Full-time Occupation

Chapter 827: 2 extremes!

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"Wow! Xiao Tang, is your house this big?" Tang Yin exclaimed as he looked at a luxurious and simple villa. And it's not Tang Rou's family. There are also luxury villas of the same level near her home, but they are all separated by a distance. I heard that this piece belongs to the villa owner.

That's right, this year Tang Yin followed Tang Rou home for the New Year. After all, the parents had met, and the relationship between Tang Yin and Tang Rou was settled. It was because Chen Guo had been pestering Tang Yin, otherwise Tang Yin would have already hit a home run.

Of course, they weren't the first to leave. Mo Fan, who was the first to leave, didn't tell them beforehand, that it was time to leave with everyone's surprised expressions.

That is to say, now everyone has a certain understanding of Mo Fan, knowing that he has taken the key to the dormitory. Otherwise, they all wonder if Mo Fan will not come next year.

"Um...this guy doesn't work hard to buy tickets by himself? I don't know if Xiaoyin bought the tickets for the New Year for us?" Chen Guo asked after Mo Fan left. After all, he has everybody's ID card, so Tang Yin dropped them a first-class seat. As for the train or the plane, it depends on what they want.

"Well, one knows. After all, he bought it with his ID card. There should be a mobile phone reminder... right." Tang Yin was not sure. Because everyone didn't have a time limit, Tang Yin bought it randomly at the time. If Mo Fan bought the train ticket by himself, it would be fun if two consecutive tickets appeared when he used his ID card to pick up the ticket.

Thinking of this, Tang Yin suddenly remembered that he had forgotten whether he bought a train or a plane for Mo Fan. After all, he didn't speak when he asked him. But it doesn't matter, you can get home anyway. There is a lesson this year, and I will come to him next year to ask about the ticket.

After that, everyone left, because last year Tang Rou’s mother asked Tang Rou to invite Tang Yin to their New Year’s Eve, so this year Tang Yin and Tang Rou came together. As for Chen Guo, you don’t need to be careful if you have an idol like Mucheng. . Maybe she is still annoying Ye Xiu, who is disturbing the world of their sisters.

And Tang Yin now feels very strange. Although he has seen his parents, the woman's family still couldn't help being a little nervous in the first episode.

"Miss, you can go in. Just leave the luggage to us." The driver and the security guard outside the courtyard of Tang Rou's villa said together.

"Thanks for your hard work, when will you have a holiday this year?" Tang Rou asked.

"The holiday will start tomorrow. I have tickets for the day after tomorrow. Xiao Chen and the others are behind me." The driver master said, and Xiao Chen was the security captain of Tang Rou's house.

"Then you will be happy during your vacation." Tang Ruan and the others greeted him and brought Tang Yin, who was still admiring this villa, into the courtyard. This yard is very large, and it depends on the responsibility of a special garden.

"Meow~" Little Mica also yelled, as if she also liked the yard very much. She crawled off Tang Yinshi and ran around in the yard.

"This must be the little mica, right?" And just as the little mica was spreading joy in the courtyard, a gentle voice sounded. When Tang You raised their heads, they saw that Tang Rou's mother was already waiting for Tang Yin at the door. As for why there was only Tang Rou's mother, then the time had to be moved forward.

"Old Tang, it's the first time someone Xiaoyin came to our house, don't you really go out with me to greet you, the master?" Tang Rou's mother teased.

"Oh, what can I do to meet them? Didn't you let the driver pick them up? Don't lose them?" Tang Rou's father Tang Shusen said a little depressed. In fact, if Tang Yin and Tang Rou were only dating now, his reaction would be okay. He wouldn't call like this, but in a recent phone call, Tang Rou revealed that both of them planned to get married after they retired. This is equivalent to being settled. As soon as Tang Rou's father heard the news, he overturned the jealous jar.

After all, he hasn't said yes yet, so his own daughter has begun to consider getting married. Last time, he only acquiesced to Tang Yin and Tang Rou’s relationship, but you didn’t arrive this month and said you were going to get married. What was it like?

In fact, this was Tang Rou's fear of being too sudden. In fact, if he were to get married, Tang Yin planned to do it in the past two years. He planned to do it at the time of the proposal, saying that the day they won the championship!

Originally it was Tang Yin's confession that day, but because of the assistance of the driver's master, Tang Yin's progress directly took a leap. The day when he won the championship, he said it was the most suitable time to propose, and in Tang Yin's view, only such a grand scene would be worthy of Tang Rou.

Of course, none of these Tang Yin told Tang Rou, it was just that the two of them were alone because they talked about the fact that they had been married in the past few years, and Tang Rou had never had the heart to refuse Tang Yin's proposal. But beware that it is too early that my father may not be able to stand it. That's why Tang Rou said on the phone that she was retiring.

Tang Rou's father didn't know the retirement age of professional players, but he also heard that the life span of the e-sports career was very short, so he thought that his baby, the little padded jacket, would leave him completely in the past two years. How do you say? It's just a mistake, right? After all, the tenth season next year will be completely over...

For the little cotton-padded jacket, Tang Rou's father directly listed a series of assessment items to deal with Tang Yin.

"The future son-in-law will come here for the first time. Who will you show you like this?" Tang Rou's mother was also speechless for the husband controlled by this daughter, but she was very satisfied with Tang Yin, with good looks, good personality, and most importantly. She also loves her daughter so much, she has tested it many times without showing her identity.

And he is also self-motivated. After all, in e-sports, his goal is also a championship, and he is also a shareholder of their team, and he has also passed this career. As for funds, this is what she cares about the most. After all, as far as the assets of their family are concerned, she can say very proudly that he doesn't care whether the son-in-law has any money or not. Anyway, I have no money.

But when I saw the amount of Tangyin Bank Card Tang Rou showed him, it changed ~www.readwn.com~ because the funds in Tangyin Bank Card now are a bit more than their family's free funds.

Although these free funds only accounted for a small part of their family's total assets, the problem is that these are all accumulated slowly, but what about people? It only took a month to surpass it. Although not much, it was enough to collapse Tang Rou's mother's three views.

But now Tang Yin has given all the money to her daughter. What kind of trust is this? So Tang Rou's mother became more and more satisfied with Tang Yin's son-in-law, and she was completely opposite to her old man!


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