Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2278: What a strange setting!

The latest website: "Now An Wenyi still thinks that he doesn't know what to dare?" Thunder's Xiao Shiqin heard Zhang Xinjie's words and carefully observed An Wenyi's operation.

"Could it be because Happy's healer has been struggling to survive under high pressure, but today he was suddenly thrown aside by Samsara, so he felt a little overwhelmed?" Tiny Herb's Wang Jiexi also began to discuss Anwen now. Ease mentality.

But none of them are in the mood for An Wenyi now, because each of them is definitely a god-level player in the professional league, and they have never experienced these experiences that An Wenyi has experienced, such as shortcomings, loopholes, and crane tails. This word has been completely out of touch with them since the day they debuted.

It can be said that those who can feel the grievance in An Wenyi's heart now may only be understood by those who, like him, have experienced being ignored, treated coldly, and have never been favored.

The whistling Tang Hao smiled coldly when he saw this scene. For some reason, he looked at Samsara's release and was unhappy.

And just when everyone was guessing An Wenyi's mentality, Blue Rain captain Yu Wenzhou suddenly sighed and said, "He must have suffered a psychological blow."

Psychological blow?

Yu Wenzhou's words made all the professional gods look at each other in dismay. After all, if you were to say that the people at Happy were lacking in tactics and technology, then it would be better to say, after all, most of them were newcomers, and these were inevitable. But in this competition, Xiali, in terms of psychological quality, in the team, the old and the young, the strong and the weak, that one is not a top monster, when did they have psychological problems throughout the season?

"It's reincarnation, they gave An Wenyi the most fatal blow..." Yu Wenzhou continued.

"Why do you say this?" the four elders who were most curious and concerned about everyone in Happy asked together.

"They completely denied all of An Wenyi's value." Yu Wenzhou said.

Completely deny all the values ​​of An Wenyi?

Hearing Yu Wenzhou's words, everyone thoughtfully turned their eyes back to the arena once again. Happy was already in an unfavorable form right now, but their treatment was at this time. A more poor performance, even such a performance is called a "pig teammate" is not an exaggeration.

"An Wenyi's current situation is indeed problematic, and indeed it can only be a psychological problem." After observation, everyone agreed with Yu Wenzhou's point of view.

Although An Wenyi's level is really not good in the professional league? But in this situation where no one interferes, it is the best moment for his ability. An Wenyi's judgment and precise control of timing, etc., paired with him, the highest intelligence and violence in the entire league. The equipment of the attack can completely help him become the strongest backing of Xingxin.

But now the fact is, at this moment, his brain seems to be half eaten by zombies, and there is no game idea at all.

Psychological problems, no matter in which team, is a very important problem,

In particular, some guys whose psychological quality is extremely strong and have never had a problem, if they have a problem, the problem will be very fatal, and it is even more difficult to deal with.

After all, An Wenyi still lacked self-confidence, and the reason for his lack of self-confidence was because he was too rational, and he was very rationally aware that his direct strength was insufficient and he could not have any self-confidence. Therefore, he has always been careful and careful to manage his rare confidence.

But above this game, in this final battle, the final battle arena. Samsara chose to ignore him directly. This most cruel method directly shattered An Wenyi's self-confidence that he had always managed carefully, and completely destroyed the little expectation that An Wenyi finally gave birth to himself.

So much that the current An Wenyi doesn't know what he is going to say next, the current An Wenyi needs help...


Just then, a message popped up in Happy's team channel.

"Hurry up and heal!" It was Ye Xiu who said these words. Depending on the situation, he was reminding An Wenyi to hurry up and keep up with their rhythm.

"Don't think too much, your ability is really not outstanding." Just when everyone thought that everyone in Happy wanted to comfort An Wenyi, Tang also said this directly after Ye Xiu. As soon as this sentence came out, the professional players and the four parents who saw this scene were directly confused.

Let's go and try it. 】

Xiaoyin, it's okay if you don't comfort me at this time, and you still make up for it?

"This guy Xiaoyin is not crazy, right? Make up for it at this time?"

"Could it be that Xiaoyin wants to fight poison with poison?"

All the professional players were talking about it for a while.

"But..." This was Ye Xiu's message, as if there was going to be a turning point.

"Even if you are a rotten straw, as long as you are trapped with hairy crabs, then you are the worth of hairy crabs!" Tang Yin replied.

Everyone has no idea what their mentality is now, and now they just want to complain: "You two give me enough time! Now it's a game, and you all have opponents to deal with, so don't be so tacit with chicken soup at this time, right? "

But the scoffing ghosts scoffed. They also knew the purpose of Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's words. It was like they were both fighting their opponents head-to-head. At this time, jumping out of the operation and typing could easily affect the operation. But now Ye Xiu was facing Sun Xiang's life-threatening attack, so of course there were few typing operations he could perform.

As for Tang Yin's side, as long as the firepower suppresses the other side, it's fine~www.readwn.com~ There is Tang Rou in front of the bar, so he will send long messages. This also minimizes their typing effort. What kind of tacit understanding is this to be able to feed teammates chicken soup and cooperate like this in a battle?

But aside from the tacit understanding of these two people who are not human beings, what they said does have some truth, that is, is this metaphor a little too narcissistic, after all, the hairy crab in this sentence refers to? , even ordinary players can see it. It can only be said that these two guys are really shameless and have no lower limit.

Wait... The tacit understanding of not being human, shameless with no lower limit... What kind of strange settings are these two guys!

When An Wenyi saw this scene, he did not have as many thoughts as many professional players. After all, they have long been surprised by the "sweet" daily life of his own captain and deputy team. In what the two captains said to him.

- Erha rolls all over the place asking for tickets, asking for subscriptions, all kinds of cuteness and all kinds of begging.

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