Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2252: The waste city of the sky

The latest website: "It's hard to say anything else, but one thing I've just been sure of is Xiao Tang's character. As long as Samsara can still play alone, Tang Rou is just continuing to fight head-on, and continue to attack 1v4." Huang Shaotian was also at this moment. Can't help but say excitedly.

"Indeed, after this game, the influence of Samsara's momentum is not generally great, which also makes the adjustment during this break become crucial." Xiao Shiqin also made a wave of analysis and observation from the whole.

"Tsk tsk, even their fans can't bear the situation of Samsara..." Fang Rui couldn't help but sighed at the emotions of the Samsara fans at the scene.

"Indeed, I remember that even before Zhou Zekai came to Samsara, there were not so many boos in Samsara. It was the first time I saw this scene." I couldn't help feeling emotional.

"You said that, who is not?" A group of professional veterans echoed.

"But honestly, how do you guys think Samsara's performance today?" Chu Yunxiu suddenly asked.

And this question also attracted the attention of the four elders again. After all, they also want to know how their children's opponents are doing today? After all, they only know that their children are doing well, but they don't know how well.

"Sun Xiang's performance today is still very dazzling, and Zhou Zekai has nothing to say." Tang Hao took the lead in evaluating the two core members of Samsara, and his evaluation of the two was also the least controversial.

And after the two of them...

"Lu Boyuan is a little out of shape in terms of performance, or his state is not very good." Han Wenqing said.

"Well, Lu Boyuan is the opposite. Today's Du Ming's condition is not bad." Wang Jiexi nodded and continued.

"Jiang Botao's intention was very clear from the beginning of the game, and he executed it well throughout the whole process, but it's a pity that he met today's Tang Rou..." Yu Wenzhou was halfway through his words.

"So my little Tang Jintian's performance is very good." Tang Rou's mother immediately asked.

"That's right, whether it's Du Ming or Jiang Botao, they both played very well. Tang Rou's performance was even better at that time!" The three team captains commented in unison, giving Tang Rou's mother the most positive attitude, and also added Yu Wenzhou didn't finish the other half.

That's right, that's it, this is the professional game. In professional games, it doesn't matter how well you are today or how good your strategy is. But on the field, whoever plays better on the field will win. The reason for this is actually quite simple.

This is the game, winning or losing is simply because one side performs better than the other side, the better side wins the game, and the worse side loses the game. And helpless, but this is indeed the main theme on the professional arena.

The professional players actually disapproved of the boos from the fans of Reincarnation on the spot, but there was absolutely nothing to be done. After all, Tang Rou's 1v3 was a bit too sharp, because she was too strong and sharp. , in such an overwhelming contrast, it is normal for this to happen.

In contrast, in this match, both Du Ming and Jiang Botao actually performed very well, and they were in very good form. It's a pity that they have only become Tang Rou's foils, and they are also very useless foils.

And this also makes everyone curious, how will the two sides fight in the next team match?

After all, the next step is to decide who the final champion of this game belongs to, and with the passage of time, it will soon be time to draw the map for the team competition. Because both teams have now returned to various preparation rooms, the map information on the big screen is mainly presented to the audience. As for the teams on both sides, the organizer will also directly send the information to the preparation rooms of the two teams. .

A waste city in the sky.

When the audience at the scene saw the information about the final team match, all the members of Team Happy and Samsara also saw the information on the map of the next team match on the big screens in the preparation rooms of various teams.

The electronic big screen, holographic projection, TV broadcast, and the big screens of the two teams Happy and Samsara in their respective preparation rooms were all synchronized at the same time, showing the general information and overall map of the final map for the first time. .

The audience was amazed!

Under the perfect performance of the projection of the whole system, the projection of the whole system that appeared on the arena is an island with a circular shape as a whole, which is quietly suspended above the high sky and bathed under the galaxy.

At this time, the four elders began to concentrate again, and began to listen to the various discussions about the whole map of the map that were directly started by the professional players.

"A lore map at this time?" This is the first reaction of a professional player when he sees this map.

"The lore map? What does this mean?" Ye Xiu's father asked curiously at this time. After all, their time to contact Glory was limited, and they were usually busy with company matters. Obviously, they had not contacted this map yet. arrived.

"The so-called lore map mainly refers to those maps in the map, where there is a map that clears the character's instant health in the map, and directly kills it in seconds. The previous ring match used a map "meeting on a narrow road", at the location refreshed by both sides. Isn't there a setting of "death to trespassers" at the back? It looks a lot like a lore map, so no one will take the initiative to take a step beyond the lightning pool at the beginning." Xiao Shiqin said.

"That's right, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is the finals after all, no one will take the initiative to enter under the premise of not being clear about the situation, which is why Zhang Jiale is said to have the courage, even in the current competition , he still dares to attack directly. That is, the "death of trespassers" here is not a real instant kill, but a refreshed npc to attack. We can still resolve such an attack. Therefore, "meeting on a narrow road" cannot It's a lore map." This time it was Huang Shaotian who spoke.

"Then why is this map a lore map? Where is his instant kill set?" Tang Rou's father asked this time.

"It is because this map is suspended above the sky that if the player's character falls from the edge of the map, his health will be cleared directly, and this is the second deletion design of this map, and this design and the above The same setting as "Death of a Trespasser" can be used by both players. "

At this time, the four parents also realized the terribleness of this map. What is even more terrible is that such a map still appeared in the finals. How cruel will this game be?

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