Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1864: What exactly does Xingxin want to do?

However, it can be seen from Tyranny's reactions that they still attach great importance to this battle with Happy. It also shows that among Tyranny, it is not only Han Wenqing who is making self-adjustments, but even Tyranny. A whole team, under the leadership of their core captain, adjusts and changes itself, and this is also their rhythm of play.

After all, Li Yibo was Tyranny's commentary, and he was very impressed with these adjustments Tyranny made. The first time he saw Tyranny's action, he had already noticed the changes in the Tyranny team. He also talked about this topic on his own. As for how Happy would use their home-court advantage on this map in the end, what was the intention of bringing Luo Ji, who was almost at the tail of Happy's crane, into the field? These questions were very cleverly revealed by him...

The two teams are moving around each other in various ways, and they haven't seen each other yet, and the somewhat quiet environment now gives people a feeling of being protected from rain.

Happy's actions were very determined, and they rushed directly into the residential area of ​​the map. Without any hesitation, everyone in Happy who entered the residential area immediately began to sing wonderfully. In the end, there was only one Tang Yin's Xiaoyaoyou who had not finished hiding. He didn't even drill into the residential area, but continued to move forward along this road, cutting directly to the altar with the most open space.

The audience was stunned when they saw this.

There is no other reason, because this game has become a little cautious and the Tyranny crowd, after a wave of rotation, finally chose to run in the direction of Wang. And Li Yibo in the commentary room is now talking about this matter. After all, the terrain on the side of the altar was the most open, and this was the least dangerous to Tyranny in the away game.

But Tyranny is justifiable to move in the direction of the altar, but why are you, Tang Yin, running in that direction? And the firmness of this pace was even higher than that of Tyranny on the other side.

The Tyranny crowd, who were also operating in the direction of the altar, quickly discovered Xiao Yaoyou's figure.

Boom boom boom.

Bang bang bang.

Seeing this scene, Tyranny's attack directly greeted him. Of course, the first to attack were Fang Rui's qigong master and Qin Muyun's sharpshooter.

Under normal circumstances, Han Wenqing would be the first to rush up. After all, no matter who the person on the opposite side is, Han Wenqing has the pride of facing each other directly. However, he didn't rush up immediately, but instead stopped the pace of progress first.

confrontation. With five enemies and one, this is definitely a gap in the number of people, since there is a confrontation! And Tyranny didn't even rush in the first time.

"In this match, Tyranny really behaved quite calmly." Pan Sen deliberately knocked out the two accents of "quite".

"What's the situation? Didn't you just say that you're not afraid of Team Han? So no one dares to come here by myself?" In the current remote situation, Tang Yin was not afraid of anyone, and there were two people in the other party. Tang Yin can still deal with it easily. You can even type while fighting back. By the way, put a trash talk taunt.

But the players of Team Tyranny, who is not a seasoned veteran? It was so likely that Tang Yin, the rookie's ridicule, would be in a mess. Han Wenqing didn't even notice Tang Yin's mockery. The five people on Tyranny's side continued to work according to their original formation.

Fang Rui and Qin Muyun's two long-range professions were located on both sides of Team Tyranny's formation. On the one hand, they could better expand their vision, and on the other hand, they could form an attacking angle on Tang Yin, which was convenient for cross-shooting. And Han Wenqing, Lin Jingyan, Zhang Xinjie, the three formed an inverted triangle. Desert Guyan and Leng Anlei were in front, covering Zhang Xinjie. And Zhang Xinjie's Shi Buzhuan is behind. Move forward slowly and give the support everyone in the team needs.

The current Tyranny team no longer had the aura that it used to be like breaking mountains and cracking rocks as soon as they came up. On the contrary, the current Tyranny gave people the tenacity and perseverance of dripping water and piercing rocks, and slowly unfolded their formation. The direct change of the two is so arrogant that many people are somewhat unrecognizable.

Tang also saw that his garbage was useless, and without hesitation, he directly turned on mobile shooting, and retreated to shoot again.

No way, in this case he had to retreat.

Now that Tyranny's formation has been completely unfolded, although it is only a few simple moves on the whole, Tang Yin has already seen that the attacking formation formed by Tyranny now has a great impact on the attack at both ends, and it echoes far and near. He could completely shrink and contract freely. If he was approached by them, his formation could instantly hit Tyranny's best frontal charge.


Tang Yin couldn't help but let out a sigh after seeing this series of movements of the Tyranny, because he knew very well that Tyranny's formation meant that they finally brought all of Zhang Xinjie's talents into full play. . UU reading www.uukanshu.com

You must know that Tang Yin has been studying various major teams every day after he has a certain understanding of Glory. This is evident from the hard disk data he sorted out. After entering the professional league, he rarely analyzes the games of every team in the league with Ye Xiu. So he knew from a very early age that Zhang Xinjie's style and Tyranny's temperament were actually completely incompatible.

But now it is different. After the adjustment of Tyranny by Yifan, I think Zhang Xinjie has been completely integrated into it.

Zhang Xinjie, one of the four great tacticians of Honor.

In his first season in the league, he was the main force of the team and won the championship for Tyranny.

Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were very consistent in their evaluation of him. That is, his abilities are far from being fully developed.

Tang Yin retreated.

Tang Yin didn't even have the thought to launch an attack, so Tang Yin directly chose to use mobile shooting to retreat.

This retreat is quite a neat retreat. But he left the hesitant opportunity to Tyranny.

Tang also came alone to play 1v5 with them, which was of course impossible. After all, they knew very well that Tang Yin was never arrogant and complacent. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster, and there must be a special deployment from Team Happy. Anyone can think of this.

But having said that, the Tyranny team was playing away from home after all, and their familiarity with the map was very limited. Therefore, it is impossible to speculate on the location of Xing's ambush and the form of ambush. And after Fang Rui and Qin Muyun's observation, it was possible to send Happy to attack from the left and right. As for the back road, the other party had just come over. According to the time, it was impossible for Happy to arrive. When the question came up, Happy What do you want to do?

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