Full-time Occupation

Chapter 829: Don't go...okay...

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As we all know, wine is approximately equal to character. And adhering to this concept, Tang Rou's father relied on the amount of alcohol he honed in the mall on the first day of dinner to chase Tang Yin, and what about Tang Yin? Although the person in front of him is his apprentice in the game, in reality this is his father-in-law. For an orphan like Tang Yin, it would not be too much to say that he is the future father.

So dare you dare not drink the wine with your father? The result was not that Tang Yin's drinking volume was good, but because of luck. Tang Yin had a big drink with his father-in-law. At first, the two of them were a little restrained, but after an hour passed, the two of them had already drunk and drank their backs. Here, the master is very high and the father-in-law is very domineering. It was the master's joy that was talking, and there was nothing wrong with Tang Rou's mother and daughter during the whole process.

It would be fine if this were the case. After all, it was drunk and it was not a big deal. As a result, Tang Rou's father felt that their names were too troublesome, and he had to worship Tang Yin. And Tang Yin didn't know what he was thinking at the time, it's good to be confused. The most important thing is that the two also worshipped Tang Rou's mother who was already flushed.

And the result is obvious, they haven't worshipped yet? Tang Rou's mother suppressed her with one punch. A perfect interpretation of what it means to be a woman at the top of the family food chain.

"Xiao Rou, take this washbasin to Xiaoyin's room together. If you wake up in the middle of the night and feel like vomiting, you can just vomit it." Tang Rou's mother said, seemingly proficient in dealing with this situation.

"Huh? Will you vomit when you fall asleep?" Tang Rou asked curiously. After all, Tang Yin hadn't been absent before drinking. The last time she was drunk with Tao Xuan Ye Xiu and the others, she looked like she was shaking her head with a little mica. It's vividly visible.

"Meow~" The little mica on Tang Rou's head tilted her head and cried out, thinking she was also curious about it. It was originally on the ground, but it was too short to climb to the second floor, and their bedrooms were all on the second floor, which tortured the cat very much.

In the end, the little mica was so cute that she tried to be afraid of the stairs, but she was able to climb up directly. Tang Ruan and her mother were cute. In the end, Tang Rou learned from Tang Yin and put the little mica on her head.

"Look at people, does Xiao Yin drink often?" Tang Rou's mother seemed to have seen Tang Yin and drunk looking at Tang Yin's questions. But looking at Tang Yin's character, he doesn't want people who like to drink.

"That's not true, Xiao Yin himself doesn't like to drink. Moreover, our professional players can't drink alcohol. Alcohol affects our hand speed and reaction nerves. This is especially important for players with hand speed advantages like Xiao Yin. Yes. I think the last time we had a drink was when all the members were gathered, and it was also the end of the order." Tang Rou explained to her mother.

"What? Is it so serious? Then you don't tell your dad like that. This guy is too messy. Doesn't this affect Xiaoyin's future?" After getting along with Tang Yin for a year, Tang Yin will also tell them about alliances. What happened in the middle is just Wang Jiexi's self-sealing play, or Ye Xiu's broken arm, or Zhang Jiale's persistence and guilt. All of these gave her a very deep experience, and experienced professional players like Tang Yin's love for the game and their pursuit of the highest glory.

Thinking of this, Tang Rou's mother couldn't help but punch her in the head of her husband.

"It's okay, Mom. Don't blame Dad, Xiao Yin didn't let me say it. It was he who said he wanted to make Dad 100% satisfied." Tang Rou said this remembered what Tang Yin said to him before returning.


"Shall we fly back tomorrow?" Tang Rou asked while packing.

"Well, I also plan to buy a car from your side. We will drive back after the New Year." Tang Yin said.

"Buy a car? Why am I? My house is so far away, besides, we spend most of our time in Happy, and we don't have that much luggage." Tang Rou looked at Tang Yin curiously, wondering why Tang Yin suddenly thought about it. I bought a car.

Tang Yin didn't speak, but came to Tang Rou and gently put her in his arms and said, "That's your hometown, where did you grow up. There are always things to move back in. It's easier to drive. "

"So... I bought a car there to move things back?" Tang Rou asked hesitantly as if she had an answer in her heart.

Tang Yin heard Tang Rou's words and let her go, looked at Tang Rou's beautiful washbasin a little obsessively, "Yes, Xiao Tang. I don't plan to give it back to your parents at all."

Hearing Tang Yin’s confession, Tang Rou was shy and moved at the time. She hugged Tang Yin, leaned in Tang Yin’s arms, listened to Tang Yin’s powerful heartbeat, and closed her eyes to enjoy the peace of mind. After Tranquility, he said, "That dad is not that easy to handle, he will definitely embarrass you."

"Yeah, but don't worry, I will take care of the father-in-law, you don't have to worry about it then." Tang Yin said softly.

"Oh~" Tang Rou said reluctantly.


Thinking of the scene now, Tang Rou was still a little shy.

Tang Rou's mother looked at Dao's daughter's current small expression, and didn't say much. The main thing is to see my daughter's very happy little expression, and she is also very pleased as a mother. Since Xiaoyin had her own plan, she didn't ask too much. However, the old man of my own family has to talk about it, and the test afterwards can't be as messy as today.

Because Tang Rou's nanny and security staff will also go back in a few days, Tang Rou's mother let them take a vacation today. As a result, only two of them now carry their other half away.

Parting on the aisle, Tang Rou slowly helped Tang Yin to the room organized for him.

When he entered Tang Yin's room, the little mica climbed onto the ground by himself and onto a cushion specially prepared for it. This was also arranged by Tang Rou's father. To make Tang Yin feel at home, this room was almost designed according to his room. Even the mica cushions are of the same style as Tang Yin's.

But Tang Rou watched the little mica climb on the mat and was ready to go to bed, and she didn't bother. But Tang Rou is a girl after all~www.readwn.com~ Zi Ah, putting down Tang Yin was an unstable center, so she came to bring Tang Yin and fell to the bed.

Tang Yin, who had fallen asleep because of Tang Rou's mother's crit, woke up with this fall, and vaguely saw Tang Rou, who was right next to him, facing each other.

This Tang Rou was ashamed and was about to run, but was hugged by Tang Yin.

"Don't go...okay..."


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