Full-time Occupation

Chapter 853: Blossoming Blood Scene

"You are endless, I really thought you could beat me... Damn!" Sun Xiang was annoyed when he saw Tang Rou rushing again, so he was ready to solve this annoying woman as soon as possible. But now because Tang Rou had had a big deal with Fang Rui before, her blood volume was limited. So Sun Xiang had a wave of thoughts.

As a result, Tang Rou’s body regained light in the next instant. Tang Rou didn’t wait for An Wenyi, and directly filled her state with the medicine. This made Sun Xiang who was about to explode and take Tang Rou away. blacken.

It doesn't matter if you have the pastor's assistance in singles, you still bring your own medicine, and the generation has brought so many, you can directly fill yourself up. Do you think you can't afford it?

Originally, Sun Xiang thought that after the battle just now, under the suppression of his own technology, Han Yanrou would have feelings of weakness, withdrawal, fear, etc. As a result, none of these were present. Instead, he regained himself with a wave of state and thoughts of radiant energy. He attacked. Is this person poisonous?

"The worm shakes the tree!" But even though Tang Rou used the medicine to restore blood, Sun Xiang still didn't feel that the other party was a threat. As soon as War Spear danced, he was ready to fight back, making this person aware of the cruelty of reality, and suddenly...


A huge **** sword mang fell from the sky, and a huge shock wave surged toward Sun Xiang.

Sun Xiang: "......"

"Damn! Who? It's not over yet, is it?" Sun Xiang was forced to move again to avoid the shock wave, which also disrupted his battle plan, which made Sun Xiang angry. Turning around, he saw a swordsman with the Hundred Flower Valley Trade Union walking through the middle thatched cottage. It was just the shock wave caused by one of his wild swordsman's big moves. It just hit him.

And now Yu Feng is working with Zhang Jiale, trying to evacuate from the siege of Zhongcaotang. This does not happen to hit here. The accident interrupted Sun Xiang's attacking rhythm one after another.

And Sun Xiang had already endured it once, and it was not his Sun Xiang's character to endure it. So Sun Xiang directly dropped Tang Rou who had attacked him, flicked the mouse, turned his head and aimed at Yu Feng and the others. It is directly a tyrant's starting hand.

Neither Zhang Jiale nor Yu Feng deliberately embarrassed Sun Xiang, so they didn't notice his sudden attack. As a result, Yu Feng failed to escape this tyrant break and was directly kicked up by Sun Xiang.

Xiao Shiqin, who was about to control the character to find Sun Xiang, saw this scene and couldn't help but stop. There was only one thought in my mind: "Why don't you ignore that guy and let him fend for himself..."

No way, Sun Xiang seems to be completely unaware that they are here to grab the boss. What he wants is a source of both sides, but this guy is actively looking for things like everyone in Happy. When the time comes, the rhythm of being set on fire will not be directly affected by the seconds. ? You know, there are a lot of professional players here!

And a tyrant is obviously not enough to alleviate the depression in Sun Xiang's heart, it may also be some of the operating habits of professional players. Sun Xiang's next attack has also arrived.

This made Tang Rou who was behind Sun Xiang stunned. Isn't this guy Happy's biggest enemy? Why are you still helping them? Even Zhang Jiale gave Sun Xiang a wave of praise.

As for Yu Feng, after all, it was his fault first, and he didn't want to make extravagance, after all, it was already quite troublesome now. But now Sun Xiang reluctantly attacked again. Then how could he tolerate him, parry Sun Xiang's attack with a knife, and then a blood shadow crazy knife to directly force Sun Xiang back again. Then, with the help of the skill, it was not over, and directly swept away the chasing middle cottage players, showing the demeanor of today's league's No. 1 Berserker.

And Zhang Jiale's Hua Zhushuiliu didn't miss this opportunity, anyway, whether it was Sun Xiang who came to them, or the players in the middle cottage that were still surrounding them, they all had to fight. So when Yu Feng took the lead and broke out, he also threw out his full-fledged style of play.

At this moment, the splendid explosion was like a hundred flowers in full bloom, and the shadow of the sword light and blood in it was like a **** of death moving back and forth among the flowers. Reaping the lives of passing players. Needless to say, those players, even top-notch loud speakers like Sun Xiang were repelled by them in an instant!

And everyone who was there again saw this scene in a daze!

Among them, Ye Xiu, Lin Jingyan, Wang Jiexi...the older generation of professional players have the deepest feelings. It's like seeing the old days.

The Flower and Blood Scene is the core play of Baihua, a special play formed by ammunition experts and berserkers.

It's a pity that this set of powerful styles of play became the last smash hit after Sun Zheping was injured and retired. Even if Hundred Flowers always wanted to find someone to fill the vacancy of the Berserker, and once again reappear the **** scene of the flowers, but they couldn't do it. Finally, on the day Zhang Jiale retired, it was completely reduced to everyone's memory.

But like Ye Xiu, the professional players who have played against the Baihua style are all impressed by this style of play.

After successfully requesting Yu Feng, the current No. 1 Berserker, Team Hundred Flowers directly let him take over the role of No. 1 Berserker, Luo Hua Chao. With Zou Yuan’s dazzling Hundred Flowers, he also wanted to reproduce the **** scenery of the year. ~www.readwn.com~ But helplessly, they did not play well at the beginning of the season. It is only recently that the team's situation has gradually improved. Now the cooperation between Yu Feng and Zou Yuan is still limited, not to mention the reappearance of blood and blood. Scene.

Now, in the realm of the glorious God, this grand scene has reappeared in the world again under the cooperation of the former Baihua Loudly Zhang Jiale and Baihua's new captain who had joined Happy!

The great gods like Ye Xiu and Tang Yin first noticed it, and then the players from Hundred Flower Valley.

You must know that these are all the elites of Baihua Valley, among which Baihua's many-year-old fans are naturally no longer a minority. Even if they were half a beat slower than Tang Yin, they immediately recognized this scene that made them very familiar with it. This is really the **** scene they have been looking forward to for many years!

But before they got excited, they saw the person who shot this scene. Remembering that Zhang Jiale had just admitted that he had joined Team Happy, his heart seemed to be blocked by something...

"Zhang Jiale, why don't you come back!!!" This voice suddenly came out from the group of players in Baihua Valley. The voice even had some heartbreaking...

After all, they still can't bear the company of Zhang Jiale. The captain who has led them for so many years complained about why he would rather choose a grassroots team than come back. If he is still in Baihua, and now there is Yu Feng, they believe that the prosperous scene will reappear in the professional arena! but......


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