Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1889: nuclear bomb threat

It can be said that the offensive of the three of Han Wenqing was launched without hesitation.

After all, this is the tactic they have been practicing last season. They are either partners for many years or opponents who have played against each other for many years. They know each other very well. A set of play has been raised to a peak level.

And is there anyone who has done more research on Su Mucheng than Tyranny? Under the leadership of Han Wenqing, the three of Tyranny accurately seized this opportunity and directly surrounded Su Mucheng's Dancing Rain. And because Su Mucheng was a long-range occupation, she and Tang Yin had long-range firepower containment before, and they were not on the same level as the large army. Now it is not impossible to support, but it may require a great price.

That's the question, are everyone from Happy going back to save Su Mucheng now? When this thought appeared in the audience's mind, Dancing Rain and Orange Wind had already been completely surrounded by the three of Tyranny. If Happy launched a rescue now, they would have to cancel the evacuation plan. But even if the rescue is now, whether it can be successful or not is still a matter of choice. And this is also a drawback of the team retreat. As long as the opponent restrains the opponent alone, it can be used as a springboard to directly restrain the opponent's entire team.

Han Wenqing said that the three of them were already professional veterans, so don't be too decisive in attacking Su Mucheng's long-range specialization. Not long after Lin Jingyan's message was sent out, their attack had already been launched.

And Happy was even more decisive. When Tyranny and the three besieged Dancing Rain, the pressure on their side was greatly reduced, and wanting to rely on Zhang Xinjie and Fang Rui's two characters was like leaving Happy behind. People, this is obviously impossible.

So everyone in Happy ran away like this...

That run can be said to be quite straightforward, without any hesitation. You need to know who is surrounded now, Ye Xiu's girlfriend, Tang Yin's apprentice. But these two teams have the strongest combat power, since they didn't even look back. Although he knew that he was in a hurry on the field, the boss Chen Da in the player's seat was still very angry.

"Sure enough, men are big pig hooves!" Chen Guo snatched the little mica in Yifan's arms, facing it with a burst of rua, and the others at Happy who were accidentally injured by these words were already Tao Xuan, and they were all in Chen Guo's place. Under the already clenched fist, dare not speak...

"Xingxin is... firm enough..." Li Yibo said in a strange tone. After all, the relationship between Su Mucheng and Ye Xiu Tang Yin has never been a secret, and as a commentator, he understands that in the game, all relationships should be put aside. But seeing Tang Yin and Ye Xiu being so decisive, seeing his girlfriend and his only female disciple abandoning him, he still didn't know how to describe his current mood.

Aren't these two guys afraid to go back and kneel on the washboard? Uh... Tang Yin might be okay, after all, he is Su Mucheng's master, but isn't that decisiveness of your Ye Xiu abandoning him going too far? And looking at Ye Xiu and Tang Yin's two characters that had already come together, Li Yibo clearly had the feeling of a green grassland appearing on Su Mucheng's head and Tang Rou's head.

It turned out that Li Yibo wasn't the only one who had such an idea. It wasn't in the cell phone storage area in the contestants' seat. Ye Xiu's cell phone rang at that moment. When Tao Xuan saw it, he took it directly and unlocked the screen very skillfully, only to realize that it was Ye Xiu's mother calling.

"Hello, Ye Xiu's mother, Ye Xiu is playing a game and can't answer..." But before Tao Xuan finished his words, there was a voice over the phone.

"Hello, wait for Ye Xiu to finish the game and tell him..."

Tao Xuan listened to the words that Ye Xiu's parents asked him to pass on the phone. Adhering to the humanitarian spirit, he silently mourned for Ye Xiu for three seconds... This guy, will he be able to come back alive after going back to New Year this year...

Although it is said that the abandonment tactics are not common in the history of the professional league in the past ten years, but under normal circumstances, they will choose to abandon the child, which is to fight for a first move, or to pursue an important interest. But now it's just getting away from the disadvantage, and sacrificing one of their team's generals for this, wouldn't this make Happy's disadvantage more obvious, and after winning Su Mucheng, relying on the five-on-four situation, Tyranny could completely choose to switch play styles, wouldn't Happy be even more uncomfortable then?

And that was the main reason why everyone was surprised to see that everyone in Happy would abandon Su Mucheng so decisively. I confirm that they are not optimistic about Happy's move at all.

"Heaven Comes"

"But it seems that the current Happy has no choice..." After a thorough analysis, Li Yibo changed his tone.

"This area is really not suitable for a final battle with a team like Tyranny that is good at attacking, it's too bad for Happy. If you rely on sacrificing one person to buy them time, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will start a new wave. Deployment, once they find a home court advantage terrain suitable for their respective advantages, there is still a chance." Li Yibo said.

"Is that so?" Pan Sen was a little skeptical about Li Yibo's words this time, and the reason was very simple, because Li Yibo's "gaining time" didn't seem to have won much.

So fast!

This is the displacement effect of the three Tyranny on everyone.

Even though Su Mucheng's gunner was proficient in heavy armor, she still didn't last long under the combined attack of the three, especially the two were her most incapable of melee combat. After a while, the avatar that showed Su Mucheng had already dimmed.

"I've tried my best to buy time, I'll leave it to you!" Su Mucheng, whose character died, smiled at Ye Xiu beside her. Although there was regret in her tone, she didn't blame Ye Xiu at all. On the contrary, that sentence is handed over to you with deep trust.

"Yeah!" Ye Xiu didn't say much, and nodded very solemnly. The next moment, he and Mucheng both glanced at Luo Ji on the other side. After all, this existence that everyone disliked was the key to their victory in this match.

The two of them couldn't help but sound, Tang Yin proposed ideas and directions, and Luo Ji's unique style of play researched and executed. That's really a nuclear bomb-level intimidation. The Wallfacer Luo Ji is so terrifying...

Just as everyone in Happy retreated so resolutely, Tyranny's attack was as resolute as ever.

Just when they were sure that everyone in Xingxin really gave up on Su Mucheng completely and focused all their attention on evacuation. Zhang Xinjie did not hesitate any longer. He immediately started commanding the entire team and attacked Su Mucheng in a five-on-one siege. Facing the most aggressive team in the league, even a professional **** like Su Mucheng, the Glory Gunners' ceiling wouldn't last long.

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