Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1933: No solution


The two sides tried each other so many times in succession, and this blow was finally kicked by Han Wenqing. But when the kick hit Xiao Yaoyou's figure, Han Wenqing knew that his attack had been blocked.

Sure enough, Tang Yin crossed his knives with both hands, just holding Han Wenqing's kick. There was no way that their captain was Ye Xiu. If anyone in Glory expected Han Wenqing the most, it would have to be Ye Xiu. For the sake of Han Wenqing, Ye Xiu also conducted a special training for Tang Yin. So much so that Tang Yin doesn't know much about Han Wenqing's attack ideas.

Tang Yin was aware of Han Wenqing's intention when he raised so much sand with one foot. However, because this move was really fast, he didn't have four to avoid it, so he directly turned the dual spears into ninja swords, and came a wave of close-quarters blocks.

Han Wenqing had no plans to stop, and almost subconsciously, he would use the foot kicked on the ninja knife to jump again, eagle stepping.

But when this series of operational ideas appeared in Han Wenqing's mind, Han Wenqing suddenly flashed an idea.

If Tang Yin can understand his own style of play so well, then that guy Ye Xiu must have given him a wave of special guidance. If he continues his original style of play now, wouldn't that give the opponent a chance to predict his actions? In front of such an opponent who is familiar with his style of play, and he has limited understanding of the opponent's style of play, of course he can't continue like this.

Now his more correct thinking should be to give the other party a surprise by changing himself like this. He knows the other party, what TM's is called TM's surprise.

This series of thoughts flashed through Han Wenqing's mind, but in this short period of hesitation, Han Wenqing felt that his feet were empty. It turned out that Tang Yin had already put away his blocking posture. The cold light flashed, and the double-edged cold light flashed in Tang Yin's hand.

Only then did Han Wenqing realize that his character, Da Mo Guyan, was still in the air because of the attack just now. This is almost in a small floating state.

With just such a little pause, Han Wenqing's situation changed from active to passive. But Han Wenqing himself was not panic at all about such a change. After all, the effect of steel and iron bones was still there, and he was not at all cowardly in the face of Tang Yin's attack. After correcting his body shape a little in the air, he just dropped his hand.

Han Wenqing's steel and iron bones have not disappeared, and now there is a direct use of heavy weights. Even if Tang Yin's attack judgment is so strong, it will not be able to shake the floating Han Wenqing in the slightest. It can be said that Han Wenqing is ready to eat this slash. But when his silver ninja sword fought by his side, Han Wenqing realized that something was wrong.

Tang Yin's blow was not so much a slash, but a swipe, a swipe and a stroke of the knife. Seemingly light and airy, Han Wenqing, who had used his dual Tyranny skills, stayed in place. But Tang Yin's figure turned into a ghost directly, turning into a black circle behind Han Wenqing's shoulders, two ninja knives crossed at his neck, followed by a stroke, the powerful force made Tang Yin directly take advantage of the situation A backflip landed smoothly.

"The Guard is Here"

When Han Wenqing found out that this skill was not right, it was too late, because the assassin's body-breaking skill of this attack: cut throat!

The ninja knife directly slashed a scarlet cross in the throat of Desert Guyan. You must know that the current Tang Yinhe is not only a simple sharpshooter, but his phantom ninja form allows him to learn low-level skills of the dark system. Although Tang Yin was not Ye Xiu after all, and would not learn all the skills of the dark system, Tang Yin would never let go of this hegemony-breaking skill.

Just now, his essential body-breaking skills had been avoided by Han Wenqing. Of course, this blow could not be avoided by Han Wenqing. In the end, it was Han Wenqing's move to dismantle it. The difference lies in the extent to which both parties understand each other!

With Ye Xiu in Tang Yin's presence, he could understand to the greatest extent the points that Han Wenqing's style of play could already target. But what about Tang Yin? Up to now, the existence of Tang Yin, a special sharpshooter, is still like Ye Xiu's loose person, leading people to various troubles. Even if the major professional players are very familiar with Ye Xiu, he entered the professional league with such a brand-new professional expression. There is nothing they can do. Not to mention Tang Yin who had just come into contact with this arena.

It can even be said that the more experienced a player is, the easier it is to be caught off guard by the play styles used by these two perverts according to the opponent's profession. Many veterans like them have said that the subconscious conditioning that has been learned over time does not work when they meet these two guys.

For example, when Han Wenqing was fighting against Tang Yin, watching the heavy rain of bullets from the opponent, he would subconsciously treat the opponent as a sharpshooter. Department skills. But that's not enough. When facing Tang Yin, he not only asked him to change his habit of gunners, but also to sort out the dark skills that the opponent might use.

Coupled with the high-level skills on weapons, theoretically, all dark skills are what he needs to guard against. This also makes Tang Yin a melee sharpshooter who can face up to others. But even with this in mind, man is not a machine after all. In the face of such an opponent, how much mental head is needed to think over all the skills the opponent may use in an instant. What's more, this operator is still a pervert with a hand speed of 800.

Not only is it the same leisurely travel, but Ye Xiu's loose people are even more so. It should be known that the skills of the scattered people are much more than that of Tang Yin, and there are more coordination among them.

In the end, the conclusion of each major team to Getaway and Lord Grim is that there is no solution.

Scattered people, no solution.

This incomprehension has nothing to do with experience consciousness, it is simply that the mentality shown by Xiao Yaoyou and Lord Grim now has broken the limit of normal people's thinking. Pair it with the fast-paced action of professional competition. It is simply impossible to predict what the two of them will do next on such a fast-changing arena.

Even opponents who have studied their play style very well can't guess what their next skill will use from their habits. No way, the two of them really have too many choices!

This also led to the fact that when facing Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, familiarity became a burden for the captain.

Even though Han Wenqing was already trying to warn himself, the guy in front of him was not a normal sharpshooter.

But it's just such a self-reminder, it's obviously hard to resist the habit and intuition of the shooter system since this decade of career. So that subconscious operations occur before the dangerous moment, and these operations are opportunities for the other party.

"Difficult!" Han Wenqing gave Tang Yin the same evaluation as Ye Xiu...

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