Full-time Occupation

Chapter 2286: changing situation

The latest website: Zhou Zekai's attack has been completely launched, and it is a burst of output to An Wenyi beside him.

Sparks bloomed in the muzzle, and the blood flowers on An Wenyi's body also bloomed. In the blink of an eye, An Wenyi's ice-cold little hands were already dyed scarlet in the snow-white priest's robe. In the eyes of many people, Zhou Zekai's current output to An Wenyi is the anger that An Wenyi directly overturned him with a cross before taking revenge. But in reality, it's not at all.

After all, now that the opponent has directly attacked the opponent directly in front of him, what is the problem with the treatment of the opponent being a burst of crazy output? Could this be a very reasonable operation?

After all, this is a team game after all, and controlling the opponent's treatment in the team game will control the overall trend of the game. This is the consensus of all teams, and it is a wise saying in the professional league.

In the team competition, many operations are all kinds of offensive and defensive battles based on the treatment of both sides. How can the tactical concept of this be comparable to the command battle of the boss of the jungle map in the online game? The secret tactics in online games are mainly due to the large number of people, and the scene of the fight is even more magnificent. But in the professional arena, any detail of the team battle between the two sides seems to be critical and delicate.

But all this is about normal professional games, but in today's finals, the two sides had no intention of taking an ordinary path from the very beginning. The main point of Happy's tactical attack was on Wulang of Samsara Jiang Botao. Fang Minghua didn't have any special intention to treat Samsara, and even Tang Yin's attack at the beginning was only for containment.

And what about the reincarnation? They didn't directly attack Happy's treatment, but a psychological tactic, and their tactic was even very successful at the beginning. That is, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu poured the chicken soup in time, and forced it back. Then came An Wenyi's wave of operations that violated common sense in treatment, forcibly pulling Happy out of his disadvantage.

But now, An Wenyi has also ushered in the sequelae of his previous style of play, which is also the price for him. After all, he is now completely exposed to Zhou Zekai's gun. As for a treatment that is delivered directly to the door, Zhou Zekai doesn't mind changing the original strategy of letting An Wenyi empty in order to cope with the current situation. Choose to directly take it away in one wave. After all, it is a professional game now, and what is needed is an adaptability and on-the-spot adjustment.

And An Wenyi dared to play such a wave, of course, he knew very well that he would most likely end up in this way. But of course there is also the possibility of escaping in the process. But Zhou Zekai wanted not to give him this chance. This side has realized that the attack that directly interrupted Qiao Yifan failed, and his attack was turned off in an instant, and countless bullets hit An Wenyi directly.

In this way, Zhou Zekai turned on An Wenyi's output for a while, and on the other hand, he did not forget to keep an eye on Qiao Yifan behind him. At the same time, it is not short to pay attention to the changes in the battle situation of this other opponent. It can be said that at this moment, Zhou Zekai once again became the busiest person on the arena.

On Jiang Botao's side, with Ye Xiu's support, he and Tang Rou cooperated to suppress Jiang Botao again immediately, and Tang Yin immediately started to turn the heat.


Zhou Zekai had expected Tang Yin's turnaround. He knew very well that even if Happy's healing abilities were very limited, Happy would not just let him go on this onslaught. It is possible to come to support, and now it seems that Happy will directly ask Tang Yin to initiate support this time.

And if he is entangled by Tang Yin's attack, it is hard to say whether An Wenyi will come down in the end, but Qiao Yifan can successfully escape from his control. At that time, Tang Yin and Qiao Yifan cooperate with each other, and their attack can be Covering all battlefields, the situation at that time can be very dangerous.

Fortunately, although Xinxin has support here, this time in Samsara, he doesn't need to fight everything alone.

Although Sun Xiang's One Autumn Leaf moved Qiao Yifan's ice formation, the movement speed was reduced a lot, and it moved very slowly, but now it has successfully dashed out of Qiao Yifan's ice formation. Now, although Zhou Zekai's main firepower is on An Wenyi, as long as Qiao Yifan makes a move, he will come to interrupt, so it is not easy for Qiao Yifan to find an opportunity to release his skills.

Sun Xiang, who walked out of the ice formation, quickly recovered his state, but Ye Xiu, who he had been staring at, was no longer in the space he blocked. Before he was able to complete BOX-1 against Ye Xiu, it was only after Wu Qi fought two against one.

But now Wu Qi and Jiang Botao were both suppressed by Tang Rou and Ye Xiu, and there was no time to support him, so it would not be so easy for him to block Ye Xiu again. After all, he knew Ye Xiu's strength very well. After all, the two had won so many games. He also has a very clear understanding of this. It was naive to think that he could complete Ye Xiu's BOX-1 on his own.

Sun Xiang completely believed that Ye Xiu could rely on the almighty ability of the scattered people to evade his melee attacks, and rely on long-range skills to support each front.

Sun Xiang also wanted to think of a way to directly target Ye Xiu, but he wanted to target such an almighty detachment, and the operator of the detachment was Ye Xiu, how easy was it to say? At least there is no such condition or time for Sun Xiang to continue thinking.

rush on!

But this time, Sun Xiang did not continue to target the master of One Autumn Leaf's achievements, but turned the spear to the current best partner of its former master. He and Ye Xiu had gradually switched positions, but the attack started to cover Tang Yin the whole time.

What Sun Xiang had to do now was to block Tang Yin's attacks before Tang Yin harassed Zhou Zekai~www.readwn.com~. And as long as Zhou Zekai can kill Happy's treatment immediately, then they can be the next person first. It can even directly determine the outcome of the game.

But, change direction, turn the fire again!

Tang Yin, who had already started supporting An Wenyi in the last second, only fired a few shots from here, and saw One Autumn Leaf who had already killed him. As soon as he saw One Autumn Leaf rushing towards him, Tang Yin gave up his intention of continuing to support him, turned around and ran in the other direction. It looked as if he was scared by Sun Xiang and ran away.

bang bang...

The blade on the gun flicked, plus two flying guns. Tang Yin's voice instantly disappeared from everyone's sight. When Tang also appeared again, the intensive firepower had already operated Fang Minghua and roared away!

- Erha rolls all over the place asking for tickets, asking for subscriptions, all kinds of cuteness and all kinds of begging.



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