Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1903: Ordinary people chasing the footsteps of genius

"Haha, I knew it!" Ye Xiu smiled when he saw Lin Jingyan, "I heard it right from the beginning, all these boos are coming towards you, because you are too uncreative."

As a result, just after Ye Xiu finished saying this, the boos stopped completely, followed by a burst of very warm applause, and these violent applause had better become the background music when Lin Jingyan approached Ye Xiu. . As soon as the two are compared, it is very clear to whom the boos and applause are addressed. It can be said that the points are clearly divided.

"Thank you all for the applause and welcome!" Ye Xiu turned around and waved enthusiastically to the applauding Tyranny fans. This time, Tyranny fans couldn't get it right. The originally clear-cut relationship between before and after was turned down by Ye Xiu. With a twist, it was really hard to tell whether they were booing Ye Xiu or Lin Jingyan. At least if a third person who doesn't know the truth sees this scene, there is a high probability that they won't see it.

As for this kind of dismissal, Lin Jingyan on the side was also laughed bitterly by Ye Xiu. To be reasonable, he was really convinced by Ye Xiu in terms of the lower limit. Things he can't do by himself. But why is he now envious of Ye Xiu for being so righteous and shameless?

When Ye Xiu did this, the fans of Jingbatu couldn't bear it anymore. The applause from Yuan turned into boos once again, and Ye Xiu started to express, "I know all this. It's not coming for me." It was very obvious on the big screen. This made Tyranny fans angry, a few of them couldn't hold back, and were taken away by the security guards. Even Lin Jingyan couldn't help but want to laugh.

Don't look at the direct relationship between Ye Xiu and these Tyranny fans, but there is only ruthlessness and no love, but this kind of interaction between the two sides is quite interesting. As for the current lively scene, when Ye Xiu really can't fight and retire and can no longer stand on this stage, he thinks that the Tyranny fans will have a different kind of attitude towards him. miss it. As for Ye Xiu himself...

As for Ye Xiu himself, he probably knew very well that his day would come. That's why the almost endless flirting with Tyranny's fans is happening now...

After thinking about this, Lin Jingyan realized that he was not envious of Ye Xiu's shamelessness, but his ability and personality to get along with Glory fans directly, whether you were an enemy or a friend.

Looking at myself, I have been fighting for so many seasons in the professional league, and I actually have a group of fans who are most familiar with each other. I just don’t know if they are looking at me somewhere now?

For a while on the stage of the playoffs, Lin Jingyan felt melancholy since he was not careful. It was not until Ye Xiu and Tyranny fans finished arguing that he turned around and greeted him and woke him up: "Tyranny is shooting you like this. Come up? Are you going to die?"

"Hehehe." Lin Jingyan responded to Ye Xiu's **** words, and if Han Wenqing was replaced by Han Wenqing, he would probably change it to "I don't know who will fall by then!" Fang Rui would ridicule Ye Xiu, "Age If you take more rest after hitting, you will become paranoid." Such words, but Lin Jingyan would not say that.

The reason is very simple, because he and Han Wenqing and Fang Rui have an essential difference, that is, they are both geniuses, geniuses in the true sense. They are all people who can already stand at the top of the glory.

"Five Dynasties Rivers, Mountains, Wind and Moon"

Han Wenqing's reputation as the King of Fighters needless to say, Fang Rui also won a 1v3 last season when he was transferred. The name of the golden right hand was also blown out a lot. And what about himself? Lin Jingyan knew very well that he had never been one of their geniuses.

On the contrary, his brother's former Glory No. 1 hooligan was actually just one of the many ordinary players in the professional league who were chasing the footsteps of genius.

It's just that he is more fortunate than ordinary players, because he is a player who is closer to these talents, but the saddest part is here, no matter how hard he tries, he still can't completely follow in the footsteps of such a genius. , it is already his limit whether he can be left behind.

When what can he do? Don't be afraid to meet a genius, just be afraid that the genius you meet will work harder than you. And in the professional league is like this, there is not a genius here who does not work hard. Even the geniuses he has seen for so many years, the efforts they put in are comparable to him, and this is the professional league, even if it is a genius, it will not give others any possibility of surpassing him.

"It's hard work to fight with you perverts for so many years." Lin Jingyan said suddenly with emotion.

"Huh?" Ye Xiu was obviously stunned by Lin Jingyan's unfinished words and didn't react.

"It's a pity, who told me that I also have the ambition to not allow myself to make any compromises?" Lin Jingyan said.

"Huh? You seem to have a lot of fighting spirit today." Ye Xiu said in surprise~www.readwn.com~ Yes, because I want to win! "Lin Jingyan said.

"Then give it a try." Ye Xiu also smiled slightly.

"See you at the game."

"See you at the game."

The two shook hands again, then turned and walked to their respective player seats. On the big screen above, there has also been a ring match, a confrontation between the two starters.

Happy, Ye Xiu, Lord Grim.

Tyranny, Lin Jingyan, Leng Anlei.

With the completion of the loading of the roles of both sides, the referee gave an order and the game officially started.

The starting choices of both sides are directly on the stage, so there is no suspense in this regard. So everyone started to wonder what the map chosen for the Tyranny Tournament would be.

Is it... the arena?

In the end, when they saw the map that Tyranny had chosen, everyone was stunned.

Team Tyranny, as a wealthy team, on such an extremely important stage as the playoffs, since they chose such a map with the highest usage rate for online duels—the arena!

You must know that the reason why this map can become the map with the highest single-play selection rate is because it has the smallest, simplest and most direct map...

Although in terms of the style of this map alone, it is indeed in line with the temperament of the Tyranny team, but now they are playing professional games. On the professional arena, what everyone is looking for is not what players want. Take it easy.

The right to choose the map at home is equivalent to a kind of first mover right given to the home team. It is even said that the right to choose the map is the first sword of the home team to attack the opponent. If the map is selected well, if the selection is appropriate, with the appropriate tactics, it is not impossible to directly affect the direction of the game. Happy's last game, Luo Ji's style of play, was an expression of the extreme use of the home map.

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