Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2037: Han Wenqing's psychological shadow area

This was the first message that Han Wenqing sent after Ye Xiu's civet cat was blown away with one blow. After all, he was in the professional league now, so of course he wouldn't be confused at such a time. Although Ye Xiu's move also surprised him, as Tyranny's ten-year captain, there are few and countless battle commanders. This kind of precise command in emergency situations is already his subconscious reaction.

In the same situation, if it is in the hands of most people, the prompt to remind teammates is likely to be: "change positions"

But who is transposing with whom? What was replaced?

These are actually very unclear commands. Even though everyone in Tyranny is now a seasoned veteran, after seeing such instructions, no matter how they think it is a summoner's transposition skills.

After all, the transposition of the commander and the transposition of this skill are just repeated in the use of language. Saying it in such a complicated and urgent situation is to make things worse for your own team, and it may even make the cooperation between the team members completely messed up.

It seems that Han Wenqing gave the clearest hint immediately.

After all, Ye Xiu's position change has now been completed, and the professional players on the arena never need a detailed explanation and description of the situation at that time. In this race against time, what they need is what they will say next. How to do……


The same two simple words, but these two words are very clear and powerful.

On the other hand, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's two taunts even included punctuation marks.

You must know that there are not a few players who talk trash in the professional league, but because talking trash will naturally affect some operations, it is good that some players will punctuate their words very well. After all, everyone is a professional player, primary and secondary. What is still clear.

Here, Han Wenqing was already commanding his teammates in a hurry, while Tang Yin and Ye Xiu started talking nonsense casually. From this mood, both sides could already tell which side was more surprised.

In addition, Tyranny saw the information of his own captain. He immediately turned his camera and directly manipulated his own treatment to look. Fang Rui shot a cannon in the direction of the treatment. After all, he has many years of experience in competitions. He knew very well that Han Wenqing must have realized something to give such a reminder so suddenly.

The moment they turned their perspectives, they saw Lord Grim already holding a dagger they had never seen before, stabbing directly at Shi Buzhuan's back center, while Zhang Xinjiegan was shot in the head by Tang Yin. Don't talk about treating yourself, you don't even have a chance to move.

Although Fang Rui had already used the Sky Cannon at the first time, it was still too slow after all. The Sky Cannon on his side had not been completely blasted out yet, Ye Xiu's attack had already arrived!


This was the only thought in Zhang Xinjie's mind when he saw the bloodline of his character's complete collapse.

Is this... a life-threatening blow? Although he didn't see it, Zhang Xinjie immediately judged the skill that hit him based on the damage from the skill burst and the sharp drop in Ye Xiu's health. And since it was discovered from the change in Ye Xiu's health, it was naturally Ye Xiu's hand.

Unlike some other people who were still waiting for a miracle, Zhang Xinjie himself was very confident in Ye Xiu's attack. Barrett took a headshot and gave a life-threatening blow. This was obviously because Ye Xiu and Tang Yin didn't know when they planned to cooperate. Since they dared to fight like this, they naturally calculated the damage of their skills, and this set of attacks was defeated. , there is no room for manoeuvre at all. This blow is sure to kill!

At this moment, the light on the backlit cross star in Zhang Xinjie's hand began to dissipate, and the brilliant angel wings behind him also shattered like glass in an instant.

Zhang Xinjie's figure just fell directly from the air, and his avatar and character ID also turned into gray representing death.

At this point, after all, thirty-five minutes and 57 seconds. Tyranny's vice-captain went offline, and they also lost their greatest support. treat!

But what happened at this moment, all the Han Wenqing that Tyranny had witnessed, the rest of them didn't even know what happened, and even Song Qiying was still wondering when Ye Xiu disappeared, their deputy team was right there with him. When the head is g.

The only thing they saw was that Ye Xiu and Tang Rou appeared behind Zhang Xinjie, and Zhang Xinjie, who was shot in the head, was motionless in the sky, and was directly stabbed in the back by Ye Xiu, killing him with a single blow!

A life-threatening blow!

Of course, the one who can deal such terrifying damage is a life-threatening blow, and it can only be a life-threatening blow. In addition to this skill, what other skills among the various skills can play such a powerful explosive force in an instant?

And since you have already given up your life, then you, too, go down with our deputy team!

Now that Tyranny had completely lost his treatment, he had to take this opportunity to completely take Ye Xiu, because this might be the best chance~www.readwn.com~ might be the only chance.

After a life-threatening blow, it is impossible to receive treatment for a certain period of time.

As for Ye Xiu, although the life-threatening blow was only one level, and the total proportion of burning life would not be fatal, it also put Ye Xiu's life in danger. After all, this is the pursuit of a first-level kill, so Ye Xiu has maximized the effect of the first-level death blow. So much that he was relatively healthy in the last moment, but now there is only 15% left.

Fifteen percent of the health value, in the team competition, is really a big attack.

But Tyranny was unable to deal damage to Ye Xiu immediately, because of Tyranny's four attackers, four of them were fighting type, and only one of them had the means of long-range attack. The skills of the other three could not reach Ye Xiu. . And now Tang Yin's attack is directly targeting Song Qiying of Tyranny, because he is the closest to Ye Xiu. Lin Jingyan was still far away from Ye Xiu because he was chasing Luo Ji before, and the situation with Han Wenqing was the same, so Tang Yin only rioted slightly against Han Wenqing.

Just now the distance between Han Wenqing and Ye Xiu, when he arrives, God knows what has become less.

After all, as a long-range occupation, Tang Yin's own war zone is relatively outside, and Han Wenqing, who helped stop Tang Yin, is naturally in this position, and Song Qiying did not hesitate to sell blood to push Ye Xiu to the outside, so that Han Wenqing could turn around. The sneak attack on Ye Xiu showed that Song Qiying was not close to Ye Xiu who had changed positions.

So that neither of them could immediately affect Ye Xiu. It was because of this form. Although Han Wenqing knew the situation at the time, at such a distance, as a boxer, he could Since it's just typing... typing...

Find the psychological shadow area of ​​Han Wenqing at that time...

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