Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1912: Blast the wall!

"Learn from him." Ye Xiu directly answered Mo Fan's question.

"Can you beat him by learning from him?" Mo Fan asked.

"Of course it's not that simple. You can't just focus on one opponent. On the contrary, there are many such opponents in the professional league. The purpose of learning from him is not only to defeat him, but more importantly, to make yourself By improving, we can have more harvests until the final victory." Tang Yin-brand translator, who took over the job of translating Ye Xiu's words on a daily basis, said.

Tang Yin and Ye Xiu are very clear about the reason for this. Qin Muyun is the biggest obstacle that Mo Fan has encountered at present, because he has a player from a wild path like Mo Fan in his body, compared to a professional who came from a professional school. Everything a player lacks.

If Mo Fan can learn the advantages of Qin Muyun, he will give himself a solid patch. Taking these for his own use, his personal strength will be greatly improved. Not to mention anything else, if Mo Fan can learn Qin Muyun's skills in positioning and positioning, it will be a huge enhancement to his firework style.

And Tang Yin and Ye Xiu just hoped that Mo Fan could realize this soon, this is not even worthy of their own daughter-in-law. As a result, Mo Fan, who had listened to Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's words, fell silent again. Tang Yin and Ye Xiu waited beside him for a while. Seeing that he didn't want to hide anything, they didn't say anything more.

"Go back and give it a try!" The two finally left this sentence for Mo Fan, and the two left. And Mo Fan still had that thoughtful expression.

"Meow?" Just as Mo Fan was thinking about what Tang Yin and Ye Xiu said, a cute cat suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Little mica?" Mo Fan was stunned when he saw the little mica. After all, he was sitting on the other side of their player's seat, and there was no place for him, and An Wenyi was on the other side. Just because Tang Yin and the others came over, An Wenyi moved two positions in their direction to make way for them. As for the small mica competition, it is usually in the arms of Boss Chen, while Pang Da is complicated by Tao Xuan. In order to ask questions conveniently, Chen Guo sat on the side of Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, which was the other side of him. But now the little mica appeared on his leg.

Mo Fan couldn't help but glanced at Chen Guo, and saw that Chen Guo was putting his hands together and begging him. It seems that he and Tao Xuan are going to take Fat Da out. Mo Fan didn't think much and nodded. The line of sight returned to the body of the little mica. Hands twitched involuntarily.

Looking at the little mica lying comfortably on his back in his arms and letting him rub his belly, Mo Fan inexplicably remembered what Tang Yin and Ye Xiu said when they left.

"Why don't you go back and give it a try?" Mo Fan seemed to be talking to Little Mica, and he seemed to be talking to himself...

Seeing Mo Fan's mood change, Chen Guo felt at ease. After all, Mo Fan lost a bit miserably this time. And Mo Fan doesn't like to talk, and they don't know how to comfort Mo Fan. At this time, of course, they will send their glory's first sniper god, Little Mica. However, when it came to acting as a complete set, Chen Guo and Tao Xuan still took Pang Da out for a walk.

There is no way that Chen Guo alone can't hold Pang Da, and if Chen Guo doesn't come out, it's not good. Why did Little Mica go to Mo Fan's side? After all, Chen Guo didn't want Mo Fan to have a psychological burden, so she Take Tao Xuan, who is Happy's non-staff member and free laborer, away.

The matter on Happy's side was over, and the fifth round of the ring match officially started. And this one is undoubtedly a civil war of gunmen.

The game has just started, and there are all kinds of gunshots and explosions on the field. After all, both of them are gunners. Once they enter the arena, they don't even need to move, they can attack each other by raising their hands.

The attack range of Ammo Focus is indeed higher than that of the sharpshooter, but it is difficult to say that this is an advantage. After all, there are no obstacles on this map, so it is more convenient to dodge. After all, no matter how large your Hundred Flowers style attack range is, can you still cover the entire map?

Although it is said that the map of the ring match is the smallest of the heads-up maps, it is not effective to the point where it can be covered by relying on the Hundred Flowers style of play. If it was really this small, Mo Fan in the last match wouldn't have had such a hard time chasing him. Although Mo Fan's position selection and movement were not as good as Qin Muyun's, the ninja's displacement skills were more than that of a pure sharpshooter.

In contrast, the sharpshooter's high outbreak, concentrated and intensive attacks, opened with the activities on this map. And in terms of grenade attack alone, it is one step slower than the sharpshooter's bullet rain. On Zhang Jiale's side, sparks were flying everywhere, but Qin Muyun's side was blasting three hand grenades.

But even though there were three, the explosion of these three grenades had already covered Qin Muyun. Persecuted but did not roll to dodge. But dodging and dodging, even when rolling, Qin Muyun did not stop the attack in his hand.


As far as the current situation was concerned, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was relatively unfavorable to Happy. After all, this was the map that Tyranny chose, and with Zhang Xinjie, everything had to be thought of as a near-perfect existence. Of course, everyone in Happy will be taken into account. The final result was that this map was not as beneficial to the two people as Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, but it was not as beneficial to the rest of Happy as they were.

As for Qin Muyun now, relying on his own positioning and continuous shooting, even if he was dodging, he would not delay his attack. Compared to Zhang Jiale, who threw grenades, he was naturally more threatening to the opponent. And Qin Muyun even tried to get the character closer to Zhang Jiale's Hua Zhu Liushui. After all, compared with ammunition experts, in close combat, even Zhang Jiale's Hundred Flowers style of play is no match for the sharpshooter's spear technique.

And by narrowing the distance between the two sides in this way, he can put pressure on Zhang Jiale very effectively.

Faced with such a situation, what should Zhang Jiale do?

Mo Fan, who had just started to think about his own problems, couldn't help but worry about his teammates when he saw that his teammates were also being suppressed.

But at this time, the situation on the field suddenly changed.

However, the situation on the field was not as patient as when Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were talking to Mo Fan. Here, the players needed to make a decisive decision as soon as possible. And Zhang Jiale also gave the most direct answer directly: outbreak!

The rhythm of Hua Zhu's attack suddenly accelerated. Various grenades roared with bullets of various attributes, and they came directly at Qin Muyun's body. Facing this sudden outbreak, Qin Muyun could only operate the character to start walking, but when he moved, he realized that, He can't make it!

"The Guard is Here"

Because Zhang Jiale directly has the skills to build an explosion wall connecting all the air walls on both sides!

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