Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1886: Chasing and being chased

However, Zhang Xinjie thinks about it, and it is impossible. After all, because movement has always been the weak point of treatment, there are also teams who are madly stacking movement speed bonuses on their own treatment, in order to contain the opponent.

But thinking about An Wenyi's previous two blows with Tang Yin and Su Mucheng, as the priest ceiling in the professional alliance, just seeing those numbers, Zhang Xinjie knew that the other party must still be the original, extremely violent healing suit, and moved The abilities are only the same as normal priests, and the numbers can be said to be somewhat shorter.

But under such circumstances, since Han Wenqing's party members just didn't catch up with each other, Zhang Xinjie was extremely surprised. However, although he was surprised, he had already figured out why.

This is because of the terrain.

This is Happy's home ground after all, and An Wenyi is really familiar with this map, and this residential area is the most complicated part of the map. Even the terrain of this area is not as simple as one plane. Because there are many tree houses, there is naturally a way to go up. A tree usually has two or three layers of tree houses, but it belongs to the middle, the tree house. There are also suspension bridges or tree trunks intertwined between tree houses. It can be said to be quite complicated.

On the other hand, An Wenyi's little cold hands have limited movement speed, but they are very attribute to the complex terrain.

At first, the audience was still surprised that Han Wenqing didn't catch up with Happy's short-skilled priest, but when they saw the picture on the big screen, they immediately felt that Han Wenqing had not been lost since then. It's really amazing to get rid of the points and continue to bite the opponent tightly.

Really great.

But to say he was surprised, not only Han Wenqing, An Wenyi was equally surprised. He knew that in his plan, he could rely on his own understanding of the terrain of the area, research, and a lot of practice. Qing tossed it away, but it turned out that he thought too much. This plan, which he had prepared for a long time, ended in failure after all.

Han Wenqing!

Although it was said that the professional player Dark Ye admired and admired most was Tyranny's vice-captain Zhang Xinjie, in the end he was also a Tyranny fan, and no Tyranny fan would disrespect their event captain. As a Tyranny fan, An Wenyi has watched and supported Tyranny's games for several years, and is very familiar with this team.

But when he really entered the professional circle, he realized that the strength he saw on TV before and the strength he experienced on the court were completely two different things.

Since being bitten by Han Wenqing, this powerful sense of oppression made An Wenyi sweat in his palms almost the whole time. But even so, he still didn't dare to make any pause. Even in the face of this powerful sense of oppression, the confidence he had built up due to the research and practice he had been doing was instantly defeated by Han Wenqing. So much so that An Wenyi now doesn't know how long he can hold on.

Han Wenqing can still send ellipses to reply to teammates' questions, but what about him? Now, apart from manipulating the cold hands to keep running away, he doesn't have any spare hands to do other things. He doesn't even dare to blink his eyes now, for fear that after blinking, he will miss some details and make mistakes. . Now he must be cautious and cautious, and make various judgments quickly and quickly.

Haven't made any mistakes so far!

Just as An Wenyi expressed surprise to Han Wenqing, Han Wenqing was also very surprised by Dark Night. In the beginning, he might just be surprised by how much An Wenyi used the map. But it has now shifted to being able to remain calm and judge clearly under pressure.

At this moment, Han Wenqing had to sigh with emotion. The evaluation of Happy's rookies by the outside world was really not bad at all. The newcomers of Happy really didn't care what their skills were, but they were all extremely powerful in spirit.

If nothing else, a single professional rookie who has just debuted, in an environment like the playoffs, is so closely followed by him, since he can still remain calm and sober throughout the whole process, and make quick and accurate judgments. With such a character, he couldn't help but think of a figure, that is his teammate who has been with him for so many years - Zhang Xinjie!

Although they have been together for so many years, it was when Zhang Xinjie joined Tyranny in the fourth season. When Han Wenqing saw Te, he looked at a newcomer and junior as normal. But the rookie Zhang Xinjie at the time, like the An Wenyi in front of him now, even if it was the first time he was on such a big scene, he couldn't see any panic at all. Instead, he stood on the field with a very calm and cautious new hostage attitude, and became their most solid backing for Tyranny that season.

Although An Wenyi's technology and strength are far inferior to that of Zhang Xinjie in the past~www.readwn.com~, the will and spirit are exactly the same, and even Han Wenqing has points for it. visual sense.

Of course, there is a sense of sight and a sense of sight. I don't think that he will have any hesitation because of this. Don't say that he is just a player who looks like Zhang Xinjie in some aspects, even if it is really Zhang Xinjie. Now he won't hesitate to take an old punch on the opposite side. After all, going all out has always been regarded by him as the greatest respect for his opponent.


Keep chasing!

After replying to Zhang Jiaxing's inquiry again, Han Wenqing didn't waver at all, and he didn't feel embarrassed because he never caught this rookie. He just continued to devote himself to the game, and what he was thinking now. Also, how do I catch up with the cold hand in front of me,

But at this moment, when the dark night was put into operation, the cold hand was folded horizontally.

This horizontal fold is abrupt, and it is also the most common way to get rid of the pursuit, but this is the whole process of Han Wenqing's pursuit, but An Wenyi has never used it once.

However, although this method looks very abrupt, it is only the reaction ability of the postgraduate students, and the most important thing for professional players is the reaction nerve. As long as you grasp it well, can you directly grasp the opponent?

This is also the reason why Dark Night has not used this technique before, An Wenyi has a very clear understanding of himself. Although the position of healing in the team is very important, his skills are indeed limited, but even if it is a shortcoming like him, as long as he survives, the treatment is meaningful.

Using An Wenyi has always been very careful to protect himself, but at this time he suddenly took a dangerous move.

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