Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1899: It broke the news, but there seems to be nothing...

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And Luo Ji, who was facing this kind of battle for the first time, was obviously a little flustered. But after all, the two captains of his own have explained it before, so he can only make mistakes like this, so he saw Luo Ji's editor who was obsessed with Huhu: "Uh... I was also affected by Deputy Tang in the first place. When we were in the tenth district, we were inspired by the power of guardianship, and then I became more interested in this aspect. Maybe because I deal with numbers every day, I have something similar to self-consciousness, which is probably this feeling..."

The reporters at the scene are not good at observing, after all, they have participated in so many press conferences. But even so, they were a little unsure this time. Although Tang Yin and Ye Xiu acted very calmly, this Jia Luoji was still too young, and he was a little flustered.

But then again, after all, they are a rookie, and this is the first time they are surrounded by such a large group of people. It is normal to have such a panic, which makes them very entangled... So Luo Ji What the rookie said...is it true?

For a while, the reporter maintained a skeptical attitude towards Xingxin's statement, but Yu Wenzhou couldn't stop laughing at the result. After all, this Glory tactician knows very well that this kind of thing is not at all. possible. Just listening to Ye Xiu and Tang Yin's tone of voice, he knew that these two unreasonable and unrestricted combinations were going to cheat people again, just to see if that idiot would really believe their words.

As for the away team, it was everyone from Team Tyranny who didn't leave because Happy started the interview. After hearing this wave of the three of Happy's speeches, the entire preparation room became quiet for a while. As the only rookie in Tyranny Song Qiying hurriedly ran to Zhang Xinjie's side and asked, "Deputy team, senior Ye Xiu they said that these were not prepared by them in advance, it was just their temporary plan, if this is the case, doesn't it mean that he is on the road Can you play such a tactic?"

In other words, Huang Shaotian didn't know about Song Qiying's problem, otherwise he would have to shout in their career choice group and let everyone come out to bully them. It was rare to find an honest person here.

"Are you stupid? It's impossible to think about such a thing? It's just that Ye Xiu and the others are playing tricks and trying to influence our mentality." Fang Rui, who had been at war with Ye Xiu for many years, said directly. After all, he didn't know what the lower limit was. He knew Ye Xiu's character very well.

"Is that really the case?" Song Qiying still had some doubts, and continued to look at the TV, so she heard Luo Ji's own statement.

"Interest, numbers, and intuition?" Song Qiying muttered, and looked at Lin Jingyan. After all, he was also a veteran in the team, so he seemed to listen more to what other people had to say.

"Don't look at me, don't guess, it's not that Ye Xiu taught him what he said, or the one called Tang Yinjiao." Lin Jingyan said, after all, he and Zhang Xinjie went to the guild to help out during the offseason last season. It was also the first time that the two of them had played against each other for the first time, and I also had a certain understanding of Tang Yin's character.

Song Qiying still didn't speak, and looked at his deputy team. In this analysis, he still believed in his idol more.

"Do people in the Department of Mathematics really have such experience and intuition?" Zhang Xinjie asked to himself.

"Are you also an idiot?" Fang Rui was speechless to Zhang Xinjie.

"After all, the information in this regard is not enough. There are many things in it that need to be evaluated." Of course Fang Rui and Lin Jingyan could think of what he could think of, but he would not make any affirmative remarks without any proof.

While Tyranny was still discussing the authenticity of Happy's remarks, Happy's post-match press conference remarks had already aroused a lot of heated discussions. There are only people who believe. For a time, reporters from major media were scrambling to interview Luo Ji, and wanted to ask him to explain in detail what he had just said about his experience, what he felt was intuition, and what was the situation.

However, these were all things after the press conference, and all the interviews after the press conference were all rejected by Chen Guo because the team was actively preparing for the next game. Even Chang Xian, who has a very good relationship with them, did not get any news this time.

In the end, Chen Guo even put up a slogan on the team's official website and outside the Internet cafe: The battle is imminent, Luo Ji, who is Happy's secret weapon, has absolutely no time for interviews during this time, and now we are seizing any necessary time. , to hone it, increasing his "experience and intuition of terrain".

However, for Chang Xian who came to block them every day, Tang Yin and the others finally gave him a piece of information: "Luo Ji in the last game has not fully demonstrated his true strength. He practiced his hands, practiced some experience, and the next game was his real test."

On the second floor, Luo Ji, who heard Tang Yin's righteousness saying these words, wanted to find a ground seam to put it in. I said, deputy team, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com Do you not know that there is a thing in this world called To kill, I suspect that you are cheating on me, but I have no evidence...

"Really or not?" Although Chang Xian said that He Xing's relationship has always been relatively good, he was the first reporter to report on Xing Xin's positive news. But as far as this matter is concerned, he himself is a little unconvinced.

In fact, it wasn't just him. Glory people with a slightly more professional profession would doubt these views expressed by Happy. On the contrary, those who had already started to make various sighs were ordinary players.

Although Chang Xian's Glory strength is not particularly good, as a full-time reporter of professional speech, his vision is still there, and he is higher than normal players and guild elites, so he has nothing to say about Happy's two captains. How to believe. Even after listening to Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's words, he carefully looked left and right, then lowered his voice and approached them and whispered, "You guys are psychological warfare?"

"Haha, that's right, it's psychological warfare, you are very good boy." Ye Xiu smiled and nodded, indicating that what you said was right.

Looking at Tang Yin and Ye Xiu with the same expressions on their faces, Chang Xian wanted to cry inexplicably at this moment. Although Happy did give him an exclusive piece of information, if they were similar, they would find an excuse to perfunctory him. In this tone, he didn't know whether he believed it or not? And if there is no conclusion, he will write a report like this.

This feeling is coming, the other party broke the news to you, but it seems that nothing broke, so far he can only sigh that the direct Taoism is still too low after all. But what he couldn't understand was that Ye Xiu's Taoism was no match for him. Why did Tang Yin blame the rookie and he couldn't do anything about the other party...

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