Full-time Occupation

Chapter 839: Military training

"It only takes me 14 minutes to get to the game." Tian Sen gritted his teeth. Of course, he won't delay the game by grabbing the wild map boss. In his original plan, he would be able to win the boss at 7:40 at the latest. As a result, he played well here, and suddenly Tang Yin and his gang were killed.

"Brothers, don't be so persistent. As the saying goes, fate sometimes has to be fate, but there is no time to demand. I think you should go to the game now. What if you end up with this wild boss and delay the game? Now it is. The rush hour of traffic jams," Tang Yin said.

"We are playing at home today." Tian Sen said.

"Then what if the elevator suddenly fails? I remember that your Imperial Wind facilities are relatively old, right?" Ye Xiu also said trash.

Tian Sen: "..." He really couldn't answer these words. Although their imperial wind facilities are not old, their elevators are really not good, and there are some noises when they lift up and down.

Of course he also knows that the game is about to come, but the boss has only a few lost school skins left, which can be won with just a few cooperation, but this lost blood skin dragged him for three minutes, and the reason is natural. Ye Xiu and his party suddenly appeared.

Especially the battle mage, relying on his own pastor, kept working hard with him. No matter how much money he repelled. But the next moment her attack will still appear in front of him. After all, this is not an arena. There are several priests milking them on both sides, and it is really impossible to kill them.

Is it already seven forty-three? Although the response was tough, his heart began to panic. As he planned before, he originally planned to pass at 7:40, a 14-minute journey, and there is enough time for outsiders.

But now his plan was completely broken by Tang Rou.

At first, Tian Sen didn't take it too seriously. Tang Yin and the others took it seriously. After all, they had already beaten the boss to this level, and the other party couldn't take it away. The hatred is called a stable.

What he didn't expect was that the opponent didn't mean to grab the boss at all. Instead, the wild map boss was protected. What's the operation at this time? Are you an undercover agent sent by the boss?

But Tang Yin's purpose was very simple, and that was to train troops. During this period of time, all major teams sent professional players to grab the boss, and the biggest reason for them to be effective is that Tang Yin and the others did not focus on the grabbing of wild bosses, but took one of the guilds. Piles of priests and knights. Go find them PK.

No, it’s Tang Rouchang’s turn to play against each other this time. After all, they will have to play against a professional team captain like Excellent Era. Now there are not many opportunities to have such professional players. Anyway, in online games, Only if there are enough priests, they can't die, and the opposing professional players must be the main care objects of their priests.

This also turned the battle into a protracted battle. And Happy's team members were paired up. One was playing against the other and the other was recording from the third perspective. After all, this is not an arena, eh, it has that good recording function. After this person has played this game, he will be replaced by another person in the next game, and the video of everyone's game will be brought out to analyze and explain in a unified way at night.

And Happy and the others dared to do this not all because they had a lot of materials, so they didn't rush to grab them. Mainly because of Tang Yin, what wild map bosses need to throw coins on these maps on Monday, and wild map bosses on other maps are all used for fishing.

Attract professional players like Tian Sen to grab them, and then they will practice their hands.

Of course, in order to let these professional players accompany them to practice more, when hunting them and hunting wild bosses, Tang Yin came over to make trouble, after all, are you willing to leave without the bosses here? If you want to leave, then this boss will directly cheapen Tang Yin and the others, obviously other guilds will not do that.

So there was a situation in which Tian Sen wanted to leave like this, but was reluctant to leave.

When Tang Yin and Ye Xiu proposed this training method at that time, Zhang Jiale and Wei Chen couldn't help saying that they deserved to be their captain and deputy team, and they didn't do anything with people.

And the players of Huangfeng looked at their main force being targeted, they were all annoyed, but what could be done? After all, the difference in strength lies here.

Don't talk about Zhang Jiale, Wei Chen, and Wu Chen, the three real strength factions, and the current bun Tang Rou is not bad at all. Even if Luo Ji had been training for this period of time, he was no longer that Wu Xia Amon. Even Chen Guo has been trained by Tang Yin over the past few months. Although she does not train like them every day, she has the strength to enter their guild elite group.

Take Luo Ji as an example. Now he no longer needs to order everything from Tang Yin as before. Now Luo Ji himself has a good battlefield judgment, and this kind of battlefield analysis is critical to his career as a summoner. But it is very important.

This is also why Tang Yin and the others brought relatively few people, but Huang Feng had no way to take them at all.

Because of Tang Yin's special purpose, neither side can do anything about the other ~ www.readwn.com~ The scene is so stalemate. But the wild map boss can't just be released like this, especially now that the boss is still in red blood, the current boss is extremely dangerous. That is to say, this time they have Tian Sen in the emperor's division, otherwise they will have to explain it here because of the sudden outbreak before.

The only thing that Royal Wind players can do is to kill this wild map boss as soon as possible. As long as this wild map boss is killed, it will surely make the gang of Xingyaoyou take a blow. That's right, in their opinion, Tang Yin and the others came to grab the wild map boss, but they didn't know that Tang Yin's goal was their player.

At first Tian Sen didn't realize the despicable tactics of Tang Yin and their tactics, but now he suddenly found that this style of play was too restrained from him now. Because he is going to the game!

That's right, because of the imperial style match today, Tang Yin and the others wanted to grab a boss while training. After all, he likes to do things like killing people and condemning the heart.

"It's 7:44 now!" Tang Yin looked at the time and reminded him very kindly.

Hearing Tang Yin's words, Tian Sen's family was annoying, but it still made him unable to beat him. Before, even with his own pastor's blood, he was almost beaten to death. He knew Tang Yinqiang, but he didn't expect to be so strong. This is very annoying!

And Tang Yin said: "I just like to see you look like you hate me and can't kill me."


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