Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2009: Tyranny's Final Rhythm

Crusader Judgment: This is a skill that requires the player to operate to maintain continuous attacks, allowing the knight to move at a very high speed no less than the charge. It is divided into six stages. In the first stage, there are up to three stages of attack. After each stage, there is an additional stage of attack. In the sixth stage, the attack has a total of eight stages. The first attack is the basic attack, and the attack power is 1.2 times that of the normal attack, and the attack power of each subsequent attack will be the sum of the basic attack of the first attack plus the damage caused by each attack.

Of course these are not the most important. The main thing is that although it is a knight skill, Crusader Judgment can turn physical attacks into magic attacks. And after the skill ends, the light attribute enchantment will last for a while.

That is to say, it can turn the character's next attack into light attribute damage, and such attribute damage mainly eats no longer physical, strength and other bonuses, but intelligence and magic attack bonuses.

The priest is a character who can increase the magic damage to the extreme. After all, their magic damage is proportional to their healing amount. This means that although the attack power of the little priest is very limited under normal circumstances, if his weapon is enchanted, the priest and guardian Attacks can also be very violent. And this is the core idea of ​​Pastor Tang Yin's output stream.

Facts have proved that Zhenxiang's law can't escape even if it is cautious to honor Zhang Xinjie. When he stopped Tang Yin directly at the All-Star time and said this style of play, he still showed a "you are a person" performance, and now he has arranged it for himself. .

"Hahahahaha! Zhang Xinjie is too bad, since he used the method he heard from Xiaoyin to fight them, tsk tsk tsk. Hahahahahahahahaha Xiaoyin also has today, since a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder uses this style of play, hahahaha It's so interesting." Huang Shaotian, who was also an All-Star player, was on stage and they all heard the conversation between Tang Yin and Zhang Xinjie. What's more, he had seen Tang Yin use this style of play with his own eyes. After all, a priest has the output of chasing Su Mucheng. Even Huang Shaotian was surprised when he saw this scene for the first time. In one scene, Huang Shaotian was already laughing so hard that he couldn't stand upright.

Of course, there were only a few All-Stars at the time, and the ones who heard clearly were the ones who were close to Tang Yin and Zhang Xinjie, so those who knew the source of Zhang Xinjie's style of play were really limited.

However, players who don't know this question also have other problems. After all, although everyone is a professional player, they specialize in the arts. When they recognized what skills Zhang Xinjie was using, someone asked in the player group: "Ask. Come on, will your priest really hit your weapon with a skill like the Crusade Trial now?"

And this kind of person who subconsciously adds the word "you" to the wording is of course Bai Shu, a knight player who was dug from Europe by 301. After all, he and the domestic professional league players were born in different competition environments. Among them, the players adjust themselves according to their own competition environment, so when he saw this style of play that he had not seen since his debut, Bai Shu immediately thought it was a unique type of domestic professional circle. Tactical play. That's why the nickname "you" came into being.

"Cough cough, this is the only way to go there. This kind of thing is not too common in our place. Tan Ding, Tan Ding, these are basic operations." Tian Sen of the Royal Wind team came out and said first.

"That's right, that's right, Ji Cao, wrong 6." All the professional players were open to agree with Tian Sen's words for a while, and directly ignored the same shocking inability the previous second. Now they only use an inexplicable sense of satisfaction at this moment.

There is no way, Zhang Xinjie is really giving their domestic professional league a face. After all, it feels really good to be able to show this great player who will shine from abroad.

They completely forgot that Bai Shu now has teammates in China. Yang Cong of 301 here saw that these guys in the group had no lower limit, so he hurriedly started a private chat to his rookie, telling him not to believe the nonsense of these guys. A priest used a crusade to judge, even if they were old The opponent also saw it for the first time.

Crusade Trial.

After all, it is the knight's 70th-level big move, which leads to the fact that even in the initial stage of the attack, the judgment strength of his skills is very high, and such skills with high judgment strength will further increase their own ability with the continuous superposition of energy-saving attacks. judgment effect. And that's why Zhang Xinjie's first strike was able to cut Ye Xiu's arc flash with a cross.

However, this skill is not a priest's skill after all, and it is only one level. It can be seen that Zhang Xinjie is not so proficient in the operation of this skill. And if you use this skill in a genuine momentum~www.readwn.com~, even if it is the first striker, it can directly knock the opponent out like a baseball.

After all, although Arc Flash moves very fast, it is only a low-level skill after all, and it is also the one with low judgment ability among low-level skills.

And Zhang Xinjie's side just started the Crusade Trial, of course, not just to stop the arc flash, the next moment Zhang Xinjie's continuous attacks were already attacking Ye Xiu. And Ye Xiu had to admit that he was a little overwhelmed by Zhang Xinjie's sudden skill. After all, no matter how rich Ye Xiu's experience was, it was a brain-opening operation without the priest swiping the cross at him.

However, as soon as he was interrupted by Zhang Xinjie's skill, Fang Rui, who had just been scattered by Ye Xiu, had already attacked Ye Xiu again, and he was still using the steel bars to resist Tang Yin's damage. Now Fang Rui has no time to be lewd, he launched the most direct attack on Ye Xiu's back. Ye Xiu's Lord Grim was caught between Zhang Xinjie's crusade trial and Fang Rui's attack. Really in a hurry.

It was the delay between this blow, Ye Xiu had already discovered that Tang Rou's distance had been pulled apart again, and it was getting further and further away.

Ye Xiu, who is in this battle situation, can say that he knows the crisis of the current situation better than anyone else. To be fair, even he was a little surprised by the fighting power of Tyranny's people at this moment. In the decision of the life and death of the two teams, since they will use such a blood exchange method to find their final rhythm.

It can be said that the current Tyranny is no longer the familiar Tyranny under Ye Xiu's influence. Now their overall level has been raised to a whole new level.

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