Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2284: It's a fake

Latest website: And it turns out that this moment is indeed the most shining moment in An Wenyi's career.

Jump bravely!

Relying on this skill, An Wenyi jumped high, and then rushed down instantly. Although the silver light on his weapon was very weak, it directly hit Zhou Zekai's Cloud Piercer, knocking down the peak combination of the Glory Professional Alliance.

At this moment, An Wenyi directly stepped on Zhou Zekai's Cloud Piercer!

"What's the situation? What happened just now?"

At this moment, all the audience could hear the voice from the commentator Pan Lin from the commentary room that went beyond the hoarseness. The audience's ears roared.

But even if Pan Sen's reaction was so intense, no one thought that Pan Sen's behavior had anything to do with it, because now they were actually as surprised as Pan Sen, or even mad.

A priest knocking down a sharpshooter is a very unimaginable thing in itself, but what is more important now is that the priest who knocked down the sharpshooter is An Wenyi, who is known to have poor operations, and the sharpshooter who was knocked down by him is Zhou Zekai! This is the existence that has become the first person in glory in recent years.

As long as he is present, the other players can only become a powerful presence on the background board. Now that it has become someone else's background board?

At this moment, everyone knows that even if An Wenyi's operation is not very strong, his strength is indeed relatively limited. Even in Happy's team, where most of them were rookies, he was the last to exist. But just the scene he showed today is enough for him to be mentioned for many years.

Just like the assassin Ji Leng in Tyranny's fourth season, although he was originally a lot of attention-getting professional players, but because he moved away in the finals, he took away Ye Xiu's One Autumn Leaf. A shocking stab, which directly became the most shocking scene in that season.

Of course, An Wenyi's blow was far less shocking than the life-threatening blow of the Tyranny Assassin Ji Leng, but his character, Xiaoshou Binglang, is a priest. With his skills, he directly overthrew the most powerful player in the Alliance. The role of one of the strongest and the operator who is known as the first person in Glory, such a huge contrast is enough for An Wenyi to be re-enacted in the history of the glory of the professional league.

Although in terms of reality, Zhou Zekai was not considered to be knocked down by An Wenyi, after all, there is no mandatory judgment such as grabbing for the skill of heroic jumping. It was true that Zhou Zekai didn't have time to disperse this blow, but he quickly dealt with this instant knockdown with a single body manipulation.

But now it doesn't really matter whether he is really knocked down or not. Because of the body manipulation, Zhou Zekai's Cloud Piercer must rely on a roll before he can get up, and Zhou Zekai made this series of movements very smooth. . But in the eyes of the audience, An Wenyi and the heroic jump directly overturned Zhou Zekai's Cloud Piercer, and then the whole person was directly overturned by An Wenyi's blow from the sky.

It can be said that at this moment, except for the accident of a die-hard fan of Samsara, at this moment, everyone in the entire Glory circle was completely boiled at this moment.

Of course, Zhou Zekai was not among these boiling people.

Maybe in the eyes of many people, Zhou Zekai would feel that this incident is a very shameful thing for him, but in fact, in Zhou Zekai's heart, there is absolutely no fluctuation due to this incident. Because in his opinion, no matter how weak An Wenyi is, he is also his opponent in this game and a professional player in the professional league.

It's just that because of his strength and career, this opponent, who he could have easily exploded, did the most appropriate thing for him at the most suitable time, and achieved his goal. Just in terms of which moment, the other party is not weak.

But only for that moment.

Zhou Zekai still didn't feel that he would be much of a threat to him in this match, even though he had just been hit and rolled by An Wenyi's heroic jump. Compared to all of this, the only thing Zhou Zekai cared about was that his attempt to interrupt Qiao Yifan's singing skills just now was interrupted.

And now all he needs to do is to stop it again quickly.

And according to the time he kept counting in his mind, the thought in Zhou Zekai's heart became more and more urgent.

Rolling, stealing perspective, raising guns...

Here, Zhou Zekai's tumbling has not ended. His angle of view has turned to Qiao Yifan's side, where he begins his unfinished attack.

But this time he was too late.

This is a professional arena, and countless changes can occur at every moment on this arena. Just like An Wenyi's opponent Zhou Zekai back and forth, even from the beginning to the end, he was not able to be stronger than the other party even in the slightest. But at the moment just now, he won. Although it was only a moment, it was this moment that secured enough space for Qiao Yifan to release his skills.

The current Qiao Yifan has already appeared in the position he needs to appear, and the ghost circle has already started singing just now. If Zhou Zekai shot the previous shot, it would have directly interrupted Qiao Yifan's singing, but now Even if he has made up for it as much as possible, it is still too late.

Qiao Yifan's skill chanting has been completed, and the tachi in his hand, which is condensed with strong sense of ghosts and spirits, has been swung out one step ahead of the gunshot.

As for the other people in Samsara, although they are all in charge of various battle situations, they will always pay attention to changes in the battle situation in other directions. Seeing that his own captain's attack could no longer interrupt Qiao Yifan's skills, and watching Qiao Yifan's blade drop ~www.readwn.com~ the ghost formation on it was about to come out, Jiang Botao and Wu Qi hurriedly began to operate the characters and continued Dodge retreat.

"Hahaha, they have been tricked. This is a fake!" After seeing the performance of the two of them, Samsara Jiang Botao couldn't help laughing, and he could see the change of Qiao Yifan's move in an instant. He was the only one who was the first ghost of glory.

Sure enough, just like what Li Xuan said, with the moment that the sword in Qiao Yifan's hand was about to fall, Tang Rou's blade turned over.

And the blue-and-white ghostly aura on it enveloped the endless chill, like a lot of ice flowers blooming above the enemy. Fully bloomed in an instant.

Ice formation!

And in the center of this ice formation is - One Autumn Leaf!

- Erha rolls all over the place asking for tickets, asking for subscriptions, all kinds of cuteness and all kinds of begging.



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