Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2035: Lore cooperation!

Full-time professional Ou Huang Chapter 2035 The cooperation of the lore! (please subscribe, ask for recommendation)

The third summoned beast rose up. This summoning formation was used by Luo Ji in order to summon Xiao Feilong to Zhang Xinjie, but now Lin Jingyan is very close to him. In the blink of an eye, before the chant on his side was over, Lin Jingyan had already turned a brick on his face. call.

And at this moment, Tang Rou rushed out by herself and grabbed Lin Jingyan's bricks abruptly.

This figure was Xingxin's treatment, An Wenyi. He abruptly used the cold body of his small hands to block Lin Jingyan's blow for Luo Ji, who was casting spells.

Although this blocking was a bit embarrassing, it directly made Luo Ji's Little Flying Dragon Summon completely unstoppable, but... But it's like casting the Beastmaster Four Elements Array, so don't think about it, after all, it's Lin Jingyan now Lin Jingyan had enough time to rush to Luo Ji's side because of the distance he had taken from Luo Ji.

What? Didn't you say that the little hand was cold to stand in front of Luo Ji?

If you read it right, the cold little hand you mentioned should be the guy who was slapped directly in the face...

Although it is said that under normal circumstances, in team competitions, healing has always been the main target of each major team's attack, but now An Wenyi, who is a healer, Lin Jingyan didn't even bother to look at it. Right now, in his eyes, only Xingxin's summoned beasts are ignorant, because in the current arena, the only person who can create a crisis is this guy's Beastmaster Siyuan...

Here, Lin Jingyan was still thinking, Luo Ji's staff had started to wave again, along with the wave of Luo Ji's staff. The four beasts in the distance seemed to sense the master's call, and they resonated with each other, representing that their respective elemental powers began to surge wildly, and the powers of the four elements began to flow and overlap among the four beasts. The magic power representing the four elements of light, dark, ice and fire is still connected continuously, and finally condensed into a ring, and a mysterious and complicated formation in the ring began to gradually emerge, and at this moment, the formation was broken.


Lin Jingyan used his grasping skill to lock his throat, directly lifted Luo Ji's body, and then directly pressed it on the mountain wall behind him. With the hit of Lin Jingyan's blow, the formed Beastmaster Four Elements Array instantly shattered. , the skills were completely interrupted like this.

It's over...

At this moment, whether it was the professional players in the professional player group, or Huang Shaotian and Yu Wenzhou who were watching the scene, they all became silent. This doesn't mean that they want Happy to win more, they just want to turn things around a bit more to make it more exciting after all, and now seeing that Happy is powerless, it is inevitable that they will be a little silent.

Although Zhang Xinjie is still besieged by four summoned beasts, the crusade trial on the weapon is enough to protect himself for a while. Then Zhang Xinjie uses angel wings to fly into the air with this flying skill. The height is limited, and the movement is not fast, but it significantly reduces the threat of the two summoning beasts, the ice wolf and the civet on the ground.

In addition, his side has always been the main area for Fang Rui's support. With the support of various qi cannons, the little fire dragons and Lei Yin in the sky are also very troublesome.

Especially now that the four beasts don't have a commander, and now their siege is simply controlled by artificial intelligence, in this case, professional players can deal with it just like fighting the little monsters in the dungeon, and there is no threat at all. This is also why professional players do not consider these summoned beasts to be dangerous. And Zhang Xinjie, who was free to watch, finally began to support his teammates after a series of defensive dodges.

It can be seen that the victory or defeat of this game is certain!

In this match, even a professional player in the group of professional players, including Yu Wenzhou at the scene, had no objection, not to mention the two commentators now. After this camera gave Ye Xiu a characteristic, Pan Lin Li Yibo and Li Yibo began to recite the eulogy very painfully.

"It's a miracle of nothing, once again, to form a team with one person's strength. It is an unprecedented miracle to be able to play a half-role from the challenge game all the way to the playoffs." Pan Lin said.

"That's right, even if they stop here and don't make it to the finals, it's still unprecedented. Although the professional league is still developing, it is deliberately difficult for anyone to do this again. Ye Xiu and the others will definitely be together. Such a form has been recorded in the history of the alliance." Li Yibo said.

"Also this season is Team Happy's first season, and they have just made their debut here. It is conceivable that this is the future of the team. It can be said that every player in this team is a great player. They grew up under our witness. I believe they will continue to grow in the future." Pan Lin said.

"Even though they were defeated, they were still proud."

"Even if you are defeated, you are still honored."

The two felt that their eulogy had been said enough, and they both became silent, and now they watched Song Qiying forcibly hold Ye Xiu at the expense of changing blood.

Looking at Ye Xiu, who is now trying to break through Song Qiying, with the commentary they just said, they themselves felt that this wave of operations was not too perfect. At this moment, the two of them looked at Ye Xiu's remaining HP, but unfortunately, Ye Xiu's HP was still very healthy. Thinking about the whole game, Ye Xiu didn't seem to have suffered any damage. At this moment, they felt a little regretful. After all, if Ye Xiu was in a more tragic state at this time, the effect would be even better.

In fact, don't say anything about killing Ye Xiu in a tragic instant. Song Qiying thought that it would be difficult to reach Ye Xiu, but at this time, Han Wenqing resisted Tang Yin's attack and suddenly attacked Ye Xiu. After all, the advantage is theirs, as long as they beat Ye Xiu, their advantage will be completely solid.

In the fist!

But the next moment, Han Wenqing was stunned~www.readwn.com~ Because the Ye Xiu figure he hit was like shattering like glass, the next time he also felt that he had hit something, but there was a sound from the place where he hit. cat meow. The civet cat, which had always been pitch black, was directly bombarded by Han Wenqing's attack.

This time, under the special effects of the director, everyone could see clearly, Ye Xiu turned into a civet cat the moment Han Wenqing attacked! ?

To know that there is no deformation tree in Glory, there may only be one that can have the current effect.

Summoner Skill: Swap.


! "

"Since that civet was summoned by Ye Xiu? What's the lower limit?" Huang Shaotian complained directly. If it wasn't him, the group of professional players exploded at this moment.

At the same time, Ye Xiu had already appeared behind him without turning the rock.

Just when Zhang Xinjie was about to move, bang! A shot went off.

Just as he was about to move Zhang Xinjie, he was shot in the head.

"I said the sky is my domain, so why don't you listen?" Tang Yin put away his sniper rifle and said.

"That is to say, angel wings! It's so bright!" Ye Xiu also praised.

Assassin Skill: Deathstroke. This moment of lore cooperation!

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