Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2053: Poor Liu Xiaobie

Full-time Occupation Ou Huang Chapter 2053 Poor Liu Xiaobie (please subscribe, please recommend)

In the reincarnation venue, the current reincarnation fans have put various slogans on their own teams. Of course, there is no such thing as building a dynasty. After all, the achievement can only be explained by completing three consecutive victories. Now this season is not completely over. Just look at the future on the official website, just pull out the banner and it's over.

However, although there are no words to build a dynasty, all kinds of words to celebrate winning the championship have been raised. It can be seen that the fans in Samsara can't wait for this day, and the official side of Samsara has also made a lot of equipment here at home, just to hold a grand celebration ceremony when they win. After all, if it goes well, this will be the second championship trophy in their reincarnation.

The atmosphere of reincarnation at home was all kinds of cheerfulness for a while, and there was no tension in the normal playoffs. Reincarnation now seems to be hosting an awards show.

"These guys are just so unhappy!" As professional players, they are very sensitive to the atmosphere on the scene. Before, their group went to Xiaoshan Stadium to watch the first round of the game, and now in the second game, they are running as a group. At the S city side, but this time they have to pay out of their own pockets. After all, Happy and the others have just experienced a failure, so of course they won't take such a small advantage at this time.

However, although they paid for the accommodation themselves, Tang Yin still gave them a VIP seat on Samsara's side. Anyway, he was inexplicably hit with this thing, and they couldn't use it as a player. Tang Yin simply gave it to Huang Shaotian and the others.

So now a kind of professional players are sitting together in a VIP stand again. The only thing that surprises them is that the couple they met last time also appeared here.

Originally, Ye Xiu's parents wanted to go say hello to their son, but because there was Yu Wenzhou, a tactician master-level player, explaining the game. They also needed rest more for their daughter-in-law, so they didn't go to Ye Xiu and the others, but came here silently with everyone from Happy.

What, why don't you look at their son? Who is their son? Now, in the eyes of the two elders, the two sons were paid for the phone bill, and Mucheng was the daughter.

And after getting along with a lot of professional players during this period of time, they also have a certain understanding of the current professional circle.

"What the **** are these two guys doing, Ye Xiu and Xiaoyin? They said they want to add a little excitement to the current glory? Where did the energy go when they beat us?" Huang Shaotian was completely unaware that the Ye Xiu's parents continued to complain about Ye Xiu and Tang Yin.

But to be honest, for professional players like them, watching the two teams compete for the championship in the audience's time, they will have some regrets or bitterness in their hearts. Although they say that they do not want Samsara to continue to win the championship, they are also worried about Happy. No interest in winning. Standing on Happy's side now is also the official slogan of Samsara with the goal of creating a great dynasty. After all, if Samsara wants to build a dynasty, shouldn't they all step on them? They might be happy with this kind of thing.

So compared to Samsara's victory, in terms of personal friendship, Huang Shaotian wanted Happy to win. It is also because of this that when talking about Ye Xiu and Tang Yin, he will criticize and criticize again. But after he finished speaking, all the professional players fell silent. After all, they are onlookers now, no matter who wins this game, it has nothing to do with them...

After all, if you have to explain their feelings with the mentality of fans, they are all fans, and any fan of their powder must be loyal, one of them is their own fan, and also a fan of their own team, This will not change anywhere, and there will be no transfer.

So in the face of the current game, what they think most is not who will win the game, but **** these two teams. Of course, by the way, I have to kill the guys around me. Ye Xiu's parents were also amused by the relationship between friends and rivals, and he couldn't help feeling that it was nice to be young.


At this time, Wu Yuce, who was beside Li Xuan, opened a bottle of drink, and the clear soda sound attracted everyone's attention. Especially in this somewhat depressing atmosphere.

"Um... Captain, what do you want to drink, I'll buy it!" Tiny Herb's Liu Xiaobie jumped up and said, what Uzi didn't like was the oppressive atmosphere, so he made an excuse for the first time and prepared to withdraw.

"Coke, thank you." Wang Jiexi said simply.

"Wait a minute and bring me two bottles too." Huangfeng Tiansen also raised his hand.

"I'll also have some mineral water." Li Xuan also said that he would also have one.

"Give me a bottle of milk tea like Asam." Chu Yunxiu also said.

"I want green tea."

"I want black tea."

For a while, the scene became noisy, and Liu Xiaobei collapsed directly: "I can't remember so much..."

"A mobile phone is a good thing." Xiao Shiqin offered a very friendly suggestion at this time.

Liu Xiaobie: "I really thank you, you son of a bitch!"

Although he was sullen in his heart, Liu Xiaobie still took out his mobile phone and started recording.

"Hands are so fast, you won't be able to keep up with the rookies at this rate." Yan Yu's Li Huamin looked at Liu Xiaobie and smiled. After all, since Tang Yin appeared, the title of "hand-speed mad demon" has been likened to Liu Xiao's. Don't miss out. And this stalk is obviously very clear to other people, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com began to boo for a while.

Then the professional players asked one by one, and even Wang Jiexi took the initiative to ask Ye Xiu's parents if they would like to bring a copy for them as well. And Liu Xiaobie didn't mean to be polite to him at all, Liu Xiaobie was about to cry. In this Sun family, Liu Xiaobie suddenly felt that the originally depressed atmosphere was very good, why did he talk too much...

"There are so many, I can't take it down alone..." Liu Xiaobie felt powerless after seeing the list of various drinks after recording.

"There's nothing to do with a few more trips." Xiao Shiqin is the most honorable tactician who deserves it, and the idea is Wang Shiqiu.

Liu Xiaobie was desperate. He was about to check his WeChat wallet, but found that he had no internet.

"Hahahaha, my mobile phone is in arrears, I paid illegally!" Liu Xiaobie said excitedly.

"It's alright, I'll invite everyone's drinks, just thank you for your explanations over the past two days." Ye Xiu's father, who was already familiar with a professional player, said. Say hello to Liu Xiaobie to come with him.

"Uncle is domineering!" Yu Feng took the lead in applauding, this uncle is bold, he likes it!

"Captain, help!

At this moment, Liu Xiaobie almost didn't kneel in front of Wang Jiexi.

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