Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2281: Pastor fighting in the finals

Latest website: In the final analysis, it is An Wenyi, which seems to be a simple stall, but it is actually far from that simple. At this time, no matter who can come over and restrict An Wenyi a little bit. After all, this kind of priest is clothed in armor and has very limited defense. It is impossible to take away a lot of things by one person.

If you just want to kill the opponent, you only need a simple three or two.


Because now Qiao Yifan's position was forced by Zhou Zekai to the outside of the entire battle, even he needed to rely on the advantage of long-range firepower to contain the opponent.

After all, except for Zhou Zekai's obvious advantage now, without his support, the other fronts can't get any advantage, but Sun Xiang is suppressed by Ye Xiu, Jiang Botao and the others rely on treatment to withstand Tang Yin and Tang Rou. attack. It can be said that no one of the main combat personnel in the current reincarnation can come to support Cloud Piercer.

This advantage was Zhou Zekai's own creation at the last moment, but now it is being used by Happy, and he has no way to deal with it for a while.

And the one who forced Zhou Zekai, the pinnacle figure, to make it difficult to make progress on a tiger, since he was the weakest healer in Team Happy, the guy they just chose to ignore before.

An Wenyi, little hands are cold...

In any case, the situation must not continue to deal with the other party in this way, and must find a way to approach it. But An Wenyi had been relying on him for too long, directly blocking all of Zhou Zekai's attack routes, so that he couldn't do it at once if he wanted to hit the two of them at once.

On Qiao Yifan's side, if he is caught by the other side, he may directly bypass him and return to the core battlefield.

Zhou Zekai was thinking about how to deal with this matter. When the two guns in his hands were about to take action, a figure who had already manipulated An Wenyi's small hands collided coldly.

Laughing and singing?

The incoming person is the treatment of their reincarnation, Fang Minghua's laughter is calm! At this time, the reincarnation priest directly killed An Wenyi, and the huge cross in his hand was already waving towards An Wenyi with the strong wind!

At this time... the treatment launched a hand-to-hand fight against the opponent?

This step stunned everyone. What game is this? The treatment of the two professional teams, since they started hand-to-hand combat like this? This is definitely not a normal unfolding!

At this moment, everyone felt a sense of separation from reality.

"Could it be that I blinked the wrong way, or should I blink again?" This is the voice of all the audience now.

There is no way, a priest who just rushed to the muzzle of the gun regardless, and another priest who held a weapon and launched a hand-to-hand fight with each other, how strange these two priests look...

Although Zhang Xinjie, who is Tyranny's priest, is also very violent. But his frenzy is in support of his attack on teammates. He didn't directly go over to confront the opponent, did he? This kind of thinking, even a priest with a normal mind can't do such an operation!

Could it be that the current situation has reached the point where it must be so?

At this moment, all the audience were very at a loss. No way, what kind of game is going on now, this is the pinnacle of domestic glory, but now there is such a situation that refreshes their three views.

Compared with the three views of glory that the audience needs to build from, Zhou Zekai on the arena let out a sigh of relief.

As a Samsara healer Fang Minghua who always pays attention to the situation of his teammates, he immediately saw the difficulties of the team captain, and now Jiang Botao has someone to help, after all, there will be no accident for a while. So he rushed directly to support his captain.

To temporarily control Qiao Yifan? what player? Just like if Zhou Zekai tried his best to output An Wenyi, An Wenyi wouldn't be able to last long, if he dared to go directly to the opponent Qiao Yifan, Qiao Yifan could also directly press him. And relying on the superposition of ghost formations, the feast of ghosts and gods has finally erupted, and the operation can even take An Wenyi away before their captain takes him away.

Even if this possibility is ruthless, Fang Minghua will not foolishly take risks.

Although he could not restrain Qiao Yifan, Fang Minghua still had confidence in An Wenyi. After all, everyone is a priest. Although they can't fight with other professions, they can still output a wave of whistling with the opponent. In this regard, Fang Minghua still feels that he is stronger than An Wenyi.

So there is the present scene, in the game representing the highest level of the professional league, since there is a strange scene of the priests of both sides fighting each other.

Fang Minghua didn't have the skills of a player, so he went directly in front of him, waving the cross in his hand directly to the front, and attacked with the simplest basic attack.

This is not to say that the priest really only has treatment, and there is no ability to directly attack or control it. Of course, priests of these skills are still there. But in Fang Minghua's view, An Wenyi's attitude of being a pick-and-roll is very firm and cautious, which makes Fang Minghua feel that only the most direct and straightforward general attack is the most reliable.

And what kind of scene would the two priests fight directly?

As long as Glory players are aware of this problem, after all, everyone will play like this when they are bored, but it is a bit appalling to see such a thing in the professional arena.

There may be some treatments that will force you to fight the opponent because of the situation, but this is a helpless move that can be avoided as much as possible.

But the current situation is indeed, all of this is really used as a means of attack, and it is actively attacking the opponent. This is the first time since the establishment of the entire Glory Professional Alliance.

The cross was waving in the hands of the two of them~www.readwn.com~ The sound of the waving wind breaking, this moment appeared in such a scene that everyone was so unfamiliar.

Laughing freely, with cold hands, the two professional priests chose to attack each other, and the roles happened to be a man and a woman. This fight was not only a little appalling, but also felt like a family farce that suddenly appeared on the street.

As for the priest's output method and hand-to-hand combat, who would study this kind of thing? Even a veteran like Fang Minghua with rich professional battle experience would not do such a boring and brainless thing. Even all the regular spectators watching the game thought so. But there are two exceptions.

That is Zhang Xinjie, who had heard Tang Yin's fighting priest on the All-Stars, and Huang Shaotian, who had seen Tang Yin's violent priest play!

All they know is that there really is a bad guy in the world who has researched this thing and made it happen. And that person is Happy's vice-captain!

- Erha rolls all over the place asking for tickets, asking for subscriptions, all kinds of cuteness and all kinds of begging.

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