Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1854: Han Wenqing? funny?

Due to the fact that most of the rooms in the previous room were destroyed, the view in the ancient castle has been broadened a lot, but even so, Han Wenqing still did not find the figure of the other party forming a formation in the wind.

"Did the opponent not take the middle?" In such a situation, Han Wen will naturally analyze the judgment and actions of the opponent's opening. After all, the only home advantage that this castle can take advantage of is the various structural rooms in this house, but now? All these things were dismantled by him in the last game. The advantage will naturally disappear. And without the advantage, it's no surprise that Wei Chen would choose to abandon this battlefield.

Thinking of this, Han Wenqing didn't hesitate any more, just entered through the back door and passed directly through the first floor of this ancient castle. Come to the main entrance of the castle. The angle of view wanted to glance around, and the bearing looked very calm.

But the current mood of Tyranny's fans was completely opposite to that of Han Wenqing, they were already nervous to the point of throat.

Because Wei Chen didn't go anywhere else, the first place he came to at the beginning of the game was still the old castle. It's just that he went around to the back of the castle, and now this really very wretched cat is watching carefully from a floor-to-ceiling window at the back of the castle.

I have to admit that since the first floor was demolished by Han Wen, the entire field of vision has broadened a lot, although it is impossible to be as endless as the grasslands. Even if the single number took down the wreckage of the collapsed broken wall, it could not stop the sight. It's a pity that Wei Chen's current character's position, from the angle of view, just can't see the desert lonely smoke that is already standing at the main gate.

Wei Chen seemed to have realized this, and he started to change positions very quickly, and the way he moved when he changed positions still gave people the feeling of being very obscene. Such a move made the Tyranny audience all despise him. He even wanted to rush to the stage to remind their captain, Han Wenqing, that Wei Chen, a guy with no lower limit, is sneaking behind you!

And after a wave of position adjustments, Wei Chen finally discovered Han Wenqing's lonely smoke in the desert. Wei Chen, who was still standing outside the window, looked around again. Everyone looked at him as if he was about to leave.

Bang Bang Bang!

Soon everyone saw Wei Chen waving the cane of Death's Hand in his hand, but he didn't launch any attack. He simply tapped the window sill he used to observe with his cane a few times. After all, even if he's just a warlock, he can also tap a cane.

What material is the staff of the Dead Hand made of? It's hard to tell just by looking at it. It seems to be wood but not wood, and now the sound of knocking on the stone window sill is very unpleasant.

But Wei Chen seemed to be worried that Han Wen wouldn't be able to hear his side's voice, and hit the wall in series.

"Little Han, where are you looking? This is this!" Wei Chen not only tapped on the windowsill, but even shouted together on the public channel.

And Han Wenqing, who heard the movement, also turned his perspective, and soon the roles of the two sides were already facing each other from a distance.

Seeing this, Wei Chen said with great satisfaction, "You see?"

Han Wenqing didn't mean to answer Wei Chen's words on the public channel at all. Now that he had discovered the opponent's location, Han Wenqing directly and heroically searched for him and launched a charge.

And seeing such a situation, Wei Chen was just a neck. He disappeared from Han Wenqing's field of vision once again. Now, in which direction Wei Chen is moving, the audience with God's perspective is naturally very clear, but Han Wenqing is not clear. And now Wei Chen didn't go too far, he just closed his neck, walked out a few figures in one direction carefully, stopped again at a window where he could observe, and took a look at the old castle.

Han Wenqing's action was very fast. Now Han Wenqing has rushed to the window where he was before. Seeing that the other party seems to be ready to break through the window and rush out.

"This guy definitely has something to do with our Pangda." Seeing Han Wenqing who was about to demolish the house again, Wei Chen couldn't help but sighed for a while. Of course, at the same time, the hand of death in Wei Chen's hand was also confused with a strong curse. At the same time, Wei Chen's skill chant officially started.

Wei Chen was going to sneak attack on Han Wenqing, even an ordinary player could guess that, let alone a veteran like Han Wenqing, how could he possibly not be aware of the opponent's intentions?

Bang, the window is broken, seeing this scene, Wei Chen almost subconsciously raised the hand of death in his hand, only to send a letter that the window was indeed broken, but no figure came out of it.

I saw Han Wenqing's Desert Solitary Smoke smashing the window and then moving sideways. After a few steps of impact, the face window is again.

Soon the window of the dominant side was broken, but the other side still did not see the figure jumping out.

"The guy is quite clever, but it's boring to be too clever. I won't play with you!" Wei Chen continued on the public channel. UU reading www.uukanshu.com and his character Yingfeng formation is also true, Zhou Yingfeng formation turned around and left after posting this sentence, it is true.

boom! boom!

Huang Shaotian at the scene looked at Han Wenqing on the arena, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that Han Wenqing was like their happy family today, and it would be amazing to tear it down at home. And Han Wenqing finally rushed out when he broke the window for the fourth time.

left! right!

Desert Guyan's field of vision swept across the surroundings quickly, but Wei Chen was not seen at all.

no one…

Since what Wei Chen just said on the public channel is true? Did he really leave like this? After so many prepared sneak attacks, now that you really say give up, then give up?

So Han Wenqing, who had smashed two windows in vain, was a little depressed now. And this kind of depression can be clearly felt by the audience, because they can clearly feel the incomparably fierce murderous aura emanating from Da Mo Guyan.

But even so, there is no denying that Han Wenqing, who opened two windows for no reason, does seem a bit funny.

But the audience at the scene was shocked the next moment. They didn't even think that one day they would press the word on Han Wenqing's head.

"Are you tired of living!

"How can the iron fans of Tyranny who have reacted to it be able to bear it? Since Wei Chen dared to tease their captain, is this Wei Chen drifting away, or does he think that we Tyranny can't hold a knife?

As for the core of the current incident, where are the Wei Chen people? Now he is operating this character to form a formation against the wind, and now he is climbing up the side of the castle. It looked so nervous.

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