Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2021: Happy is getting more and more timeless

The existence of Ye Xiu is of course impossible for everyone in Tyranny to ignore. Even the fledgling Song Qiying is no exception. After all, he grew up in such an environment as the Tyranny team. It can be said that everyone in the entire alliance may despise him. Ye Xiu, Tyranny will definitely not. On the contrary, as long as they meet this guy, Ye Xiu, they will have endless fighting will.

But like that, when he saw Zhang Xinjie's reminder, none of Tyranny felt that Zhang Xinjie's reminder was unnecessary. Because they are all very clear, Zhang Xinjie's reminder will never be a simple reminder. Especially in such an emergency. And he will be reminded by typing in such an urgent environment now, that only shows what he has found.

But from the word "worry", it can be seen that he doesn't know what it is, otherwise Zhang Xinjie's cautious personality will definitely be typed out. Again, Zhang Xinjie has a lot of Yu Wenzhou, so he doesn't have to worry about his hand speed at all.

Tyranny's side was besieging Tang Rou's two boxing masters. The moment he saw Zhang Xinjie's "worry", he turned some of his attention to Ye Xiu's side.

Can you attack Ye Xiu directly?

This was the first information the two got after seeing the word "worried" by Zhang Xinjie.

And it is.

Seeing that Ye Xiu wasn't even close, he had already launched an attack. Seeing that Ye Xiu who was running waved his hand, a grenade was already worthy of being thrown out by him.

And everyone in Tyranny who saw this grenade was shocked.

After all, if it were other ordinary grenades, it would be easier to deal with. But for the scattered people who use this skill now, Ye Xiu can use too many grenades.

At this moment, both Han Wenqing and Song Qiying began to focus their attention on the grenade. After all, they had to judge the grenade Ye Xiu was using immediately. The direct distance between them did not want to be so far away from Tang Yin, so they had enough time. Observed. Wanting to see what the grenade is at such a close distance is definitely a kind of postgraduate entrance examination for Han Wenqing and Song Qiying.

What kind of grenade does this rely on, and what kind of effect does it produce? And if they can't make accurate judgments about them, then they can't respond accurately.


At this time, a personal message was posted on Tyranny's team channel. Only then did they realize that since it was Lin Jingyan who said this, the guy with the second-to-last distance from Ye Xiu's grenade had immediately seen Tang Yin's message. grenade. You must know that he did not want to be a professional **** like Zhang Xinjie, who has been an ammunition expert for so many years. He can judge at the first time completely relying on his rich experience.

General, that is to say, this is just an ordinary grenade.

The original name of the low-level ordinary grenade is: impact blasting grenade. Except for some knockback effects that can be counteracted by parrying, it really doesn't make much sense.

On Tyranny's side, no one doubted Lin Jingyan's eyes at all. Han Wenqing took the first step towards the grenade in the direction of Desert Guyan, then turned around and spun around, just a high kick.


The moment Han Wenqing kicked the grenade, the grenade also exploded, and it turned out that it was indeed a low-level grenade. But even low-level grenades still have a certain impact, but this impact was resolved by Han Wenqing's high kick, and it was all because of the attack angle and timing of Han Wenqing's high kick. is really accurate.

Boom boom boom!

But Ye Xiu didn't mean to end his offensive. He saw that while Ye Xiu was running, the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in his hand had once again turned into a gun form. Facing Han Wenqing, they were three-way anti-tank guns. Attack first.

And Ye Xiu's three anti-tank guns fired two shots at Han Wenqing with precision, and the last shot at Song Qiying. After all, as a veteran, Han Wenqing has experience. Of course, one more shot, but as long as they dodge, then Tang Rou is likely to seize the opportunity.

But at this moment, Han Wenqing and Song Qiying turned around and walked in harmony, not only keeping their hold on Tang Rou, but also avoiding Ye Xiu's three anti-tank guns. Looking at it as a whole, it's as if they hadn't moved in a while. But Ye Xiu's attack failed directly.

What else is there to do?

Although they avoided Ye Xiu's attack once again, everyone in Tyranny still didn't have any intention of doing anything. At this moment, Lord Grim suddenly shifted laterally, followed by a bang bang bang gunshot.

Four bullets were fired in a row, and of course these were not ordinary bullets, but stiff bullets. The four hairs flew towards the River Sunset and the Desert Lonely Smoke respectively, and Ye Xiu's movement was of course not meaningless. The location also happens to form a line with the Changhe Sunset and the desert lonely smoke~www.readwn.com~ The first two shots were fired at Han Wenqing during the displacement, and the other two shots were fired at the Changhe Sunset after the move.

That is to say, Han Wenqing doesn't have the perspective of the last two shots, and if Changhe and Sunset avoid it, then the desert lonely smoke behind him is very likely to be attacked.

And this scene was exactly the same as the attack he had made when he and Tyranny met before.


One left, one right!

The roles of Han Wenqing and Song Qiying seemed to be staggered. One moved to the left and the other moved to the right, just to avoid Ye Xiu's attack once again.

Dodged again!

Song Qiying's reaction nerves are indeed excellent, while Han Wenqing simply relies on experience and technology. After all, Ye Xiu still has an oblique trajectory towards him. If he moves a little bit earlier or later, he may be hit, not to mention two other attacks that he has no perspective on.

However, even though the previous attack had no perspective, Han Wenqing also heard the sound, and judging Ye Xiu's firing position based on the sound was no problem for a seasoned veteran like Han Wenqing.

As for Han Wenqing and Song Qiying's left-to-right position, since they still maintained their attack on Tang Rou, they did not leave Tang Rou with the slightest neutrality.

Since the continuous attacks did not make a breakthrough, this scene surprised everyone who saw it. However, if you think about it, if you can play neutral like this, Han Wenqing and the others will have a flaw long ago under the attack of Tang Yin's intensity.

And Ye Xiu didn't have the leisure of those audiences. After all, they didn't have much time for them to squander.

Now Fang Rui was suppressed by Mucheng, and the rest were restrained by Tang Yin's attack, so they didn't bother Ye Xiu's output, but Tang Rou's health was no longer waiting for anyone!

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