying's last game was only to tear down a wall, then Han Wenqing's current posture seems to be a wave of demolition of the entire ancient castle. And it's still the kind of demolition.

"What the **** is Han Wenqing doing?" The audience at the scene was obviously very amazed at Han Wenqing's current operation of the desert smoke and the violent demolition of the wall. After all, Han Wenqing's intentions are very obvious now, even ordinary players like them can still see Han Wenqing's intentions clearly.

Boom boom boom!

The surrounding walls were constantly bombarded with weaker walls, and soon, Han Wenqing had already penetrated into the two walls and was riddled with holes.

Is the current castle trembling?

Qiao Yifan in the room, listening to these constant sounds, he began to doubt whether it was his own illusion, and his body could feel the vibration from the wall. It was as if the floor they were on could no longer support the heavy pressure from above, and even the ceiling above was sinking a little bit, as if they had gradually lost their support points.

This place will definitely collapse!

Now Qiao Yifan doesn't care whether this is his own illusion or what, when making this judgment. He knew that there was no way he could continue to stay here like this. This old boxer from Tyranny was much more experienced than any of their rookies.

Faced with such a situation, he could only choose to take the initiative. Fortunately, he knows the structure of the rooms in this area, and now Han Wenqing is still operating the desert smoke, attacking these walls in a circle.

And every punch of his gave Qiao Yifan an opportunity to listen to his voice and identify his position.

It is precisely because of this that Qiao Yifan has roughly judged the position of Han Wenqing's character, and without hesitation, Qiao Yifan directly manipulated One Inch Ash to kill him.

And because he was familiar with the terrain, Qiao Yifan had already predicted Ha Han Wenqing's moving route and time when he made the decision, and was ready to go here to ambush.

The figure pressed down, Qiao Yifan carefully manipulated the character to come to a strong position, put on an attacking posture and did not move, and Qiao Yifan also began to count the time in his heart.

The sound of Han Wenqing hitting the wall with one punch after another was getting closer, and after all, with Han Wenqing, dust even fell from Qiao Yifan's head. Qiao Yifan raised the character's angle of view slightly, this time he was very sure that the ceiling above his head was really shaking, as if he would not be able to hold on any longer.

But even so, Qiao Yifan still did not move, because now Han Wenqing was getting closer and closer to him, if he moved now, he would definitely be discovered by the other party.

clap clap!

The sound of these two punches is very clear, because this time the sound is no longer transmitted through the air, but directly from the wall, which also proves that Han Wenqing's desert smoke finally hit Qiao Yifan's ambush. on the wall.


The third punch, this one punched a small hole in the wall. But Qiao Yifan, who was leaning against the wall, still didn't turn his angle of view, and just watched the fist that pierced through the wall retracted from the hole.

After smashing, continue to smash down here, and Han Wenqing's every attack is on these strong vulnerable points, and some places without obvious cracks jump directly, so there is still no wall to fall. . But now this situation continues, and it is clear that the wall has begun to bear its strength.


After opening a hole, it is time to go to the side where Qiao Yifan is hiding. Now Qiao Yifan can see clearly that every time he punches through the wall, Da Moguyan is the joint above his fist, and it has been wrapped around it. The famous boxing gloves - the flaming red fist.

The flame-like glove, even if it was not hit by the opponent, just looking at it made Qiao Yifan feel a burning sensation. Even if he only played a normal attack, it gave people a feeling of fighting spirit and killing intent.


There was another sound of a gun head hitting the wall.

Of course, this punch was not at the place where Qiao Yifan arrived. After all, Qiao Yifan had already calculated these when he planned to ambush. Of course, the position he chose was a step with a relatively solid wall, and such a place was definitely not something that Han Wenqing did. Choose where to attack.

The sound of fists still wanted to move in his ears, but at this time, Qiao Yifan had slowly revealed the sword, and the power of the ghosts and gods above the sword continued to gather.


Another hole appeared in the wall, but Qiao Yifan didn't care about them at all, and stared at the front, the corridor door where Han Wenqing was about to appear.

But at this critical moment, the wall that Qiao Yifan was leaning against suddenly vibrated very far away, and then the wall began to deform.

No way? !

Qiao Yifan raised his angle in disbelief, and the ceiling above him had begun to crack in many places, slumping downward.

Has it reached its limit?

The answer to this question was obvious, and Han Wenqing noticed it immediately.


Without hesitation, Han Wenqing slammed his fist on the wall again. This time, he was not picking a weak spot, but punched directly at the wall beside him. The use of this punch depends on the power of the skill. Workers can shake the front wall. Accelerate the vibration and deformation of the entire wall, and Han Wenqing's purpose is to catalyze the collapse of this wall.

You must know that this Han Wenqing is not using an ordinary attack, but a one-hit skill. Its strength directly smashed half of the wall, and this obviously accelerated the speed of the collapse. And at this time, the one-hit skill was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. The destructive power is naturally amazing.

More importantly, Han Wenqing's punch directly knocked out Qiao Yifan's figure. After all, the limit of the wall was broken with a single blow. With a roar, there was a ceiling above Qiao Yifan's head, and his thoughts began to fall.

Faced with such a situation, Qiao Yifan immediately used Yi Inch Ash to dodge, while Han Wenqing also used Da Mo Guyan to take a stride. Flashes directly under the ceiling.


When the ceiling was completely smashed down, Han Wenqing's deserted smoke was rolling and kicking at the limit in a burst of smoke. Not only did he move in a low voice, not only did he not suffer any damage, but when he bounced, a punch had already slashed at Qiao Yifan. Boom away.


The fists gathered, and they thought about Qiao Yifan's slash. And how could Qiao Yifan's slashing attack of a ghost be able to resist the attack of the boxer? This punch directly knocked Qiao Yifan with a knife and collapsed.

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