Full-time Occupation

Chapter 835: The presidents of the major guilds that blocked the toilets

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After all, Tang Rou's family is a group industry. If you are willing to develop a project to enter e-sports, there is a chance of success. Moreover, the popularity of short videos in the past is a fact. Now live broadcast has started for a year, and it is difficult to grab market shares if you want to do live broadcast alone. And of.

Without market share and influence, why should other teams cooperate with you? So Tang Yin directly amended a wave of previous vibrato models.

As for piracy or something, just kidding, the world hasn't even proposed the concept of short video, so there is no such thing as piracy.

And if Tang Yin's father-in-law really wants to do it, Tang Yin will first invest fifty small targets and invest in shares. If it goes well afterwards, add it again. It couldn't be more than the current principal. With so much principal, it was too simple for Tang Yin to fight for money.

However, these views of Tang Yin did not help Tang Rou's father. After all, in his opinion, Tang Yin was a pure professional e-sports player, and he did not expect to know so much about this aspect. As for Lao Zhangren's compliment, Tang Yin had no consciousness of plagiarism.

As for the fifty small targets, Tang Yin asked Tang Rou's father to talk to Tang Rou, after all, Tang Rou's bank card is now in Tang Rou's place. Just write Tang Rou's name directly when you buy shares, just as he has delivered the betrothal in advance.

Regarding Tang Yin's indifferent attitude towards money, even Tang Rou's father was a little embarrassed. After all, Tang Yin spent money like a strong wind. And it was directly scratched on his bank card account, because on the ground, Tang Rou's father suspected that Tang Yin would be lazy to pick it up...

That night Tang Rou's father passed by in such a strange mood. The next day, from the arrival of Tang Rou's seven aunts and eight aunts in the morning, Tang Yin completely became the subject of interrogation. The situation was not too miserable.

In the beginning, there were relatives of Tang Rou. It seemed that Tang Yin was only playing e-sports, but they stopped talking after Tang Rou got rid of Tang Yin's assets. After all, they have more assets than them, so what qualifications do they have to talk about others. After all, it is the other party's freedom to engage in what occupation, and Tang Rou's parents are supporting Tang Yin, they really don't dare to make Tang Yin so difficult.

After all, the Tang clan group was greeted by Tang Rou's father alone, and they were all taken care of by Tang Rou's father. Since Tang Rou's father covered Tang You, they naturally couldn't say anything.

In addition, most of Tang Rou's relatives are reconciled, knowing that Tang Yin's life experience has taken care of Tang Yin. And the first to accept Tang Yin was the generation of Tang Rou, or a child younger than Tang Rou. They are all fans of glory at their age.

They all knew that Tang Yin defeated Zhou Zekai, and now they suddenly saw this great god, and they became their relatives. That feeling of worship will overflow.

Especially Tang Yin pulled Ye Xiu in front of them for a PK, and those gorgeous moves completely made them surrender. Of course, these are not over yet. Tang Yin knows the importance of applauding them. In order to increase his image in their hearts, Tang Yin also pulled out Ye Xiu's former identity of Ye Qiu. Of course Ye Xiu didn't show up, but he had Mucheng. Is there anything more authoritative than Mucheng in confirming Ye Xiu?

Who is Ye Qiu, a truly glorious idol. Before he retired, he was always the No. 1 All-Star. One can imagine Ye Xiu's fame. It was also with this contrast that Tang Yin's image in their minds was completely taller.

Of course, these relatives and children of Tang Rou are ordinary people, do they have any talent for gaming? In order not to affect them in learning Tang Yin, they did not play for long. After all, the main goal was achieved, and as far as Tang Yin was able to mingle with Tang Rou's relatives in the end, the result was perfect.

Tang Yin spent the past seven days very comfortably. He himself had given up thinking about the Spring Festival activities. But after Tang Rou's father remembered that there were activities for the Glory Spring Festival, he completed the visits of all his relatives and friends in the third year of the junior high, pulling Tang Yin to the glory. Of course Tang Yin would not refuse to accept this. The two men ran into the computer room under the helpless eyes of the two women at home.

This made Tang Ruan and her mother very frustrated. Isn't she less attractive than the game? However, adhering to the principle of joining if they were not enough, they also joined Tang Yin and the others.

Seven days after the Spring Festival passed, after the holiday, the license plate of Tang Yin's car was also issued, and Tang Yin returned to Xingxin with Tang Rou's things. Hmm, this time Tang Yin directly abducted Tang Rou to his home, without giving Chen Guo and a chance at all.

After all, he now got the consent of Tang Rou's parents. From this time on, Tang Yin and Tang Rou officially entered the cohabitation era. Of course, Tang Rouren and Tang Yin now sleep in separate rooms. There is no way, now everyone has a competition. He had to train every day, and Tang Rou and Tang Yin promised that he would not be able to control him.

But Tang Yin is not in a hurry, after all, don't professional players have a two-month holiday every month? Anyway, they are all living together now, and the night attack was not very convenient, and there is no need to be careful that it will be like the All-Star the year before. In the hotel, Tang Yin thinks that the night attack will cause Chen Guo and Ye Xiu to make trouble. So Tang Yin is not in a hurry...A ghost! ! !

God knows how painful it is to watch Tang Rou’s beauty bathing pictures every day, and what you can’t do because of training and competition?

After Tang Yin came back, Luo Ji and An Wenyi also returned. They just didn't know how their two students persuaded their parents to agree. Tang Yin and the others didn't ask too much. After all, this is also a family affair.

On February 1, the tenth day of the first lunar month, this was the first professional game after the Spring Festival. According to previous management, this game was all enemies or controversial teams colliding.

As the saying goes: It is the so-called new year and new atmosphere, so in this year's first Glory League professional battle, players saw the 75th-level self-made equipment for the first time!

It's a pity that it was temporary...There was no way, because Tang Yin's plan to grab the realm of the gods was obviously not enough for them to study the materials of the major guilds. In addition, no one has killed the wild boss, and there is still a hundred people. Many materials have not yet appeared, so after all, better research and matching cannot be carried out. During this time, the presidents of the major guilds were blocked by the design department. God knows how desperate they are.

However, the Desperate Ghost Desperate ~www.readwn.com~ team's strength still needs to be improved, so the first game of the major guilds uses materials from the non-god realm to upgrade their equipment. After all, not only the domain of the gods is updated in glory, but the general area is also updated. Although the materials in the general zone are like the realm of the gods, at least it can make equipment that is higher than the current seventy-five orange weapons and equipment. After getting good materials in the future and researching out better properties, just change the current equipment.


The family visit is over soon, and the sugar is almost released. After that is the journey of offline competitions!

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