Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1891: Double-knife 2-stage flow! !

After Tang Yin and the four entered the target area, the Tyranny group behind them still showed no sign of being thrown away, and the director's camera was now on Tang Rou, who had just arrived here. Because of the director's guidance, the audience was full of Attention has also been gathered here.

After all, in everyone's opinion, Tang Rou's ambush might be something that Tyranny didn't know about, which meant that her sneak attack was probably the last hope for the entire village of Happy.

And Tang Rou was also ready to launch an attack, and the magic battle qi of the hotel began to emerge from his spear, and a dragon head was faintly formed in it. The next moment, wave!

Fulong soars to the sky!

This time, Tang Rou didn't start with her most commonly used heroic dragon to break the army, but chose Fulong Xiangtian. This really made the audience feel very different. After all, it is Happy's home court now, and Tang Rou's popularity is in the heart of Xingxin. Xin ranked fourth in the team, even above Zhang Jiale. Therefore, everyone knows Tang Rou's nature quite clearly. Don't look at her as a 360-degree beauty with no blind spots. She usually has a gentle tone in interviews, but in terms of her style of play, she likes the violent start of Haolong's breaking the army. your player.

However, Li Yibo's attack on Tang Rou was based on affirmation. After all, in the current situation, Fulong Xiangtian was indeed more reasonable than Dragon Breaking the Army.

But Tang Rou's attack was still as flamboyant as usual. The phantom of the roaring giant dragon didn't mean to sing at all, and directly killed the Tyranny crowd. With such a momentum, it really doesn't look like a sneak attack at all.

On Tyranny's side, after killing Su Mucheng, they knew very well that Happy's sixth man, Tang Rou, would immediately replace him, but they haven't appeared until now, so they have always been on guard against this Tang Rou. When they stepped into this area where reliance was more beneficial to Happy's career, they had already spread their vision. How could Tang Rou's sneak attack escape their eyes?

I saw this giant dragon transformed from magic and fighting qi directly rushed into Tyranny's formation, but all Tyranny characters on its path had already avoided.

But is it safe to keep a certain distance from Fulong Xiangtian?

You must know that Fulong Xiangtian's big move has a rhythm of closing. Even if the direct attack fails, it may be hit by subsequent attacks. Is the distance they flashed really enough?

These series of questions had already appeared in Zhang Xinjie's mind when he saw Tang Rou's attack. Although the fighting spirit and magic of this dragon had begun to dissipate, he knew very well that Fu Long Xiangtian was a The strike was not exhausted at all, it was forcibly cancelled.

Forcibly canceling a skill is of course also a recruit, but compared to using the advanced skill completely, this recruit can be half as neat.

"Watch out!"

At this time, two of Tyranny's ranged pros had already started to attack Tang Rou who had just appeared, but Zhang Xinjie was still reminding Bigfoot on Tyranny's team channel. Because he found that Tang Rou's defeat of Long Xiangtian ended a little too easily, and he could even say that he was underestimating them.

But since this blow was given such hope by everyone in Happy, how could they be so careless and despise them. And there is only one reason for this, that is, Happy didn't put any hope in this move. The real offensive should be in the changes in the tactics after this attack.

But what would that be?

At this moment, Zhang Xinjie's mind began to run rapidly, and the possibility of concentration appeared one after another. And Tang Rou's next move did not escape his several judgments.

Fight the mountains and rivers!

Seeing that Tang Rou didn't dodge or evade the attack of Tyranny's long-range class, she jumped up very boldly. Dou Qi and magic kept surging on the spear in his hand. Blowing down with the power of Wan Jun. It was as if he was saying, I didn't hide from a girl, so you Tyranny would be embarrassed to hide?

Although Tang Rou's attack just now did not succeed in subduing Long Xiangtian, she also considered Tyranny's formation and disrupted it. The ultimate attack just now was just her feint shot. One blow at her will cause even greater chaos for Tyranny!

The spear falls, the world collapses!

Accompanied by the surging of powerful fighting qi magic, a violent explosion exploded in Tyranny's battle formation.

Although Zhang Xinjie had anticipated the possibility that Tang Rou would only use fighting to break the mountains and rivers, but what if he guessed it? With the help of Tang Rou's hand speed, the two big moves were abruptly made by her very coherent. Even if he discovered Tang Rou's purpose, he wouldn't have time to say it. Just like now, even if he has typed the word "worry". Their Tyranny also has no means of consuming it completely by surprise.

Now all they can do is to avoid its edge if possible, or to force it!

Steel bones!

You must know that there are two fighting characters in their team, and the two characters are shocked together. The light of the hegemonic body covered them. Tang Rou's battle to break the mountains and rivers poured a lot of magic and fighting spirit into the bottom and then erupted. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com directly lifted a large area of ​​the ground around her, and even the roots of the trees buried deep in the ground were smashed up by Tang Rou's blow. , one after another on Tyranny's two fighting styles,

You must know that this is a battle mage's 75th-level ultimate move, and Han Wenqing and the others ate it directly, and the speed of the decline in health can be imagined. In the final analysis, the advantage of reinforced iron bones lies in his hegemony. As for the defensive power added by this skill, it is not enough to see in front of this move.

But like I said just now, the real advantage of this blow lies in the hegemony. Relying on the powerful evaluation of the hegemony body, even with such powerful skills, it is still unable to shake the separation of Han Wenqing and Lin Jingyan. On the contrary, now Tang Rou might be besieged by these two because of her skill.

Two streaks of blood flew up, but under the power of Douba Shanhe's skills, they were directly dissipated in the vortex of Dou Qi and magic.

Was Tang Rou just killed by the other two? This is a bit exaggerated. Seeing the blood flowers that exploded in the Douba Mountains and Rivers, this was everyone's only thought, but the next moment in the novel accompanied by Dou Qi Magic, everyone was stunned, because a fourth person appeared in the original skills of the three people.

"The Female President's Almighty King"

what's the situation?

At this moment, the audience consciously realized that their memory was confused, and some more experienced audiences have now started watching the big screen, waiting for a reply.

During the replay, Tang Rou was indeed still in the midst of being stunned under the blast of Desert Guyan and Leng Anlei, but at this dangerous juncture, Tang Rou, a figure of free and easy wandering, appeared beside her. The hands flew and fell together, two blood flowers!

The blood of desert smoke and cold dark thunder...

"Double-knife second-stage flow!

"A well-informed audience almost said!

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