Full-time Occupation

Chapter 862: identity

The latest website: The main thing is to get things done, and the next tea party will be easier. Chairman Feng Xianjun has disappeared because of the worry, and his mentality is also a lot easier. What is inevitable is to exempt the players. This exemption is no matter the first. Tyranny is still the tenth Thunder, and the chairman of the alliance treats them equally. After all, if he, as the chairman, shows his preference for which team, it is easy for someone to make a fuss.

Regardless of the managers of the big teams, they are a bit depressed. After all, this meeting has been held. Yu Wenzhou's understatement is solved. It is better to have a video conference at home, so that you can go all the way and have a special trip that affects the captain's training!

In fact, the official glory of professional players to grab the boss is still very supportive. After all, because of this matter, the online rate of players in the realm of God is unusually high, and the reason is very simple. They are all watching the big teams. The professional players grab the bosspk.

It is also the enthusiasm of the players that they did not pay too much attention to the frequent mistakes of the various teams this month. However, the alliance still did not dare to neglect. Feng Xianjun even worried that the players of the teams would become obsessed or not take the content of their meetings seriously after seeing the players' reactions. So in the end, every team was connected again.

The major clubs are not fools either. Everyone handles the enthusiasm of fans. As for Yu Wenzhou's suggestions, they are also implementing them.

This is not a new week. A seventy-five wild map boss has just been spawned here, which is just like Fangju. When Tang Yin and the others hit, they found a group of people from the professional team and directly separated a team of people specifically for them beat.

At the beginning, Tang Yin and the others hadn't figured out what was going on, but they knew right after they got over here. These people came here specifically to intercept them!

This made Tang Yinhe and Ye Xiu happy, and even ate a few more bowls of lunch. No way, now the offline game is getting closer. His strength needs to be improved. The current direct captain is the best, and it is very difficult for everyone to die if there is a guild with double development. And a wild map boss, even if there is a professional player to join, even if it is 70th level, it will take about an hour to play. And this time is enough.

And after knowing that the big teams had countermeasures against them, Tang Yin completely regarded them as sparring tools. Now Tang Yin and the others directly summon the boss with coins, and then go to the professional player group to ask them to come and kill the boss. And they just waited to pk with them.

When things have reached this point, these professional players don't know that Team Happy is there as a sparring team, so what can they do if they know? Can you still grab the wild boss? This also makes them all kinds of black lines, think about how they say they are also professional players, but now they are regarded as on-call sparring partners, this is probably not believed.

Thinking about it this way, they suddenly discovered that Team Happy was a bit scary. After all, so far, there is this team that can also ask them, like professional players, to be sparring partners? This Happy is simply a precedent!

But they can’t do anything about it. The wild map boss’s sovereignty rests on the opponent. After all, each of their guilds has two people, and the other party is fully deployed. If they don’t do this, what if the opponent once again monopolizes the wild map boss? Is there any antitrust law in Glory. At this moment, they also experienced the feeling that a small guild was monopolized by their wild boss.

And when they comforted themselves by saying that the other party was at least unable to kill the wild boss, on Monday of the second week, they frequently reported that the Happy Guild or their alliance forces killed the wild boss, which made them very desperate. , And the most important thing is that they also find out where the other party is. This is very annoying.

However, even though the pro players knew that they were being used as a training partner, they had no complaints. After all, their current wild map boss information came from Xingxin, so it was a win-win deal. So they don't have any disgusting emotions. how to say? The current situation should be regarded as everyone taking what they need, and everyone is happy!

It can be considered as the cooperation of professional players, and the training effect of Ren Xinxin is particularly good. Originally, I have come to talk about Ye Xiu's identity more times, but they have all been pushed by them.

(Erha checked the information today and found out that Tao Xuan didn’t know that Ye Xiu was using a fake identity. Here, Erha apologized. Now Tao Xuan knew about the bug in advance, and everyone regarded it as the butterfly effect brought by the protagonist. Or the result of the will of the universe (two ha). Sorry again!)

But I also think that because of this, the training camp originally had the next day, but now Happy can't bear the next day anymore, and every opportunity for wild bosses doesn't want to be missed. It's just a little hard work. Fortunately, the combination of professional players is different almost every time. The accumulation of skills, experience and other aspects is unprecedented. This also allowed the people of Happy to grow at an obvious speed.

"Hey, you two are enough! At the beginning, you said that we would talk about the identity of Lao Ye after the game, but now you release my pigeons every day. Are you embarrassed?" Tao Xuan faced Tang Yinhe Ye Xiu's forehead. Everyone said angrily.

After all, the offline game is about to begin. If Ye Xiu's misuse of his ID card is discovered, he may be judged to be a fake game. Moreover, this fake identity is still used by their Excellent Era, and the main damage is their Jia Era. World! As a result, the two guys got better, so they said at the beginning that they had to discuss some of the issues, and then there was no more... Tao Xuan was angry and hit someone directly on it.

"Um...I think it's not a big problem. Anyway, when the name is not enough, when can I change it? Just say that Lao Ye has changed his name. But first, let the high-level alliance breathe. Knowing the bottom line in time, then it will be enough to have a unified caliber." Tang Yin said, rubbing his head. Not to mention that Tao Xuan's punch really hurts.

"But Xiaoyin, do you know that the senior leaders of the alliance will cooperate with us, not Lao Ye who will investigate it thoroughly?" Chen Guo asked curiously.

"It's very simple. As far as the league is concerned, where is Ye Xiu's status, they will not accept the fact that three consecutive years of championship, best player, league's top god, etc., these status honors are actually fake. This will also be a major blow to the reputation of the alliance." Tang Yin said.

"So even if it is for themselves, they will cooperate." Tang Yin concluded at last.

"Yes, Xiaoyin~www.readwn.com~ It's a pity that your business thinking is not only the manager of the team." Tao Xuan said in surprise. He would react only after Tang Yin had finished speaking. Moreover, this matter can also be solved very easily.

"At that time, after all, Lao Ye's identity cannot be avoided. Since I am investing in the team building, of course I have to consider these things. After all, no one has a lot of money and the wind blows?" Tang Yin shrugged and said.

Everyone at Happy: "..."

Tao Xuan: "......"

At this time, there is only one question in everyone's mind, how did you say this with such a face?


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